Say I LOVE YOU through Your Actions
Message from Archangel Chamuel
Received By Julie Miller
September 30, 2013
It is well established that the purity of Love is always a process. True Love is not expressed by declaring your Love for every person you meet because true and divine Love requires actual action. In order for the Love that you feel and express it also needs to be continual with the understanding and comprehension that Love does take time to develop.
We see often a rush at finding Love and expressing Love, we witness persuaded Love and infatuated Love and many other forms of what many consider Love that are unfortunately misunderstood.
When Love is met at its purest level it is already understood by your heart and soul that all actions that come from Love are continual and do require reassurance that is expressed at just the right time. Your actions will speak of the purity of your Love more than what your words will say.
Love requires no declaration nor does it need to be announced - when Love that is pure and divine is reached you glow with its unifying energy that purifies and dissolves all other Egoic notions.
Love is shared through many ways and some of these ways go unnoticed and taken for granted. To say the words, I Love you doesn’t require you to do anything, other than to Love.
Allowing yourself to open to the infinite possibilities pure and divine Love has to offer will direct your path into remarkable experiences that will fill you with endless delights that will nurture your growth and development. Love from a parent could be a simple action of providing food and shelter each and every day and to ensure you have clothes and shoes.
Given this, we also understand it takes more than a roof and some food to make a home a home; it requires Love and tenderness, an equal sharing of give and take.
Another way of expressing Love is through touch, from hugs to warm kisses on the cheek or forehead that offer reassurance when words are not spoken. Words often get in the way when you actions always speak louder.
How is it you show your Love dear ones? When you walk past a loved member of your family or a dear friend, do you gently touch them?
Do you generate energy that demonstrates Love in all you do? How you show your Love is all individual and still speaks of God working directly through you each time you share the purity of your heart through your Love-filled actions.
You are busy, we see this clearly yet we ask through all you do each day how much of it has nourished and developed your growth? Have you been able to add fun into your journey that will ease your concerns and sorrows?
Adding recreation and joviality always works best when you are able to share this with someone you Love and care for. Even if you attend a mournful ceremony of a dearly departed soul, you are able to leave this event feeling lighter because you gained strength from the Love and trust from the one who is in bereavement.
Sharing of Love isn’t always done through joyous occasions, it is able to be felt and expressed by the purity of your actions during all situations. Remember dear ones anytime you express Love that is not exactly matched by your actions, your intent is not received as meaningful as it could be.
As we mentioned earlier Love is a continual action, it doesn’t not fade or go away when it is pure and of the heart. God Loves you in this context, His Love for each of you is always constant, He never wavers from bestowing His Love to your heart and His light to your mind.
Your journey dear ones provides you with a window that allows you to see tragedy, crisis, joy and happiness of others that have crossed your path and even those that haven’t but the media has made their stories known.
It is through the sharing of what you see and witness that you gain an appreciation for what true pure Love is and what Love means to you. Practicing Love each day through sharing helps increase the clarity of your actions and will be gratefully received by the dear souls that come into contact with.
The best way to practice Love is through genuine kindness towards others on a daily basis; always being courteous and considerate will always represent the purity of your heart and will be felt as real Love.
Love does not need to be flamboyant it could be as simple as a Loved one giving you a helping hand just because they want to not because you asked.
The simplest actions often demonstrate the sweetest expressions of pure Love between two people.
It’s this steady flow of consistency through your actions that will speak of your Love to the other person, regardless if this other person is your partner, child, friend or another person that means a lot to you.
Your own home regardless of its size is another place where you can show Love for yourself, for God and for global community that you are part of. When you walk throughout your local neighborhood will be able to see how much you are connected to that you Love that is pure and simple.
There are endless opportunities to demonstrate the purity of your heart in every action and we encourage each of to explore them one-by-one and become enthralled in the many discoveries you will reach of yourself and of the world around you.
Remember dear ones, pure and real Love will always take time. It doesn’t come with a snap of your fingers. It requires patience and effort. When you practice Love with God, your family, your country, your neighbour - it all takes time, lots of compassion and patience.
Anything that Love is involved in takes time to nourish and grow. Don’t rush the actions of Love, let Love move through you, enjoy what Love brings you and embrace the vulnerable feelings that may arise.
Love will always show you the Right way because it comes from the purity of your beautiful heart. Feed the ones you Love with your Love-filled actions and keep the Love you receive in return as nourishment for each stage of your endless journey.
God will always guide you if you should ever become unsure of what it is you should do that is of the highest of good. Through God’s loving directions you will be able to see the fruits of your labour and bask in the gifts that Love will provide you.
May you always find preservation and restoration in the eternal presence of God’s Love.
I AM Archangel Chamuel through Julie Miller