Scott Mandelker Ph.D.

Scott Mandelker blends mystic and academic approaches to spiritual teaching. With a B.A. InBuddhist Studies, M.A. Counseling and Ph.D. In East West Psychology, he haslectured widely on metaphysics, personal growth and the spirituality of UFO/ETcontact.


Born in 1962 in New York City, Dr. Scott Mandelker completed his doctorate in East West Psychology from the CaliforniaInstitute of Integral Studies (CIIS), San Francisco, in 1992. His Ph.D. Combinestraditional Western psychology with Eastern religions, and followed years oftraining in both US and Asian Buddhist temples.

Scott earned his B.A. In Buddhist Studies from Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado in 1987. He then moved to California,earned the M.A. In 1990, and began private practice in individual counseling. Hehas published essays on metaphysics and spiritual psychology, Eastern religions,and the spiritual dimensions of ET contact. He has also presented a variety oflectures and workshops in both America and Japan (see attachedresume).

His interest in those who claim to be ETs developed from a wide study of New Age material, in which their experiences arerarely documented. His book, FROM ELSEWHERE: BEING ET IN AMERICA (Birch LanePress) explores perhaps the most provocative group on the UFO scene today: thosewho consider themselves ET souls. It is a calm and reasonable voice in the mediaflurry over sightings and abductions. Scott Mandelker also edits and publishes abi-monthly newsletter The ET Journal.

The subculture of those who claim to be of non-earthly origins.


Wanderers and Planetary Initiation

As I discuss in my book, FROM ELSEWHERE: BEING ET IN AMERICA (Birch Lane Press, 1995), there's been a tremendous influx ofextraterrestrial (ET) souls incarnating on Earth in the last 50 years. Toidentify them, I use the terms "Walk-ins", "Wanderers", and "Star People", andtheir stories are common in the writings of Brad Steiger and Ruth Montgomery.However, no matter how strange it seems, this phenomenon is actually part of afar greater cosmic scheme. Actually, inter-dimensional transfer of ET souls isthe vanguard of a more spectacular and rare event -- Earths planetaryinitiation. It is for this reason, and to witness this birth, that ourextraterrestrial kin has now come to call. And it is to assist this process thatET Wanderers have chosen to incarnate on the face of the planet.

A prediction is made in some New Age circles that "after the harvest to 4th densities (around 2010 A.D.), the planet willglide into a new realm of compassion and social harmony. Many predict imminentacceptance into a benevolent Confederation of Planets, an integrated collectivedevoted to universal evolution. It's said that many more ETs will then liveamong us -- fully conscious of their origin and still holding their nativepowers. Working side by side with the human population, they will build, teach,and offer technologies for reconstruction. Other sources state that ourplanetary mother, the long-suffering Gaia, will soon be liberated from her roleas schoolroom for destructive, immature souls. Clearly, wonderful things areexpected. Despite the panic and pain of abductions and cover-ups, the basic toneof UFO/ET matters is really one of optimism.

So we have to consider the ultimate purpose of benevolent extraterrestrials and those who have chosen to incarnate directly. Inesoteric terms, what is really happening is the birth of a new planet. Yet howcan we agree looking at the blatant social ills around us, the cultural decay ofMandelker/ p.2 nations and the glaring evils of politics? From a worldlyperspective things look pretty bad, and to me, they are actually getting worse.However, I consider this merely decay of the old order, a surfacing ofmultitudinous sins of aberrant humanity, and ultimately, the final (futile)power-grab of a self-serving elite. Could it be that galactic energies nowstreaming to Earth actually amplify the potency of both polarities, amping upkindness and self-centered aggression? Could it be that within this chargedclimate humanities fever and deep-seated corruption now rises to the surface ina collective healing crisis? As darkness before dawn, perhaps Earths longsuffering night is ending.

In the midst of new birth, labor pains, and rampant confusion, there's certainly a need for stability. Intense cosmicheart-center energy is now streaming to Earth, and must be integrated into thechanging grid of the planet itself. But this process is greatly hindered byaccumulated ëfrictioní from centuries of human disharmony, both individual andcollective. The planet itself is weakened, and requires a resonant core ofawakened, love-infused beings to anchor cosmic energies now in play. Thisradiant group (both in bodies and otherwise) are the true world servers, andactually channel, circulate, and harmonize the absorbtion of such energies. Itsounds esoteric, and it is.

And so we come to the role of ET Wanderers: to receive, amplify, and transmit cosmic heart-energies to balance planetaryinitiation. It actually doesnít matter if these Starpeople teach, organize, gopublic, or even recognize their own ET identity -- their very presenceconstitutes a living, crystallized force that actively supports globaltransformation. As always, there are many levels of service, and it is up toindividuals to find their own natural way.

I write these words for two reasons: to provide a larger window on the meaning of the present age, and to supportreaders who are themselves ET souls. Wanderers really come to help the planet,and our success does not depend on the extent of public acceptance. Like anelementary school becoming a junior college, Earth will soon no longer hostdestructive young souls who donít know the meaning of love and sharing. Asliving souls evolve freely throughout an infinite cosmos, Mandelker/ p.3 thereare countless places to go. It is the task of those from elsewhere to provide aboost to the planet in its time of need, and offer support to those who chooseto open their hearts.

And nothing is carved in stone. For those committed to spiritual growth, our work is to clear the personal mists ofthinking and feeling, and open ourselves to universal love, wisdom, and unity.For those who seek to help, it is offered by giving what you can when service isrequested, in the true spirit of detachment, kindness, and intelligent goodwill.The extraterrestrial souls on Earth, as ordinary as can be, are now here tosupport humanities growth into a fully conscious race.

Blessings of Magic and Beauty.
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