Hi Dear Ones,,
I AM a Scruffy Lion,, but, Full of Love,,,, I AM the Kingdom of God,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Funny statement,, isn't it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Where is the Kingdom of God???????? do U know?
''The Kingdom of God, ( or Source Energy or Prime source , or Nirvana,,, or what ever other title U can come up with,,,,)
is ''With in U'',,,,,,
and U ask,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ''how did U get to be the Kingdom of God??????????''
and I say,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
just the same time U got to be it,,,, : )
U are as scruffy and as full of love as I AM,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I see U,,,
U are flipping Gucking ByoootafullNess,,, past My perception,,,,,,,,,,,, Mmmmmmmmmmmmm
Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmy U R,
Blue Lion,, : )