These are the things we learn at
in those less than 4 month i know you i have learned more than
years taken together,,i am grateful for all i have learned
there is a gift in all,,as i see it today.
but your teachings just soooo resonate with my heart even if my mind
goes for a walk at times
there is NOTHING out there that even comes close to what you offer.
it takes a very open mind and heart to understand and FEEL
and of course discipline,,some "work" and a strong desire to go" home"
to dream,but those dreams are real.
so more i walk along with you,so more i realize that i am in a different
world,,and this world becomes more and more solid.
i am not looking for an easy fix like most people,,,i know it does not exist
i see that this is what people want...i did the same,, yes your teachings are
very different,,no focus on heart and all that stuff
if people would give themselves the time and go within then they will realize
that it is all are saying nothing but Love
the wisdom you share is very different and often in opposite of what is being
taught and quantum,,it takes research and people are sometimes a bit lazy
no, i do not see that you need to change.
remember,people toke your teachings and made it their own?
it does not work,does it,,
other teachings are easily copied,,,that speaks for it self
if i would pass on what i learn from you,,,they will put me in the loony bin.
ETERNAL LIFE ALBUMS- One month of Testimonies from those using the Frequency Music
warm Greetings to you Crystalai!
wow,,,i feel speechless,,your last newsletter "preparing to shift,,just literally
took my was and is magic i ask for help and the universe answers
today i received a most beautiful visualisation-and working
with Crystals,,,creating a new reality,,,now i received your teachings and my heart
did a double take on past present future
for me it is a pearl,,i feel so blessed,,for a flash of a second ,,i got it,,something
cracked,,i will read this over and over,
as for the" Eternal Life Album". i received another gift,,your trust in me..
i am deeply honored,,you see me,,and it brings tears of gratitude to my eyes
i learn so much from you in such short time and all i feel is resonance.,,as if
Heaven itself is spinning me in a cocoon to help me coming HOME,,,that is
how i feel.
Crystalai,,my profoundest
Thanks and Gratitude to you.
Crystalai,,i am so happy and thankful to have found you
your teachings and letters nourish my soul,,,and from the bottom
of my heart;;i love you and i know what Love is.
thank you
when i listen to the music,,,at times i feel as if the frequencies spinning around
me,,or rushing past me,,or i am in a light ship and i feel and hear the "engine
of the ship under me,,,or i am very close to mother earth and can feel and hear
her heart beat right next to me,,,or i am floating in space and hear the universe
breathing and moving,,it is not at all quiet,,in fact very loud and powerful,,
i guess i have a vivid imagination
my desire to be close to God is and has been always been soooo strong.,,
when i listen to the music,,,at times i feel as if the frequencies spinning around
me,,or rushing past me,,or i am in a light ship and i feel and hear the "engine
of the ship under me,,,or i am very close to mother earth and can feel and hear
her heart beat right next to me,,,or i am floating in space and hear the universe
breathing and moving,,it is not at all quiet,,in fact very loud and powerful,,
i guess i have a vivid imagination
my desire to be close to God is and has been always been soooo strong.,,
i think i go step by step and listen first to the Eternal Life Album,,
i so much wish i was there,,at times i feel so much power and passion inside
of me and nothing is fast enough
Q:when i look around and take a few deep breath,,everything around me becomes
white as if i am in a cocoon or something,,and does it make sense that i can SEE
Stillness and feel Presents, that the Stillness IS Presents ? it does not matter if
there is wind or rain,,it is always there,,and when i relax i loose the boundaries
of my physical body and melt right into it,,and i am part of it.
i love my music and sometimes fall asleep with it,,and i am out
do i go somewhere?
A:Wow, it sounds like you have gone thirty steps beyond moving into the Dark Room of the Mind of God
creates the negative of your new reality and you have moved into the place where the picture has already
been developed.
70%-80% Success in Stock Market Trading during first three days of listening to ETERNAL LIFE ALBUM, Immediate Increase in Income the first day I listened.
Cancer healed while listening, Brain tumor dissolved, mental disorders balanced, entire private hospital healed after continuous listening, and even a Resurrection from the Dead.
Seeing visions of MultiDimensional Selves, Parallel Selves and Future Selves, Aligning with Fifth Dimensional Self.
Allowing children to sleep soundly, removing fear, immediate visions of the full spectrum of light, seeing another layer of reality in the room, turning water into healing ionized water, and much more. Please read testimonies below.
So far (last three days) I have been 70-80% successful in FOREX TRADING.
Dear Crystalai,
I think you are amazing and genuinely true, and I love you ((hugs)) and thank you for bringing this technology into this world,
This music would have a definite healing effect in medical institutions. It goes beyond religion and talks to a deep place in the heart.
Tsutomu Shino M.D.
I have listened to a lot of Frequency Music for many years, and yours is by far the BEST I have ever experienced.
The music creates harmony and healing between people in the room where it is playing. It goes into the heart and pulls out love. The music contains a universal ethnic culture.
Kayo Tanabe, Spiritual Healer
The impact of this music is truly a gift from GAIA and should be in the GAIA SYMPHONY.
S. Fujino
Dear Crystalai,
I have used your music in my private hospital. My patients have various mental disorders. When I play your music the behavior completely transforms. My patients become quiet and focused. I have recommended your music to their families.
Dr. S. Thomas
Dear Crystalai,
I want the world to know that your music is by far the best frequency music ever created. In my opinion, it is the only true Consciousness Music that has been created. When we listen, we can truly feel it deep within the etheric tissues of our spiritual being and we can feel the connection to the Eternity of the Mind of God. The Dolphin Therapy Albums are definitely the best of your best.
I have listened to thousands of other music that says it is for the same purpose as yours. They haven't come any where near the level you have taken this art form. Yours truly is the creation of the new Future of Holographic Music of the new reality.
I have used your music with my own therapy patients. The results have been wonderful. I am a person who likes to see patients healed immediately rather than returning for monthly visits.
Your music has made this happen.
Congratulations, and thank you so much for creating something truly substantial.
Dr. G Lewis
I had already been announced dead by the doctors in charge. They were making plans to drain my blood. My wife, Crystalai - you - told the doctors to leave the room or they would have law suits for the next twenty years. You placed earphones on my ears and turned on the Eternal Life Album that we had created together six months earlier. I came back to Earth, and began telling my story of where I had been and all of the entities I met on the way back. I kept talking in my sleep, like I was dreaming outloud for several weeks. Finally, when I woke up, there were three angels sitting on the bed next to me. They said to me, turn around and thank your wife for bringing you back. We tried and we couldn't do it. It was her, and her alone who brought you back.
I am aDolphino -
Crystalai's husband and Cosmic Twin.
Crystalai brought me back to life and healed me with her music.
The medical doctors announced me dead, yet now I am alive.
Dear Crystalai,
Thank you for the breath taking music. I have never experienced anything this beautiful before. It makes my mind float away and my body is about to follow. I had a broken hip before I found your website. I noticed how the pain disappeared when I listened to your samples. Now, I've been listening to my Individual Immortality CD for about a month, and my hip is completely repaired. The doctor couldn't believe the results in the x-rays.
Much Love and Gratitude,
Dear Crystalai,
I ordered your music because I had a brain tumor. I knew that I should not go to the hospital for an operation. Your music took my fear away. The brain tumor is healing without the operation.
Dear Crystalai ~
My husband has been recovering from Toxic Shock Multiple Organ Failure, Sepsis, Diabetes, Neuropathy, Depression, PTSD, Anxiety etc etc.. the last two years from a Group A strep infection. After 1 month of life support, dialysis and organ recovery he has struggle continually with depression, shaking and anxiety since the illness ensued. There have been almost weekly doctor visits, constant medication changes and on and on.
A few weeks ago I put my Bose player in his room and played your CD upon his waking in the morning, then told him to turn it on at night when he went to bed. The day after, he got up out of bed and seemed different, the next day when the doctor saw him, he kept looking at him stating, "you seem better to me, I don't quite know how to describe it."
After I finished listening to the CD I walked into the candle and when I closed my eyes I had an experience with the lights I have not had before, I saw many different colored lights in many different shapes pulsing vibrating,and spinning for a minute or two. It seemed like maybe it was a light code. The thought of Atlantis came to mind. Maybe I was a Priest of Atlantis or something in another lifetime, I don't know. Crystalai thank you for All that you do Love and Gratitude
when i listen to the music,,,at times i feel as if the frequencies spinning around
me,,or rushing past me,,or i am in a light ship and i feel and hear the "engine
of the ship under me,,,or i am very close to mother earth and can feel and hear
her heart beat right next to me,,,or i am floating in space and hear the universe
breathing and moving,,it is not at all quiet,,in fact very loud and powerful,,
i guess i have a vivid imagination
my desire to be close to God is and has been always been soooo strong.,,
i think i go step by step and listen first to the Eternal Life Album,,
i so much wish i was there,,at times i feel so much power and passion inside
of me and nothing is fast enough
Q:when i look around and take a few deep breath,,everything around me becomes
white as if i am in a cocoon or something,,and does it make sense that i can SEE
Stillness and feel Presents, that the Stillness IS Presents ? it does not matter if
there is wind or rain,,it is always there,,and when i relax i loose the boundaries
of my physical body and melt right into it,,and i am part of it.
i love my music and sometimes fall asleep with it,,and i am out
do i go somewhere?
A:Wow, it sounds like you have gone thirty steps beyond moving into the Dark Room of the Mind of God
creates the negative of your new reality and you have moved into the place where the picture has already
been developed.
You have completely merged into your Cocoon where you begin your transformation into a Butterfly-- meaning
your new fifth dimensional body.
What you have described is what happens only moments before a Christ transforms into Light.
This is called Orbing.
The guardians told us that we could, in fact, create our Orb bodies as early as 2015.
You are definitely going to be orbing into Ascension Earth in the next two years.
It sounds like you might not be waiting for 2017.
Just keep doing exactly whatever it is you are doing.
There is a lot been going on with my brain: at first when I decided to order Eternal Life album - after a couple of days I woke up in the middle of the night from strong & loud pop in my head, like a cap come off the bottle, tail bone is also active and eumbe area as well ... And lately lot's of light flashing in my brain and in my eyes - it makes me feel a little light headed like I am asleep and yet I am active - so I'm adjusting to the healing that is occurring and listening to Eternal Life is AWESOME! Everything seems to spin much faster for me, and I have to slow down a bit to read & pay attention in order to comprehend 3D ...
I'm so glad I found you Crystalai and your music & teachings are amazing and of great help at this time.
I just wanted to share that listening to the frequency music most definitely helped! Actually, I forgot to "listen" to it, but I told my heart to play something off of the Eternal Life Soundtrack, and then my son was completely calm. And I could hear him. Thank you, this worked great. And through our conversation I received an immense healing. I woke up almost an hour ago and I still am off balance. I feel as if the circuitry in my brain is rewiring itself--I had an image of a serpent eating its tail when I felt my brain rewire, like it is an oval shape circuitry rather than the tangled up mess of an image I used to get.
Also, last night, I saw an unfolded pyramid in my brain fold up into a pyramid, slide down into my heart and blossom into a heart. It was so beautiful. My son felt it too. Thanks again for the help. I will have to keep my heart in tune with these frequencies more often to ease communication between us. Those kids are here on a mission for sure. And they really need their energies grounded right now.
Much love,
Dear Crystalai ~
I got my Eternal Life Album late today. I listened to it right away and WOW........ I could really feel it going right into me. I LOVE IT!
Your truly a GODSEND, you know. Not just for me, but for many on your site if they will just trust in you to make them one.
Hopefully, I can get inside Mother Earth before long and then I will be able to post that on your site for you.
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