Soul healing only comes when the being is fully Present, no need to make it any more complicated than that. You can bring incredibly transformative healing upon yourself in any moment, this one included. Any place, any time, those factors are really quite trivial, the only thing real healing takes is Presence. An intense awareness of what's going on within yourself, that's how you rediscover your authentic self, which is all that true healing is.
With all the recent spiritual authors, this knowledge is practically mainstream, but knowledge and actually applying that knowledge are two entirely different things. Everyone has beautiful moments of Presence, but they're usually very brief and not quite what it takes for radical transformation. Why is Presence usually so brief? That's easy, it's because we get distracted.
Modern life has become one big distraction, and there's a near endless supply of little distractions. People even carry around little computers around with them now, "smart" phones, so they can watch videos and play games everywhere they go. Such amazing potential for learning and communication through things like television and the internet, yet the potential is largely wasted. Now there's nothing wrong with entertainment, but making it a higher priority that your own personal growth is a very foolish thing to do. The entertainment becomes a distraction, a coping mechanism for dealing with emotional pain. It's used to avoid dealing with the pain, and through reinforcing these patterns you build up the bars of your own prison.
Be very aware of why you do the things you do. If you're like most, your life is almost a mechanical thing. Same patterns over and over again, try throwing a monkey wrench in the gears. Why not? Look at the things you do, do you really enjoy them? Or do you just do them out of habit? What's the motivation, avoiding pain? Avoiding boredom?
Boredom is a sign of a being who isn't content with themselves. There's a saying, "Only boring people get bored", and I couldn't agree more. People believe their life is boring, but it's not your life that's boring, it's your own mind. Life is too incredible, too exciting, always changing, always different, it doesn't get boring. It's the mind that's boring, it calls a lack of distractions "boring", yet these moment are some of the greatest opportunities for Soul growth. It's an opportunity to look within, to learn to be content with simply Being.
Anything in your life can be a distraction, but every moment is also an opportunity for Presence as well. This is why it's said that what you do isn't nearly as important as Being. Even reading this message can be a distraction, I know there's plenty of people who read spiritual messages for entertainment. The most popular messages are rarely the most truthful, the most popular ones often read like a Hollywood movie, and do things like make predictions for the future. The future, perhaps that's the biggest distraction of all. If you really care about the future, let it go. Understand that the "future" is only the result of what you create in the Present.
You mind is one big distraction from your Soul. Your mind has usurped your own Soul. The mind desires power, and for the mind to create the illusion that it has power, it has to deny the Soul. It has to ignore the connection to God, if it didn't, the true nature of the mind would be revealed, and it would have to play second fiddle to the Being. The whole illusion that you've invested so much of your energy in, and that continues to drain your energy, would come crashing down. For the mind to stay dominate, it has to distract from the Soul.
It would be nice if there was some magic pill that created Presence, but it simply doesn't exist. Searching for that "magic pill" is just another of the mind's distractions. You yourself have to create the change, that's a part of the realization of Who You Really Are, and what it means to be Present. Love will help you through all of this, but Love doesn't do it for you, it takes your participation as well. Life doesn't happen to you, Life is expressed through you. This is a big part of what you're here to learn and experience, once you can see past all the distractions.
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