Greetings All!!
I'm not sure if I should be excited or expectant of this ability or "gift" as we all, aspiring Ascendees, will soon too have this ability. Some sooner than others. What i am referring to is my actually visibly seeing this illusion we call reality, falling right before my eyes!
When this first happened to me, I immeadiately posted it here about 2 months ago in hopes of someone explaining to me what I had just experienced as I thought perhaps I was just "seeing things." Yesterday, I was watching a video on Youtube on "How to see your aura." The gentleman shows how to begin the process and gradually work with it until you can begin to see it. Then on part 2 of his video, he explains how to see energy in the air and all around us. In both of these processes he explains the importance of being "relaxed" while attempting this. Relaxed is the key word here as golf is very, very relaxing to me. I'm not suggesting to go and play a round of golf to achieve this miracle but that is what I was doing when this reality of an illusion, began to fall apart right before my eyes! I will try to make this long story short so you can move on to some of the the more important blogs!!!
While warming up on the driving range, the evening sun was getting low on the horizon, making it hard to see exactly where the ball i hit was going so I just kept practicing on my swing. After hitting each ball, I would bend down to put another ball on my tee. Sometimes the ball falls off the tee and you have to make sure the tee is up straight to prevent that problem. Anyway, while I was bent over, out of the corner of my right eye I begin seeing small white lights sort of flashing then turned into small 1/2 inch colorful squares exactly like the little squares or pixels you see on the TV screen when the cable or sattelite is acting up, you know. When I stood up they would go away. I hit another ball, bend down to set up again and this time they were more vivid so I remained there to make sure that I was actually seeing what I was seeing. There they were and, yet this time, they begin moving around and begin to fall like small pieces of a broken mirror but each piece had a different part or view of the picture on it.
I remained there for a while just observing and playing with it and seeing what else would happen if I remained still. As i began looking around my immeadiate area it was still happening to everything I would place my focus on! What I saw after all the pieces had fallen was the most bright, clean sky and ground area. Everything looked so brand new! Much like those beautiful sunny days we used to see when we were kids, very carefree and inquisitive!.What else was so amazing to me is the post I read on this site about how our spirit guides are with us and help and direct us on our spiritual paths and that explained to me how I was prompted to go to that site and watch both parts of that video. Normally, I would not have watched the entireity of if for wanting to get back to this, our site, to read the latest blogs and posts!
Ok, there you have it. I don't know what i am supposed to do with what I am experiencing so I will just be patient to see what is next. I don'k I did that by will because at the moment my mind was on what i was doing at the moment...playing golf.
Hi Kelly!
I did see some sort of lights though. I haven't experienced it in about a month now.
Sounds awesome!! Lol who knew golf could be so enlightening. Loving it. Thanks for sharing.