Seeing through the illusion of separation


Most people have a bank account. Our bank account is a very real and powerful representation of our identity, our individuality. Just like our passport or driving license, social security number or birth certificate. These things define our legal status as a discreet individual separate from others.

Our thoughts, feelings and body are unique to us as individuals and are the means whereby we get a sense of self. That sense of self most see as separate from others, that needs to be protected and sustained by various means.

Self interest is what drives capitalism, and it's doctrine states that acting in the best possible way for one's self is beneficial for all parties involved. This idea of self interest that benefits all is in fact the propaganda and coy self deception of those who wish to gain massive profits by exploiting others.

This idea of thinking you are separate from others, leads to the idea that the interests and needs of others are separate from your own. They may be similar, but not exactly the same. However we all have limited resources available to us. Thus from out of this comes the notion of competition, that you need to compete with others for resources, status and profit, because those things are in limited supply and it is in your best interest to have as much of them as possible.

In spite of the inherent self-deception within Capitalism, it works to create thriving innovation and industry because of the incentive of profit and the potency of self interest. Whereas Communism (the idea of sharing effort and resources) fails to inspire and appeal to the self interest of the individual.

The result of this self centered approach to life, creates numerous divisions and a stratification of society, where groups which have similar interests come together to exploit other groups with different or lesser interests, in order to gain profit.

Wars are created when the self interests of one group(nation) of people clash with that of another group(nation). As each group see another as an alien and separate entity that threatens their self interest and survival, they have no qualms in inflicting harm or destruction, because it is in their self interest to do so.

At it's heart this notion of separation sees others as objects for which there is little or no identification with, depending on how their interests coincide. The crucial point is that for the one who feels he/she is separate, they see their own self interest as superior to an other's and will rarely if ever put other's needs ahead of their own.

This idea of each of us being separate from others, and a selfishness is not human nature, it is imposed on humanity from birth, by the influence of parents and it is drummed into children at school. Thus a vast deficiency is created in the human psyche, a retardation of the natural ability of human empathy and the ability to feel what others are feeling. This programming effectively kills any awareness of compassion in the vast majority of people.

The illusion of separation, is a failure of the human being to FEEL and empathise with others. It is also the failure to perceive and recognize the interconnectedness of life all over this planet. Additionally it is a lack of awareness of the mental and emotional connections that exist throughout the whole human species. This awareness is is shut down in the individual from birth.

And so instead of a feeling, interconnected, balanced humanity that lives in harmony with each other, sharing resources and cherishing each other. You have "discreet entities" walking around who treat others like they are robots. Who are exploited, and manipulated based on their own petty self interests. Who fail to respond when others suffer, because it is not in their self interest to help those who suffer. They cannot feel others suffering, so for all intents and purposes it does not exist to them. Thus you have people passing beggars, vagrants and drug addicts on the street without a glance, such are emotionally invisible to them.

This boils down to the fact that there are deliberate mental constructs placed within the minds of humanity through "education" that define individuality, exaggerate selfishness and encourage greed. That close down the feeling centers, except to members of their own small circle who serve their own self interests and act as extensions of their egos. Within these groups those with the strongest egos dominate and as such a hierarchy is created.

Feeling is an aspect of the water element, of which the human race is woefully deficient. To truly feel is to flow through another so that you are one with them in mind and emotion. They are open to you and you are open to them, freely without condition or expectation. You are one, all they are, is all you are. All you are is all they are. This kind of thing scares the hell out of the powers that dominate the human race, since it is the utter destruction of the human ego. No secrets, no schemes, no secret bank accounts, no profiting over another. Only a Love that flows without limitation throughout each and every person in Oneness. These are the deep oceans that few dare to sail, but they lead to the highest happiness and bliss for the human race. They reveal that truly none are separate, we are all One. This is the truth that the ego desperately seeks to escape and as such creates the illusion of separation.

Yet the human race does not have to enter these awesome depths, we just have to develop empathy about 20% above the brain dead level, so that we do not take the crazy risks that lead to annihilation. But so we can feel for each other and care and love friend and stranger alike as one with each other and the planet.

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  • Also very well said... a good topic to be remarked upon... especially the interconnectedness of all things :) no separation. Love Compassion Empathy Oneness - Keep the nice energies up Flash ! Cheers!!
  • Hi Shelly,


    Glad you like it, sure you can quote this no problem. Yes educational system creates robots with no feeling. Indigeonous people have a lot to teach us, sadly we are not listening to them and I fear they have given up on us.


    love flash

  • Hi Unlabeled. The competitiveness that is encouraged, testing as you have said as well as a curriculum which stresses that progress and your value depends on your grade average. Co-operation although it is taught, in terms of grading or tests is almost none existent. Homework is marked by individual attainment as opposed to co-operative endevour. Sharing, compassion, empathy and love have nothing or very little to do with the agenda which focuses exclusively on accumulation of head knowledge in order to compete and succeed at life.


    In essense schooling is an exclusively mental process where those who are able to absorb and regurgitate the curriculum are rewarded by grades that further their progress over others. There is no focused emotional or psychological development, these things happen to some degree, inspite of, not because of the educational process. Helping your fellow student is not encouraged. There is no preparation to deal with the stresses of life, the focus is academic achievement which it is implied makes you either inferior or superior to others and subservient behaviour to authority. Challenges to the system by students are not tolerated, it is assumed that the system knows best and that children have nothing to contribute to making it better.


    Add to this the reflection of the dysfunctions within society through peer pressure, elitism, materialism and intollerance among children. These traits they have inherited from their parents, and see in the media of which social interaction is not addressed by the educational process. Thus you have the recipe for the pepetuation of inequality and social injustice.


  • Do you some specific examples of how education encourages 'selfishness'?

    One I might think of is testing.  No helping each other, it's you and that sheet of paper, number one to twenty-five, a test of your skill and that's all the world is about.

    Also, BE QUIET!  Talking is not good, and especially not conducive to learning.  Follow the leader.

    Who knows?

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