This is exactly what Jesus talked about when he said: “I can of my own self do nothing.” When you realize you are the Conscious You, not the outer personality and ego, you see the reality that you can do noting of the outer self. The outer self can do nothing of value. You, as the Conscious You, really can do nothing for there is nothing that can be done in the material world that is worthwhile, that is transcendental, if it is not done through the power of the Spirit and the flow of the Light of the Spirit. All of us who were in embodiment have for many lifetimes identified with the ego and the outer personality. You can then go out and do things in the world, but you are doing them through force. When you come to the recognition that the Conscious You is Pure Awareness you realize: “I can do nothing worthwhile without the Spirit. And when it comes to the Spirit, I am not the originator, I am not the Creator, I am not the director, I am not the one in charge. My I AM Presence doeth the work!
The work of the Conscious You is to direct the light, but this happens within the framework set by the Presence. You do have choices at the level of the Conscious You. You still have free will but there are those who only think they have free will by rebelling against God’s Will through the ego. This is the ultimate perversion through the ego that says humankind can only attain free will through the fall. Nay my beloved, when you fell into duality you lost your free will. You think you can do anything through force and you can do anything you want through force, but what is done through force can never escape the action-reaction of karma, the karmic return. That karmic return will take away your freedom of choice, your ability to choose. You may think you have made a free choice in the past through force but it will come back and limit you in the future.
It is far better to Seek To Be The Open Door. When you are in the right polarity with the I AM Presence – when you have truly free will – that is when you can begin to grasp the higher vision that I Saint Germain hold for the golden age. Then you can see how you can play your personal, individual part in bringing it into manifestation. Do you see that you are not deciding with the outer personality what should be a particular manifestation of the golden age? You are tuning in to my vision, receiving it through the I AM Presence. Then you are deciding the specifics down here according to your choices, your personality, your background and your experience. Whatever you choose is within the overall vision and therefore whatever you do is not done through force. Whatever you do you will not engender this limiting karmic return and it will not hinder the manifestation of the golden age.