Seeking your prayers and healing to save Baby Leeann

Hello my Dear Family,

I have just started healing "work" with a six month old baby named Leeann who was put in palliative care over a month ago. I am wondering if she is a Crystal child since all of the people who have been sent to me for healing have been Earth Angels. Her birth date is April 9, 2010 at 2:34pm. If someone could do her astrology that would be a blessing too. Please think of her today and in the future and send her love, healing and prayers.

Here is the blog her loving Mother has been keeping.

Bless You All!

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  • About Leeann's healing....

    I have more amazing news about baby Leeann!

    In November I told Leeann's mommy that I was working on getting her home for Christmas..quite a goal considering that she was on life support! lol But, I like to do things "big"! hehe Using what I learned from my Shaman teacher, I began intense past life/karma healings. She had drowned a man in a past life and this karma had to be healed, so the "work" December she was doing so well that it looked like my dream of having her go home for Christmas would become a reality. But there would be a hicup in my plan :( On December 20th doctors learned that Leeann's feeding tube was placed in her intestines instead of in her stomach, a potentially deadly diagnoses without correction. We were all disappointed she would need to have an emergency surgery. On the 21st, the solstice eclipse, I decided to do an intense healing treatment. I worked throughout the early morning hours, visualizing the feeding tube moving to the precise place in her stomach and praying for this to happen. I felt wonderfully powerful energy and felt so warm with the presence of the Divine that night. Late afternoon on the 23rd, I got an email message from Leeann's mommy. A team of surgeons came to her to tell her of a "miracle". They had just completed another x-ray of her tummy to be used in the surgery which showed that the tube had moved to the exact place they needed. The doctors are baffled as this tube can not move up into the stomach on its own. They believe it is a miracle! :) It made for the greatest Christmas gift we could have imagined...Leeann and her family spent Christmas at home and she does not need to return to the hospital. She is doing wonderfully and continues to do better each day. How blessed I am to be used as a tool for the Divine!

    I send you all love and warm wishes <3

  • More News About Leeann..

    Leeann continues to do wonderfully. She is gaining weight for the first time since July( in the week in a half since I did her treatment she has grown like a weed..she was only 11lbs), can now not only hold her head up but now can sit up, her oxygen levels are perfect as is her heart rate And..she is off all medications and oxygen for the first time since birth!! We are all elated! Thank you for your prayer, support and love. I am forever grateful :) Namaste
  • UPDATE!!!! Baby Leeann is doing amazingly well!

    I am so pleased to share with you all some wonderful news about Baby Leeann :) Using the knowledge I have learned from my Shaman teacher I was able to do a wonderful healing for Leeann on Monday. She has never been better.

    On Monday they were thinking she would have to be put back on the respirator/ intabated but within 30 min of the beginning of the treatment all of her monitors read as perfect...the heart rate which was racing, low oxygen, pulse, etc. She is no longer on oxygen and has now began to yawn and cough which she was unable to do previously.

    Thank you again for all of the prayers, healing and support. I love each and every one of you.

  • My deepest gratitude to you All. I love you!
  • UPDATE: Baby Leeann is now in critical condition and on a ventilator. I am wondering if this is a past life issue? I would be do grateful for your help! I am getting worn out and am under psychic attach and so wish I had more to give right now. She is a beautiful crystal child. Please send her and her family prayers and healing. There are pictures on the blog her mommy keeps. The link to that is found in my post. Much love to you all! Sahara
  • Sending my love & prayers to Baby Leeann. May God bless you!
  • I send you love and positive energy too Katt :) Much love and thanks! Sahara
  • How wonderful!! You are such a loving being Eagle :)
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