[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
Beloved Humans on Earth … this is I, the heavenly father speaking to you !
I’d like to connect to my message of last week in which I asked you to collaborate more actively. Many followed my call up in the meantime and pondered upon it. All these thoughts, ideas and proposals have reached our end meanwhile.
Incredible matters have been brought forward to us - unbelievable are your ideas, suggestions and talks you have had with us. All these have moved our hearts and their influence on our possibilities for our mutual times to come are just great !
And now we’d like to go forward even one more step. All your thoughts and ideas are very good and are fertile ones - pushing us forward being some substantial “door-opener” for many a matter and probable events.
Nevertheless we like to give you more promptings since this channel-medium made such offers to us. And we are only able to follow him because it was his idea cin the first place.
It is not ours but the idea of some human being here on earth and that’s what we shall do - make use of his idea as fast as possible.
Now you see the kind of potential which we may dispose of. It is such an incredible powerful potential comprising you, beloved children.
Regarding those suggestions and proposals which we’d like to place at your disposal.
All following items listed are important and essential and you may submit your input so to enable us to take up the scepter directly and immediately in order to achieve a desired turnover. And now we go ahead with our list:
Think of matters which are essential and important to you - matters which should be at your disposal after you have ascended
Think about matters which make you feel uncomfortably in this very time of Now and where we might be able to procure some immediate betterment and direct relief
Think about matters proving most useful to you so that you may lead some happy and content life
Think about matters which now you regard as burdens of your life and which you want to get rid of
Demonstrate and show us where we are to help you
Show us how we may assist you
Show us wherein we are to strengthen and support you so to enabling you to master all difficulties of daily life
Show us what is the meaning of changing the world
Demonstrate to us what is meant by standing on the front line and to fight for some target which is important to you
Show us how you may become happy humans
Demonstrate that you are content with all that you have and thus we shall know that we are on the right route
Show us that you want us to support you at any time and all the way and express your wish distinctly so that we may do so according to your request
I believe this will suffice for the time being. It is not a question of quantity but of manifoldness. It is the essential matter of you creating the right kind of ideas and thoughts and moreover inviting us to support you thereby.
Do you get an idea of all possible matters - do you understand what I am hinting at - what the Creator of All-that-there-is could do for you if it is you from where these thoughts are brought forward? You do know now about the Law impeding our co-assistance and collaboration.
Only by your request for some particular assistance and support this peculiar Law will be made inapplicable for that special field concerned.
Only by your invitation we may live by such Law comfortably and to bypass it. No, we do not circumvent such Law but we make ample use of its leeways which are available to us.
I now should like you to sit down again as done before and start reflecting which parts of the above mentioned list might be relevant to you. Everyone of you should reflect in this way: “Which of the above explanations I really have to take to my heart and discuss it right away with the Creator, my heavenly father?”
You will see - very soon - and I that’s what I mean - very, very soon - reality which surrounds you will undergo changes. This is made possible solely by you. It is by your particular invitation that we are given the possibility to adjust and alter reality. Solely since it is your special wish. And since you perceive all these chances being at your service now.
I firmly believe that you will overwhelm us again with all your suggestions and ideas. It also is my strong belief that we may be able to create our new reality. Everything will change created by your very ideas and spiritual/intelligent input for this according to my Will and Wish and My Will shall be done!
Your heavenly Father
Copyright © Gamma Marc. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://soul4free.wordpress.com