

(Sekhmet danced to Joy to the World*, which played before she began speaking.)

“Love to the World – that’s what’s inside the gifts, and thank you! You’ve heard of giving someone who is about to be taking a trip somewhere, what you call a ‘bonvoyagie’ present. Well that’s what we’re going to be creating here. And I wanted to come in on a high vibe note, because we’re going to get real serious. This is serious business that we’re doing, but we also want to emphasize and illustrate that it’s time to celebrate. Even as you see, or hear, some very serious news, celebrate: ‘Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!’

“Oops, if there’s something that is a little dark in that one, or a lot dark, I shall say, ‘Thank you for showing the difference between what is dark and what is Light, and I shall send you Love, Compassion and Forgiveness, along with my Gratitude! And here’s a little present for you, because you can open it up, and let the Light that’s inside of it come into your being, or you can leave it wrapped up if you wish, in which case you might want to take it with you, because you’re leaving!’

“All right! We set the stage. Everybody’s got the scenario, as it were. We’re talking dramas, we’re talking stages, we’re talking about the Greatest Show on Earth! Oh, that’s not an original, but it will do. The greatest drama ever on Planet Earth is happening right now. And so it is that we have our turn to make a contribution to it. And we don’t even have to get up on the stage, and be in the center of it. We can do it from the comfort of my Crystal Room, because we all want to get together for that!

“So we’re going to head on up there now. And we know that some of you have not journeyed there, at least not in this live event, this now moment. So we shall begin at the beginning. It is best if you stand, but you can remain seated, if that is more comfortable. Now, that means stay in your seats, but just picture yourself standing up, if you wish. So everybody just take some deep breaths, because you need to relax, and you need to be sure that you’re ready to breathe in all kinds of Love Light!

“Take some deep breaths. Let your Hearts expand. Now it helps if you close your eyes, because it is for you to see that we are all together in the same place, wherever you are on Planet Earth. Now we form a circle. This is our Love circle. It is unbroken. Now I’m standing in the circle with you, but I have a way of offering my paw to each and every one of you, so that you are holding my paw with one hand, and the hand of one of your Beloved Family Members, I should say our Beloved Family Members, but you know, your Human Family Members, with your other hand. And thus it is that we have this circle. We’re ready to travel!

“Take some more deep breaths, and allow yourself to just lift up. Now as you do so, notice that you still have a cord, a string, a beam of Light, which attaches you to Planet Earth. We’re not taking off forever. This is a journey, and so we shall all be returning to Planet Earth when we have completed our Exercise. But, for now, let us just float up together. We are in a place in space. There is no time here. So in an instant of Earth time, we are out among the stars, and it is beautiful, and we can look down and see Planet Earth below us.

“And if you will look directly above your heads, you will see my ship. It is huge, and it glows, and it’s Crystal – lots of Crystals here, and shiny materials that are not known yet on Planet Earth. Well, they may be known in some secret places, but it’s just shiny and beautiful. And you may see colors, different colors, flashing and beaming.

“And so now notice if you will, that we are underneath my ship, and there is a circular door opening. It’s opening like the eye of a camera. And as it opens, it expands, and expands, and expands, so that we can all float comfortably up through it, without diminishing the size of our circle at all! My ship is quite what you call magical, you know – it can expand, and contract for every occasion! So here we are now up through the doorway, or the portal, if you wish, to my ship. And notice that now the door closes beneath us, because we are a little way above it. And now just allow yourself to gently float down so that your feet are now on the surface of the landing deck of my ship.

“Aah! Breathe in the Crystalline energy, breathe in the bright Lights, and now direct your attention to the Crystal Elevator. Yes, it’s time for us to go up to my Crystal Room, which is at the very tippy top of my ship. And so let us just move gently into the Crystal Elevator. We can float in together if you wish. Again it expands so that we are all perfectly comfortable. We are still holding hands and paws, and here we are, and you may be hearing music by now, Heavenly music you can call it, welcoming you!

“And it can be a different tune for each and every one of you that you hear, because we personalize things to welcome Beloved Visitors, you, Beloved Family, to my ship. And you may be smelling some wondrous scents, and seeing even more beautiful colors – some you’ve never even seen before! Remember, in coming onto my ship, we have entered an even higher level of Dimensionality.

“And so, all of these things are possible, because you’re here. And let the elevator door close, now that we’re all in, and let’s just enjoy the ride. Again there is no time here. So here we are. We have reached the top most room of my ship, and the doors open, and here is the Crystal Room, absolutely bedazzling in its brilliance! And it is now for us to just gently move into the room, keeping in our circle. And as the last of us move into the room, the door to the elevator closes, and now we are enclosed in the room.

“And it is not only beautiful, but the energies here are so high, so full of Love, it is indeed an almost euphoric experience, but stay conscious, if you’d like to. There’s more to come. Now feel, and see the Beloved Light Beings, who come into the middle of our circle. The Ascended Masters, the Angels, and yes, the representatives of the Elemental Kingdoms, and the Kingdoms of the Plants, and the Animals, and the Crystals, of Planet Earth ascended. They are here now, filling up the middle of our circle, and I, Sekhmet, shall take my place in the middle, but you can still hold my paws – marvelous, marvelous, these Higher Dimensional abilities and empowerments!!!

“And now if you feel a light touch upon your shoulders, or perhaps upon the back of your neck, know that your personal Guides have checked in. They’ve been with us the whole time. But, now they’re assuring you, ‘Yes, we are here with you, and we are even more recognizable.’ And among them is, of course, that aspect of you which is Higher Dimensional and always in guidance to you, Beloved Ones, at least, when you’ve got your listening ears tuned into your Hearts. And so let us just breathe in the energies of this wondrous connection with all of this Love, and as you do so, notice that you are putting out the Beams of Love to this circle!

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you – for being here, all of your Brothers and Sisters in the Human uniforms who are making this journey with you. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you – to all of your Beloved Guides for being with you always, and for making their presence so beautifully felt to you in this gathering of our circle of Love. And Thank you! Thank you! Thank you – to all of the Light Beings who are here. And you will see Ashtar, and others from the Ashtar Command – ones you may even recognize as fellows in service!

“And you may see Angels – those among the Angels – who have gone on before you. You may even recognize one or more in that group, if they are not standing behind you already in your Guidance Group. Indeed you can see how wondrous it is that my ship has infinite expansion capabilities! There is so much Light; there is so much Love in this room. And even as you thank all who are here to be a part of this gathering of this Communion of Oneness, with you, with all of us as One, feel the thanks from all coming to you!!!

“And so it becomes endless, spiraling waves of thanks and Gratitude. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for coming. Thank you for being with us. Thank you, Beloved Ones in the Human uniforms, for all you have ever done in service to Planet Earth and elsewhere, and that includes now, as you measure now, past, present, and future, for we are creating an entire beaming Light of Gratitude, which is infinite and endless!!!

“We are amplifying the Lights You Are, the Lights We Are into the exponential Light of Oneness, and the message is Gratitude. This Light is Love, High Dimensional, high vibrational, unconditional, compassionate, and forgiving Love. So as it comes to you, Beloved Ones, let it shower you, let it sparkle, and shine, and shower you throughout the totality of your beings, because you so deserve it!!!

“And as it comes into you, and as you feel it amplify within your own being, when it has reached that particular vibration, notice the very floor of the ship opens up in the middle, and we are all, every one of us, all of you who came in your Human uniforms, all who came from the Lighted Realms, all of your Guides and Angels, we are now all surrounding this opening in the floor, and I, Sekhmet, am literally positioned slightly above it.

“I am holding myself up with the Light of Love. And now I’m directing all of these wondrous waves, these spirals. You may see them as infinity signs all lit up, powerful, powerful, radiant, spirals of Love. And now I’m directing them as Light Beams to Planet Earth! Send them forward to the opening in our circle, all of it. Notice that you instantly refill! You cannot empty yourselves. It’s automatic, as you would say. You cannot empty yourselves, not one bit – so much of this Love Light, so much of this thanks, this Gratitude is streaming into you Beloved Ones!!!

“Even though you are overflowing with it, you are continually refilling. And so it is that we are one big Light of Love sending Gratitude to everyone, every sentient being on Planet Earth! We thank the Crystals for the messages which they have relayed, for the wisdoms which they have stored, and for the promises which are being kept that you, Beloved Ones, made long ago when you first came to Planet Earth in that place called Lemuria, when you promised that one day you would successfully ascend up and out of the 3D that you were allowing yourself to drop into.

“And the Crystals, the Minerals, the very dirt of Mother Earth, and the waters, and the air, have kept this promise alive, and they have shared it with the Plants, growing in the soils and the waters and the air, and they have shared it with the Animals of the land, and the sea, and the air. And it is those Ancient Ones who have sent the messages forward – paid them forward – the wisdom, the connections with all of Mother Gaia, the honoring, the respect, and yes the Gratitude to Her, and to all of Her Kingdoms, for the lives that have been lived here.

“And you, Beloved Ones, have participated in being keepers and messengers of this wisdom, paying it forward, paying it forward, paying it forward until it literally lit up in what you call this now time upon Planet Earth, this time of Ascension, this time of Homecoming, this time of the promise kept – such Gratitude to all members of all Kingdoms on Planet Earth, such Gratitude to all of those in Human uniforms, no matter what action, or expressions, they have presented, because it has all led to this moment of Ascension preparation!!!

“And it is to be grateful without judgment, to be grateful equally to all who have participated, and thus it is that the message of this Gratitude is beaming now. Now see, if you will, a kind of a Grid of Gratitude covering all of Planet Earth. Pick a spot, any spot on the Grid, and Light it up even more. And we are joined with you in this, and see the Grid lighting up! This is the Grid of Gratitude. This is the empowerment, for those who would do so, to receive this gift wrapped in the Light of Love.

“Now see how many are opening it! See that there are some who are hesitant, and then they open it, and allow this Gratitude to come and fill their beings. And see them smile and reach out to hold hands upon this Grid of Gratitude. And yes, there are those who are not opening their gifts quite yet, but tell them to hang onto them, to put them into their Hearts, opened or not, because it is our loving message to them, that they may keep these gifts, and open them when they are ready to wake up and do so.

“And so it is that we have delivered these fabulous, enlightened gifts of Gratitude all along the Grid. You see that it is lit up, and you see the happy, smiling faces of those who have opened their gifts already. See their Hearts shining, and see them radiating the Beams out through their communities, through their countries, and indeed to the Universe beyond! And as the Beams go everywhere out into the Universe, join yours with them, and feel the Oneness that this Gratitude gift has created for all upon Planet Earth, to be joined with us and representatives of all of the Kingdoms of the Higher Dimensions. As the Kingdoms of 3D are united, we all can lift up together in this great, grand, loving Oneness!!!

“And see how the Lights of Gratitude even are able to dissolve the veils between the Dimensions, so powerful is this gift, heartfelt, unconditional, loving, compassionate, forgiving, Gratitude to all, and to all in the Universe! We thank Mother/Father God who has created us as such wonderful beings! We thank all who have played any kind of a role, anywhere on the timelines of Planet Earth, for they truly have contributed to the Ascension which is taking place, no matter what they did, or where they were. It’s all coming together now in one great gift of Gratitude, heartfelt, given from our Hearts to the Hearts of all, and returned back as a great thank you to the One We All Are!

“Breathe it in. Keep this Gratitude gift in your Hearts, Beloved Ones, and let it shine forth constantly. As you do you will elevate yourselves even more. You will find that your paths to Ascension are even easier, and most beautifully you will find that many will join you, as they receive your Gratitude. Allow yourselves to receive theirs, for you truly deserve it! Now let the Roses come into your Hearts, the Roses of Kumara, and now let the energies, the Love of Sananda fill you, fill us all. I, Sekhmet shall stand with you as we welcome the energies of Beloved Sananda.** And so it is! Namaste!”
* Joy to the World, Three Dog Night.
**The Blessing, Lei’ohu Ryder.
Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh
Given through Susan Leland, 10-23-12.
www.Ashtarontheroad.com © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
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