Selacia ~ Accelerate Your Ascension in May 2016 ~ Connecting with Wesak Season Blessings

May 1, 2016

The month of May can be a very potent time with Wesak season blessings in the air and more energetic support for connecting with spirit and your inner wisdom. Yes, we are in review mode because of both Mars and Mercury being retrograde. That review however can be just the catalyst needed to break free of longstanding limitations! In this article, I’ll outline a few ways you can use the May energies to accelerate your ascension, propelling your enlightenment to a whole new level.

Wesak Season Blessings

As a reminder, Wesak is an annual celebration of enlightenment. It’s your opportunity each year to connect with an expanded level of spiritual assistance made available when Masters like the Buddha, Jesus, and Kuan Yin interact with humanity in a more tangible way. The Masters who came before provided a template for enlightenment, reminding us that we have the same potential they did.

You carry seeds of this potential within your DNA, meaning it’s naturally within you. As part of the ascension process, more of this potential is cultivated and ripens. During the window of the annual Wesak season this can be accelerated as there are fewer veils between humanity and the spiritual dimensions. This helps facilitate an interchange of energies, blessings, and spiritual insights from the Masters.

For the most tangible experiences, be mindful of these energies and invite a personal connection. Specific examples include attending an actual Wesak meditation to connect with the Masters. Dream work can be very beneficial too. Even if you seldom remember your dreams, set intentions ahead of sleep to connect with helpful insights and energy clearings. Remember: blessings can come in many forms and when you least suspect. Be open-hearted and available.

Slow Going – In Your Imagination or What?

Time warps may be common this month due to the retrograde cycle. Don’t be surprised if you mix up dates or forget some other detail involving timing. Your sense of time may simply be off, or you may become uncharacteristically spacey. Most likely your brain and memory are just fine, but the energies can throw you off. Allow for this and do your best to get and stay grounded.

Retrogrades can have you feeling like nothing is happening. Don’t allow your mind to go there. Plenty of progress can occur during a retrograde. Stay active and do your inner work and life retooling to set new more workable foundations. A life rework may not look like much while it’s under way, but it can be power-packed and juicy for your next steps. While your reworking is taking place, ask deeper questions and allow for regeneration. You want to have plenty of energy for what’s coming next! Meanwhile know you aren’t actually standing still, even if your mind perceives little movement.

Moon Watch

Watch for May 6 New Moon and May 21 Full Moon – two times of potential amplified blessings and a jump start for your life. The Full Moon lands on our Wesak Celebration with the Masters too, making it an extra special day and weekend.

3 Questions to Ask Now

Accelerate your ascension process by regularly asking yourself the following questions. You can ask them in a general way, as though directing them to the Universe for response, then paying attention to what shows up. You can ask them before sleep. You can include them in your regular daily inner work process, as a bonus tool for this year’s Wesak season. Asking sets in motion a response.

What am I not seeing that gets in the way of my spiritual progress?
What key pattern or approach needs to change before I can take my next big step?
How can I be more loving and kind – to myself and others?

Insights from these three key questions can open up a vast reservoir of positive energies. As you begin to act on them, amazing miracles can unfold.

Copyright 2016 by Selacia – author of Earth’s Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.

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