Self Worth - What is your Self Worth Quotient?

By ZaKaiRan

All ideas, beliefs, perceptions and thought-forms of “worth” and “unworth”, “not good enough”, etc., are illusions! All is Godness! There is nothing that is not Godness! There is no anti-Christ,anti-god, devil, etc! There is no suchbeing or thing, but we are given complete free will to believe ourselves to beevil, bad, unworthy, not good enough, etc., and to have delusions of antigrandeur, if we so desire.

The world currently and primarily, lives in a semi-functioning state of unworthiness. Most everyone unconsciously has beliefsand programs that they are unworthy of something, such as love. Or they suffer from not feeling good enough,powerless, helpless, etc., all illusions that form this “reality” we livein. And people live their lives tryingto deny or repress these programs and beliefs, that are unconsciouslycontrolling their lives, by trying to be important, give or receive love;succeed financially, etc., to prove their worth. This is a futile way to live because none of these beliefs aretrue. The absolute truth is that we areall divinely perfect, just the way we are in our imperfection. We are all unique expressions ofGod-Goddess-All-That-Is. God is All inAll! So nothing and no one is less thanGod-Goddess total magnificence. But itappears that we are less than this magnificence because we are in human bodiesand have descended our consciousness into lower/denser realities/dimensions and

have adopted beliefs and programs (lies/illusions) that we are lesser than God, for our soul growth and experience.

People feel disconnected from love, divinity and self worth, because they have forgotten that they are love and divinity itself, that thereis no such thing as worth and everything and everyone is God-Goddessness! And because people feel disconnected fromlove and divinity, they are cut off from the life-force energy that shouldsustain them to be healthy, happy and enlightened. They are disconnected from their true essence of prosperity andabundance and believe they must fight for their share of the carcass, in orderto survive. Therefore humans live theirlives making deals for love, money and energy, or just taking energy from otherthrough the many possibilities such as relationship, marriage, religion, jobs,commerce, finance, political means…, to feel loved, powerful, worthy, etc. And most financial deals, including basicpurchases that people make daily, are often so that they can feel good aboutthemselves, that they have worth. Andall big financial deals made on this planet, are for the same r

eason, to prove worth, “I’m a big business man, I’ve got lots of money, I’m worth something”… And the financial “crises” that we have created, where there doesn’tseem to be enough money, is because these same beings who are desperatelytrying to prove their worth, are hoarding, manipulating and controlling allbusiness and money.

And the sooner we can help everyone on this planet realize their truth worth and help them release their programs and beliefs ofunworthiness, the sooner we can get this planet to a state of true prosperityand abundance. Because then everyonewill naturally be looking after everyone and every creature, because everyonewill naturally love and honor all life. But first we must heal ourselves so that we are empowered to helpothers.

(If you would like to read more about this subject, I have written extensively on this subject on ‘reality creation’ in my articles on mywebsite and the “12 faces of human suffering” in my book, “The AscensionMasters Toolkit”).

So where do we go from here? How do I get out of this mess I put myself in? Well, it is time to look at your complete wholeness very realistically, and to be brutally honest with yourself, becausethe many aspects of yourself that believe themselves to be lesser than completeGodness, are tricky and may try to manipulate you to live your life in denialand repress these unconscious/inner beliefs and avoid the suffering associatedwith them. So you must take control ofthe ship (your body mind, emotional, feeling…consciousness), and get thislove-ship back on course into truth, love and divinity. So with that in mind, that your completefocus is on love, truth and divinity, I ask you:

What is your self worth quotient?

What do you do, how do you act and what do you say, to prove your worth to self, others or God, to receive: love, affection, money, admiration,energy, fame, self worth, feel good about yourself, etc.

What do you value in life; value being able to do; accomplish or be good at; to feel good about yourself; your life; or to proveyour worth to self, others or God?

What would you like to be able to do or who would you like to be, to feel good about yourself; your life; or to prove your worth to self,others or God?

How much of you wholeheartedly believes and completely knows, that you are divine; that you are absolutely fabulous; totally awesomeand amazingly perfect, just the way you are?

Do you affirm this fact, focus on this truth, and live this truth?

How much of you knows your worth; that you are absolutely priceless; that worth is an illusion and that all things and all people aredivine and perfect just the way they are?

How much of you has issues about how other people live and judges their behavior?

How much of you feels powerless, helpless and a victim? If so, what do you do about it? Where is your focus, on fear, or your empowerment? Do you listen to theseillusions, or do you affirm your divine power and take responsibility for yourreality?

How much of you is suffering from one of the 12 faces of human suffering: "I am Unworthy", "I am powerless", "Idon't belong", "I'm not good enough", "I don't know","There is a way that it is", "There is a right way and I don'tknow it", "I can't trust my self, others or the universe","I am incapable", "I haven't got the capacity", "Ineed to be perfect", "I need to control myself"…

How much of you truly believes that you deserve to be loved and how much of you does not, and therefore spends a great deal of it’s energytrying to obtain or receive love from others?

How much of you feels and knows that you are love? Do you affirm this daily?

How much of you gives and loves unconditionally? And how much of you only gives and loves conditionally?

Do you have regrets, or feel guilt or shame about anything you have done? If so, can you let go ofthese feelings and forgive yourself?

Do you feel the need for forgiveness, either to forgive someone or be forgiven for something you have done?

Are you holding on to the past experiences, (pain and suffering), where you have been hurt by others? Can you let go of your feelings of being a victim and takeresponsibility for creating these situations, for attracting them? And can you forgive yourself and the peopleassociated with these experiences?

Do you feel that anyone is worth more than you, or that you are worth more or less than someone else? Perhaps it is because they have mastered something in their life, orthey are better at something than you, or they do something that you would liketo be able to do? Maybe they are“better” looking than you; more spiritually awake; aware; or have developedcertain abilities that you would like to develop?

How much of you suffers from these illusions and how much of you is centered, balanced, empowered in your divine beingness, knowing that youare a master?

And how much of you does not believe that you are a master, that you are divine?

Can you bless and honor these aspects of your consciousness? Can you love them? Can you have compassion for theirsuffering? Can you embrace them as partof yourself, as part of God?

Can you release all of these limited perceptions; surrender, let go, and forgive yourself and others, to get to a place in your core (yourpresence), where your entire beingness is not fooled by the illusion of worth;and know that everyone and everything is God-Goddess-All-That-Is; that everyoneand everything is perfect and divine; and no matter how terrible any experienceis or was, or how disgusting you or someone acts, there is a divine reason forit and everything is perfect?

What if you wholeheartedly knew that every experience you have ever had was for your soul growth and mastery, to know love more andexperience more compassion?

Can you look upon the worst of the worst people upon this earth, the murderers, the dictators and their henchmen, (or should I sayhench-people), the terrorists, the corporate exploiters, the environmentaldestroyers, the corrupt politicians…, and can you honor them as being anexpression of God-Goddess-All-That-Is, and even a part of you?

If this is difficult for you, then just consider the possibility that every single being was created by God, and is God. That nothing and no one is separate fromGod-Goddess-All-That-Is, but some beings believe that they are separate fromGod, as if some things and some people were not created by God, and were createdby some anti-god? This of course, isthe illusion of “the devil”, which, I surmise, is supposed to be someanti-Christ being, created by some opposing dark force. Of course, this is an entirely humanelycreated fantasy, based upon man’s belief in his own unworthiness.

Now consider the possibility that these people who act despicably and who live their lives based upon power, control and greed, arejust suffering. They are suffering fromthe belief (mostly unconscious), that they or others are worthless, powerless,helpless, not good enough or any of the other faces of human suffering listedpreviously, and they are trying desperately to deny these feelings by living inignorance and denial and by acting like they are in control and they arepowerful. They are acting in such a way that proves their worth to themselves,others or God, and they are acting like God or trying to be like God.

Just imagine what it takes to behave in such an insanely disgusting manner, these people would have to feel completely disconnected fromlove and divinity; disconnected from their hearts; disconnected from humanity,from nature and from their own divine spirits.

And now, knowing that you and everyone, (even the despicable ones), are a part of God-Goddess-All-That-Is, that no one is separate from God,that everything and everyone is ONE, that all beings are ONE being, (All ThatIs) - then even the despicable murderers are a part of you, because you areGod-Goddess-All-That-Is! Easy peasy, case solved! You are now enlightened!

Now you can let go of all of your judgment of all the beings who are acting in ways that are not in alignment with love, truth anddivinity. But hold on, taking intoconsideration everything we have already stated, wouldn’t that mean that allacts are, in some way, in alignment with love, truth and divinity. What a paradox, what a quandary! I recommend not trying to straighten thisparadox out in your head, or you’ll explode.

The key ingredient here, is everything and everyone and every act, is all part of the wholeness of love, truth and divinity ofGod-Goddess-All-That-Is..., but there are dimensional variations, or higher andlower vibrations of love, truth and divinity/God-Goddess-All-That-Is, that wehave the choice to experience or not. And this is where we’re heading, as souls, as a species, as a planet, asa solar system, as a galaxy…, back to the truth, that we are all ONE BEING, andwe are all individual expressions of that ONE GREAT SPIRIT and the release ofall illusions that cause us to act in ways that are lower in vibration to ourtrue nature of God-Goddessness.

Ahoy mateys! Batten down the hatches, there’s a storm a brewin! Full speed ahead! NewCivilization of Love and Light dead ahead! Aaaargh!

To Infinity and Beyond!


This article is copyrighted by ZaKaiRan, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as the proper credit line isincluded and nothing is deleted.\

This article is available on ZaKaiRan's Website: /

The Earth Ascension Times Website - A Transformational Space of Love Light and Laughter - Featuring the Cosmic Human Insights of ZaKaiRan,(an Inscending Master of Quantum Profundity) plus a plethora of other wonderfulCosmic Cookies.

ZaKaiRan AatKa’Nui SheeHan

“With the help of my God Presence and the Ascended Masters, I delight in creating a sacred joyful and accelerated space of unconditionallove and divine play, which evokes the Divine Presence, mastery and divinegifts of those beings attending. Andthrough sacred geometry, and the healing and activation of the MerKaBa (LightBody), one’s divine gifts are able to be accessed, embodied and applied intheir lives.

I also enjoy providing Ascension tools and guidance, such as Sonic Alchemy, (toning and Light Language), and karmic record healing to fullyempower my divine broStars and siStars here on planet earth, to be able toeasily and gracefully create heaven in their lives, and become powerfulCo-Creators of Heaven on Earth! You mayfind all about me at Earth AscensionTimes –

To Infinity and Beyond!

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  • Thank you,
    just amazing writing and this All resonate with me as my truth!
    We are All One and Love is the Key!
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In response to to your post....

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Have a nice week...
Thanks...take care....
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