Hello Son,
Nothing is Ever Lost but Spiritualised
Man often misunderstands that our life is full of experiences that give rise to other experiences all around the world. It is like a birth but not a birth as we know it.
A thought can originate but is never lost. It roams freely in the cosmos ethers of space and then is stored in the akashic records for eternity.
The mind churns away millions of thoughts during its life time, but this is of one person; now imagine billions of people all thinking and giving birth to new thoughts every second.
No person could even house all these thoughts, for man it is impossible.
God is one, he is self-sufficient and His energies are never wasted or can disappear in any way. God has created man from his breath and manifested his attributes into him.
This means that life and our journeys can never end, because we are from the same source; but only a passage to another dimension when we die. Like thoughts they too never disappear into nothing.
What we do or say works in the same principle, they are never lost.
The sages of old have always said be careful with what you say and do; this is because the energies created by a person’s actions can linger on for centuries for others to tap into or connect into their feelings.
It is like channelling, when we connect to a source through one’s focus; however, we can also connect into someone’s hate or prejudices. This is because thoughts are housed in the ethers of cosmic space.
It is possible to become seriously ill by absorbing the energies of someone’s utterances or displeasure.
A person who walks the path has a mature soul and has given birth to a new life and a new way of thinking and thought.
Your mother; be inspired by these words for they give rise to many births in the mind.
Message from Ascended Master Saida Khatoon Channelled by Shazi
Further Reading: Signpost to the Source http://www.signposttothesource.co.uk/content/
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