Hello Son,
Our Opinions Change when we become Wiser
A person stands and admires a painting, another passes by and completely ignores it, why is this?
The person admiring the painting, studies it in detail even focusing on the simplicity and ease of the brush strokes, breaks in a smile.
He marvels the painting, and focuses on the signature several times before going back to the picture for a lasting inspiration. For he is totally lost in his thoughts of nectar he is experiencing.
The one who simply ignored the painting; thinks nothing of it but a rambling of a painter with little talent. What makes him respond in this way to create a complete opposite opinion?
It is his mind, that is different; but an opinion is only an opinion.
The wise person would say, it is the thoughts that are created in the mind full of opinions. It may be damaging to the extreme, leading to destructive tendencies or harmonic.
How is it when we are given an option or when someone asks for something, we say no then later change our mind? Have we been rash or gave an answer without thinking clearly? Or have we even rationalised over and over again and decided it was no harm?
There are many situations when we have done exactly this, somehow an idea popped into the head to evaluate the situation and came to a solution.
Life is full of occasions when we have to give an opinion of something, there is no way out, our opinion does mean something to others.
For every situation when an answer has to be given, the thought and mind must be at ease; life should not be a pressure hole waiting to explode or even implode within.
It is often how we react to things governing our personality but more importantly, how we calm down in a situation that gives our character.
There is no judgement but only circumstances to situations which require a little time to think over so we can come to a certain arrangement.
The Creator is wise and all knowing for He knows what you go through a daily schedule.
He walks with you and admires your bravery. He only asks for mercy for those who need time to think things through. For the wise may be quicker in dealing with themselves but often even the ignorant ones get it right on occasions.
One’s perception of life changes when we become wiser to all situations and scenarios and we simply do the right things. It is the inspiration and insight we have inherited.
You are you.
Your mother; be mindful for the other who does not share your opinion, whom he could be your friend or partner.
Message from Ascended Master Saida Khatoon Channelled by Shazi
Posted by Wes Annac http://aquariuschannelings.com/author/wesannac/
Further Reading: Signpost to the Source http://www.signposttothesource.co.uk/content/