Sheldan Nidle - August 17, 2011


At present, we are tracking a number of.... agreements, signed by a majority of your globe's nations, and a special amended codicil that was ratified by the American government only last week...When we appear on your screens and are heard all over your planet, the reality in which you have lived since childhood will become unalterably different....The world is to go beyond conflict and prepare herself to welcome our Inner Earth and space families





Selamat Jarin! We return with another report concerning your world! At present, we are tracking a number of individual unit commanders who are summarily defying the series of recent agreements, signed by a majority of your globe's nations, and a special amended codicil that was ratified by the American government only last week! These groups of the military are on the verge of being neutralized by our special defense force. The peace of your world is being temporarily threatened. We have sent warnings to these various rogue groups and given them a date for their deactivation. We expect full compliance and a swift return to the condition pro ante. Several major governments sent similar warnings to these groups once this situation was made known to them. When this state of affairs is resolved, we fully intend to begin the rapid distribution of your prosperity funds and formal announcements by your new governments. The road to disclosure has hit only a small bump. Your prosperity and your new economic system are still on target for completion by the divine schedule decreed by Heaven and Lord Surea.


We are watching our Earth allies and seeing to it that those selected for major cabinet appointments in the new "caretaker" governance are ready and fully apprised of what is expected of them. A number of special Agarthan envoys are now evaluating how these new governances are to function during the first week of their operation. Every chosen administration has a series of tasks to complete. These include: announcements, special orders and a series of procedures that are to pump monies quickly into the "starved" economies of your globe. The first authorized moves of this new governance are intended to relieve the immense debt pressure on your world and get under control the "casino-like" atmosphere that has produced an exponential yearly increase in global debt ratios. The debt needs to be dismissed and a sound series of budgetary rules put into place that can truly evaluate how well each aspect of your various national governments operates. The crucial point is to shift from a "bottom line" to a more humane "spiritual line".


Right now, conditions on your world favor change. Although the dark cabal has been in control of your limited consciousness realm for nearly 13 millennia, their unrelenting iron grip has greatly diminished. We are watching how well our Earth allies and their Inner Earth cousins work together to establish the world that your new growing consciousness deserves. We have, of course, used our vast technological superiority to move this along when necessary. It is important that most of this special "work" be done by those who were born on your planet and know the true and vital nature of what they are accomplishing. Removing the immense degree of negativity from your reality is best done by those who have experienced it in one way or another. Another point to be made is that it has been way too long since the peoples of Inner and surface Earth cooperated as one. We are overseeing this process and it brings great joy to our hearts. The joyful prophesies of Heaven are indeed coming true. The time for disclosure is rapidly drawing nigh!


Disclosure is the principal event that will formally change your world. When we appear on your screens and are heard all over your planet, the reality in which you have lived since childhood will become unalterably different. The many myths about who you are, together with the quasi-scientific beliefs about your origins, will be quickly put to rest. You then will discover your true spiritual origins and your magnificent place in the cosmos. First contact is about a massive transformation of your reality, and of you. This procedure will come about in a series of rapid shocks that we and the Agarthans have discussed long and hard with your Ascended Masters. These talks led us to plan a series of special broadcasts that we intend to begin once disclosure is public knowledge. These messages need to be given in a way that brings this shocking information to you clearly and comfortingly. You will experience a state of joy and some confusion when the vast governmental agenda is revealed. We need to be gentle and to use these moments to prepare you for first contact.


Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! At present, we have forced a series of rogue military groups to stand down as ordered by the heads of state of a number of affected nations. These military units were threatening not only to defy the various agreements that had set the stage for new governance, but also to delay and force a sudden change in the way this new governance was to be implemented. Our Agarthan brothers and sisters were able to obtain their surrender and end any possibilities posed by this event. We are now preparing to move swiftly to the delivery mode, and to set a date for the first new government announcements that will put an end to the current global debt crisis and introduce the new monetary system to your world. Once these economic and monetary reforms are under way, these governments intend to begin the formal disclosure process. This will start with a special news conference given by the new American President.


This news conference is extremely critical. It will introduce the Galactic Federation and Inner Earth to the people of your world. Evidence and top-secret files will be revealed at the beginning of this news conference. This opening will set the stage for similar news events to be held in other parts of your world. Disclosure will be announced with a general call for global cooperation and for the forthcoming release of a wealth of advanced technologies. The world is to go beyond conflict and prepare herself to welcome our Inner Earth and space families. Among these press events will be various spiritual phenomena that we, your Ascended Masters, fully intend to manifest on your world. This new reality is an experience of consciousness and of spirit: both need to be discussed equally. These educative programs will be only the beginning of events that lead up to first contact!


First contact is the next major watershed for your reality. It opens up the pathways that will lead to full consciousness and a full retrieval of information about your origins and your divine destiny. Our sacred task as your Ascended Masters is to be both provider and prototype for you. Heaven has set forth a process that is to return you to your full potential selves. This process is fundamentally divided into two stages: pre-first contact and post-first contact. These stages are also the times when the dark will begin to recede and no longer be viable in your reality. The moment in your history is coming when the old perceptions lose their power over you, and when our counseling and wisdom will at last become a strong and visible part of how you view your world. The Age of the Light and of enlightenment has arrived!



Today, we have continued our dialogue with you regarding consciousness and first contact. Your realm is in the process of shifting. The fading of the dark has begun in earnest. You are to be welcomed back into the fold of galactic humanity. At last, the moment for this grand celebration is upon us! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours!


 So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


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  • such limited humans such limited aliens, we have much to learn from eachother...oh and u should let the humans take control there are a many of us about to take action to liberate the consciusness, remember brother we are ALL INFINITE....illusion upon illusion has blinded u even your divine eyes, for the basis u excist on is only a small part of the infinite excistences. U may explore 1billion galaxys's it still leaves infinity unanswered,to find the truth ones needs not a teacher but only to silence ones mind and connect back to the infinite source....:) i love u all unconditionally and i hope all these 3rd parties dont make a big mess of things hear for my brothers and sisters :o

  • No I ever said he was bad, nor did I say he was good....BUT, he is not the "one of the most advanced souls on the planet...!" Far from it...LOL
  • I could not disagree with you guys more about Obama. And unlike most of you who I bet never studied the man at all, I have followed his presidency since day 1, to deduce for myself whether or not he was a lightworker, and I have come to the conclusion, that not only is he a high level lightworker, he is one of the most advanced souls on the planet! I mean, seriously...seriously, do you seriously think he is some evil man? It's just ludicrous, and following his presidency for even a few days will clearly show that.


    And what about you Drekx, is that another message your contacts gave you? Claiming Obama is a bad guy? You seriously need to check your sources. Or better yet, go study Obama himself, watch his speeches, his addresses, go watch some raw video of him out and about in the public, it is clear he is a good guy. I am willing to bet 1000 dollars time will show that he was indeed a great lightworker! Yes I am that sure, and for those who say otherwise, I put your discernment into serious question!

  • i cant wait to meditate in nil gravity i miss that the most especially when your breathe starts spinning you
  • I believe Elenin's only purpose is to wreak havoc on the human mind.  I believe the dark cabal is the Republican party who tried to pass off the dumbest statement with "Corporations are people too" as in who the f**k do they think they are kidding?  A trip to the grocery store today freaked me out with the price of food.  My food stamps have not gone up, but rather $100 down.  The amount of my SSI was deducted on my budget for stamps.  Take from one hand to feed the other.  I will never vote again as both parties came off like painted pigs.  I am ripe and ready for the "plucking" and I surely hope they figure out something soon!
  • 'BOUT TIME!!!  Let's get this show on the road!  Unfortunately, it won't happen until after "Comet Elenin" (dwarf star) comes by and wrecks havoc on earth.  I can channel and I was told (even from Astar from another channeler) that I will be lifed up.  So I won't be here when this happens.  I'll be on the ship but I will be here in the new 5D earth.  Not the only one, either.  A lot of people will be leaving but, of course, not all as per their mission.  Still, about time, thou!  Is anyone else ready to get out of this madhouse and get to the new earth with out space familes? 
  • i know your right drekx i have been sayin he was dark cabal i went to the records and checked in the begining everyones sayin he is a lightworker and he is gonna rise up soon lmao he did help tank the system though so we got that
  • i am ready
  • For your pleasure, friend KH....!!   :-)  It always cracks me up when Americans call him "Obamaman."  LOL

    All his false promises of "change," and all they got was short change...

    LOL And the worst thing was having to hear the rubbish from "channels" who claimed Obama was a "High Council Sirian." Which really set my teeth on edge....  ;-) 'cause it was nonsense....and I knew it...

  • LMAO...Drekx....Awesome pic!!!!....LOVE IT!!!!



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