Can you feel the quickening? Are you having a feeling that “something is going to happen?”
Consider this: the shift to 5D consciousness has happened and you are gathering energy to perceive it. Yes, your 5D Self is activated and is preparing the path to your awakening. You must gather the necessary energy to perceive reality on a higher vibration.
Shortly after we began to bring the 5D Overtones through our group of practitioners, I was called to make a big change in my work environment where I had practiced for twenty years. Within two months, I found myself in a new building, newly remodeled, with a new partner and a new staff. While it was a bit chaotic at first, I was able to sail through the shift. I fully credit the 5D Overtones, which I employed daily before going to work. Two months after shifting buildings, we were able to install a cohesive, beautiful, elegant environment into a small office building.
Those who enter the building comment, “the energy in here feels really good!” What I came to realize is that the 5D preceded us, guided the new staff and me into the practice. It called for the beauty that was magnetized into each treatment room provided for by a high vibrating artist who knew that she must show her work in a healing space. In addition, others came forward to assist us in creating the look and feel of the office.
Now, we are living it. Each of us strives to live the 5D way: conscious evolution, absolute presence, expanded knowingness, calm detachment and correct action, to name a few. The energy has dictated that we shift and continue to do so.
This is the moment to make the next shift. To do this, we must prepare. I have already shared ways that one can prepare in the next month of September for the eminent shift in the last missive. Now it is up to us to make the commitment to tune into the 5D reality that is forming as we speak.
There is a specific way to energize the 5D Self through your work with the 5D overtones. If one is able to engage with this process for forty days, a shift in consciousness is guaranteed. It requires intent and discipline to hone the connection between 3D reality and 5D reality
As you activate these frequencies, you will want to direct them specifically to the fourth ring at the superhuman level. Imagine the ring being four feet out and above the head. This area in your energy body is waiting to be energized with the 5D energies.
To do this, bring through the first 5D energy of AKNAR. Activate it into this 3D reality with AKNAR SA! Then bring it through into the etheric body with AKNAR KI. Then pull it into the physical body with AKNAR KA.
At this point, you are ready to direct the 5D frequency into the dreaming body. As you say AKNAR DRAJ, direct the 5D frequency into the Dreambody, allow the energies to flow clockwise around the body, two feet out. Circle one to five times as you say AKNAR DRAJ. When you sense that the ring is filled with this energy, elevate your focus upwards and outwards to the Fourth Ring. It is here that you will find and energize your Fifth dimensional manifestation. You may actually see yourself in form. You may wish to include the shamanic foot movements as outlined in the 5D videos.
The more you are able to store energy here, the more energy you will accumulate to shift into the ability to perceive your Fifth Dimensional Self.
As you acclimate to the 5D frequencies, you will begin to live them. You will experience your being as an energy body more than just a physical body. You will get acquainted with your Dreambody. As this awareness develops, you will expand your consciousness until it is entrained to hold the world of 5D. It is then that you enter the world of 5D, that you have been co-creating throughout your spiritual development.
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