Dr. Angela Barnett
Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2015 and include the website url.
Each of you only has less than two years left to raise your frequencies into the NEW VERSION of your Personal Parallel Universe that you will be creating in Fall 2016. Each of you will move into your own reality. Those who appear within your reality field will be those who resonate with your very consciousness, because the only reality comes from the Experience of Excitement that you create moment by moment through your DNA.
Whatever frequencies of reality are still in your DNA Fall 2016 will align you into the Version of Reality of your next adventure in Life. What is happening in 2016 is exactly what happens when we die. Everything looks exactly the same as it did except you can see from outside the box. You have a much broader perspective of yourself and reality.
This means if you are only consciously living in the lowest Frequencies of the Hertzian and Visible Frequencies of 3D, you have not been preparing to move into the Invisible light and the spectrum beyond light and sound. We must move through that frequency fence that has kept the anti matter- spiritual substance to become saturated into the matter- physical substance.
Man is in fact Spiritual. Our Spiritual Cosmic Body expands 36 inches above our heads 14.5 dimensions and down into the Vortex of Earth at 13.5 dimensions. When we merge our consciousness into that reality field in the Air Balloon of Happiness, we actually shift into infinite parallel realities of infinite possibilities. Those who do not practice moving their consciousness into that reality before 2017 will not shift into Ascension Earth where there are infinite individual realities. Instead they will keep seeing the old beliefs that are printed on their Thinking Brain, and think they still living in the same place they were before. In fact many will be living in the 4th dimensional astral plane which look exactly like the Earth. In fact the third density of the fourth dimension looks identical to the fourth density of the third dimension. The difference is the fourth dimension is a dream state of reality where things can shift very easily.

Please use the new page ; that we created to help guide you in your transformation process that will allow you to raise your frequencies into the NEW VERSION of your Personal Parallel Universe that you will be creating in Fall 2016.

Those who do not participate in raising their frequencies will continue to experience the old beliefs in their THINKING BRAIN.

We can move beyond the Particle Universe of Matter into the Anti Particle Universe of Anti Matter. When we blend the physical and spiritual into our new reality, we can see a NEW REALITY that we could not see before.

We are basically moving beyond the Visible Light Spectrum of Reality into the Invisible Light Spectrum where there are many other realities that we have not experienced before.

In order to make that shift, we need to raise our frequencies into the Full Spectrum of Light and Sound. I have dont that for you with the music and I have provided the Candle Technique and now this page with the AIR BALLOON OF HAPPINESS.

The Air Balloon is in a different Standing Wave Pattern that allows HELIUM to keep it lifted in the Air. The 14th dimension is Heliotalic Silver Pink Frequency of the Violet Hue. The 13,14 and 15 dimension are the Pre Light and Sound that Transform the physical into the spiritual. It is the transformation into the Violet Hue that allows us to see the Blue Hue in the Sun. The Frequencies on the ULTRA VIOLET BLUE SUN contain those frequencies.
This Air Balloon is 36 inches above our heads. We can move our physical body into this Cosmic Sphere of Energy and allow our body to become transformed into the anti matter through this 14th dimensional frequency that is 36 inches above our heads.

We need to absorb the frequencies in the new ULTIMATE DNA ARCHETYPE, 48 DNA ASCENSION and COSMIC DNA MASSAGE, Zero Point Gravity, and other  Levitation Albums to absorb the Pre Light and Sound Frequencies that shift our Standing Wave Pattern that shifts beyond Gravity.

Please use the charts and read the articles of instruction on the new page

The particle transmutation that took place December 21, 2012 allowed Planet Earth to align into a different reality field that removed her from the Phantom Matrix forever. That was the shift at a Cosmic Level. We actually moved into an entirely new Cosmos. The 13th Cosmos replaced the one that had 12 Universes.

Our Shift in Reality was always planned to be the exact date of mid point-- that date was always May 5, 2017-- always- according to the Ascension Guardians.

HOWEVER, the guardians needed to move up many of the events leading to the Ascension Date. They actually arranged to have all of the Stellar Wave Infusions and Activations completed by 2010 instead of 2015.

The new reality has moved the alignment date of our consciousness into Tara -4-5-6 dimensions and Gaia 7-9 dimensions to take place between October 15, 2016 and November 5, 2016.
Advanced DNA Activation, Crystal Magic Orchestra, Cosmic DNA Frequencies, 12DNA Activation, Sound and Light Technology, Frequency Music, Transformational Consciousness Frequency Music, Eternal Life Frequencies, Eternal Life Album, Ultimate DNA, Complete Perfect DNA Activation, Eternal life Program, Cosmic Dolphin Magic, Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse, Crystalai, Dr. Angela Barnett
Dr. Barnett channels Crystalai from the Crystalai Cosmic Councils to be guided in her articles. She has been personally trained by a group of Elohim Angels, the Sirian Council, Sun Alcyone, the Cosmic Councils and her original Aquafarian Family. She was trained how to bring the highest frequencies into the music that Activates the DNA. She was personally guided by Zaurak, from the Sirian Council to be in Monterey for the moment of the D5 and D6 Activation and Infusion to provide the Ultimate Foundation for 5DNA activation on Earth.
EVERYTHING SHIFTS FALL 2016, Create your New Reality, New Version, Hologram of Reality, Presidential Election will provide a New Truth, Truth revealed at Elections 2016, President announces E.T. Relationship in 2016, New Presidential campaign announces Pure Disclosure, frequency shift, how to raise your frequencies, how to enter your light body

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