Folks will hear a lot of things that are so shocking, so outside their realm of accepted reality they won’t believe them; good news must be the salve to help wounds heal. This video tells us what has been happening, who was responsible, their crimes, and their plans for Humanity in the near future. They will not be successful.
Were it not for our star families and the Light Beings fighting for us, we’d be “goners”, as we used to say. This is well done and it sounds as though Salla’s March 27 webinar will be excellent, as well. And free, as it should be.
Our “global reset” won’t be what the dark ones planned. The Earth Alliance turned it upside down—like the frowns we should be reversing.
This is a good video to share with certain people you know who are partially awake and researching. This is not about fear, but we must get the attention of the masses.
I agree that full disclosure is mandatory for Humanity to move forward. The time for coddling is over. Put the big boy pants on and grow up as a race or perish. We can’t always have babysitters looking out for us.
To allow us to continue when the masses are unaware they are/were prey and who the predators are is just wrong.
Gene brings us a new update on the Netherlands DUMBs on B2T. Fascinating, as always. Video at Rick’s website at the link below.