November 1st Angel Message!
November is here!
Starting a new month is always a good opportunity to refocus in on your intentions for the month ahead...
And November being an "11 Master Number" month...
The stage is set to dream big and set expansive intentions for an empowering month ahead!
I have a short message from the angels to share with you today to kick off this new month too:
Give yourself credit for all you've been through and how much you've grown leading up until this very now. ⠀
But from here and now, remember that the path of joy love and bliss leads to the highest possibilities for your life.⠀
One moment at a time keep choosing love. ⠀
Let die and fall away what's no longer serving you in embodying the highest joy and truth of you. ⠀
Choose to prioritize your being-ness. ⠀
Choose to follow your path of love and bliss. ⠀
With so much love and bright blessings,
P.S. You may have seen that Mercury went Retrograde yesterday...
Despite the mainstream/ amateur astologer view this can be a really good thing!
Learn more about the positive aspects and blessings of Mercury Retrograde here >>
Yes, Mercury went retro-grade is a great thing to behold, thank you Amp, namaste.