Signal Fire

Signal Fire

At Amid Night Suns I work very hard to present explorations of Lucidity, Acuity and Consciousness that are hopefully intelligent and nuanced.  My goal on this blog is always to empower those that come here -- and to offer the possibility of a potentially transformative way of perceiving the world.  For a long time I have been interested in pulsed frequencies, electromagnetism, encoded information and their possible hidden connections to the ill-understood secrets of our biology.  I talk a lot on this blog about the Mysteries of the Imagination, but I do not think such mysteries are limited only to our private, psychic spaces.  I think they extend also to our physical bodies.  Furthermore, I think our bodies are explicit manifestations of these mysteries -- spiritual insights, geometries and secrets encoded into what we commonly refer to as deoxyribonucleic acid; DNA. 



Does the reality of the body negate the reality of the imagination? Is one more 'real' than the other?  I would argue that both must work in concert to create the human individual, that in fact they co-create each other.  Most traditional materialists would maintain that, no, our physicality engineers our imagination as a biochemical illusion  -- a side-effect of our neurophysiology and synaptic brain-function.  As reasonable as this may seem at the outset, I believe this view to be incomplete at best.



It is my belief that DNA is, among other things, an incredibly sophisticated and powerful receiver/transmitter -- able to channel, house, decode and re-encode various kinds of information, usually in the form of modulated or pulsed frequencies.  From an older post entitled Pulsed Frequencies, Physics  and DNA - The Elusive Signal:

"A signal is a modulated or pulsed frequency.  The manner in which it is pulsed or modulated is what defines that specific frequency as a signal; as in being under intelligent control – and this is what separates a ‘signal’ from the naturally occurring frequencies that fill the cosmos.
Now, if physical matter is a wave/particle situation as quantum physics suggests, and if all matter needs to oscillate and vibrate in order to maintain structural coherence – then this suggests that the entire physical universe is a realm of overlapping, interconnected pulsing frequencies, or signals.  This makes sense in that we live within an ocean of electromagnetic energies.  [...]  Cutting-edge research in the fields of biochemistry provides enough circumstantial evidence to at least suggest that DNA itself makes use of pulsed frequencies in order to wind, unwind or recombine.  This would make a certain kind of sense considering the wave/particle duality at the heart of all forms of matter.  Other research suggests that genes and individual cells use protein-sleeves and membranes to sense incredibly subtle vibrations in order to transmit and receive chemicals.

Is DNA itself a ‘Signal’, a modulated pulsed frequency that collapses into a particle-reality of nucleic acid sequences?  If so, is it consciousness that essentially governs this manifestation?


So, are we human beings actually a constellation of interpenetrated and interdependent signals, that in essence builds the matrix of our physical, emotional and imaginative presence?  Are we signals interpreting signals?  What kinds of strange magick are our brains and souls creating every single moment of our experiences?


Speaking of matrices, most of my readers will be familiar with the 'Matrix' movies, a cyberpunk-influenced trilogy that was massively successful and seemed to capture the cultural zeitgeist of the millennium.  The Matrix movies are quite pardadoxical because they are on the one hand techno-phobic (the evil, enslaving Machine-Demiurge and its Agent-Archons), but they are also explicitly techno-fetishistic (the obvious glee taken in the cyberpunk aesthetics).  What might we be able to glean from this?  How does this influence our potential Gnosis?  The Matrix movies feature cyberspace as the Gnostic Prison.  It's a useful and undeniably resonant kind of imagery, but there is something deeper here.  


Here's a fascinating quote from Christopher Knowles at The Secret Sun, discussing the writer and visionary William Gibson, from Knowles' post entitled Our Cyberpunk Reality, or Escaping the Prison Planet

Gibson's Cyberspace wasn't the prison, it was the escape from the prison. It was a place of endless freedom and possibility. Which means, of course, that it was written long before the Internet was available to anyone outside of university computer labs by a guy who did his writing on a manual typewriter.  [...]  But Gibson's obsession with dislocation and created environments ties into the Gnostic desire to escape the Demiurge's world. Preferably into the Pleroma, but escape into a self-created world would surely be a nice consolation prize. And unlike the stereotypical image of the lone seeker often associated with Gnosticism (and common in Gibson's fiction), the deep feelings of alienation that the Gnostic harbor could also act as an epoxy for alternative community. Under the right conditions, at least.

I would hope that my work at Amid Night Suns helps anyone who comes here to battle these deep feelings of alienation.  My blog is hopefully an example of an empowering self-created world existing in cyberspace -- a place of endless freedom and possibility more in keeping with Gibson's work than the dehumanizing cyber-prison of the Matrix movies.


In conclusion then, it is my belief that our DNA is, in a cyberpunk sense, the ultimate interface.  Through its connection to the Raw Infinite from which it was generated I believe that we can utilize it to explore the Endless Vistas of the Unknown  -- our bodies and imaginations working in concert to explore the Mysteries, to cultivate Gnosis, and to begin unraveling the most complex and fascinating questions concerning our existence.  There are mysterious signals out there, transmitting to those sophisticated and nuanced enough to receive them -- signals that, I believe, can illuminate us with the Divine Fire that is our birthright and our destiny.  


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  •  you may like a copy of this image,i hope my PC is able to add it here for you,many blessings to you.8115166486?profile=original

  •  In response to myself fearing the Cabal,no i do not,my Guardian protects me from them,they have even tried in the past 5 years to lever out my heart chakra from my chest,thats how i know what it looks like,it was about the size of a soccer ball,a gold Amber colour,transperant,with a circular disk in the centre of it,and as it was rotating,it was throwing out white light,i had pain from this,while they were trying to lever it out,when i called forth my guardian,they disappeared,and i have not seen them since.thankyou once again for your insights and wisdom,and i agree with you,the Mintakans are putrid stench scum bags,and does cause a star child to go into battle mode,have you ever viewed the Angelic Army vid series?many blessings to you.

  • Again why are you in fear fullstop,makes no sense... that's so 3D,I say that without sounding rude either,no Cabal can even connect to the consciousness of the Indigo mindset all codes are embedded in their DNA that's why,they cant alter that they fear us even for that very reason,plus your protected you said so have a guardian,nothing can come of harm to you from any Cabal,Draconian or otherwise so what's with that!.. But I'd certainly be weiry as to why you claim to have a Alpha Draconian standing over you while at your PC..  in your reality in the physical!!!..,I'd be asking your guardian why? and who is he? and what is he doing in your house?.. I'd be setting protection in place fully the Mintakans are not to be trusted not Ever!!...their putrid stench sets off any Indigo star child to form into battle mode instantly and or return to one's Merkabah ..Yet what you say here also, your not really informing me of anything I dont already know about.. when you mention the sacred caves and the mirror image of what's above being below the sands in as in the labyrinth,with 3000 rooms and heiroglyphs,where the Karnekian priests initiated and taught,pendants were worn by them also yes, the omnipresent triangle & eye were prevalent on the initiated..the triangle is upright, but there are some versions where it is inverted, and this symbolises a descention from the cosmos unto creation of human form or incarnation,...I was there,so yes I agree with you this place does exist In my akaic 'Halls Of Remembrance' records also.. there is something very similar to this anyway, that I visited I did a ritual of some kind whilst there with a group of priests from Karnak..also was delivered some kind of package with supplies to perform more rituals with,barks,charcoals & herbs supplies,powders for body painting and woven blankets & food supplies in huge Jardiniere's,antiquities if found today as they were very ornate made pottery & Alabaster..this was the place the Pharaohs came to, to seek guidance from their Elders the Gods etc..a meeting hall or conference area for important matters to be discussed in private..a highly guarded palace or underground temple of sorts..According to my 'Halls Of Remembrance' while in my Lahun I see I was a student of some kind,training under the high Karnekian priests, and yet to do so I have to undergo a ritual initiation to be even allowed to enter this place,this was grandeur at it's highest via royalty,masses of pillars just like at Karnak,where I was initiated first  off at Ziggurat or I wouldn't be here in this place at all as its high royalty..I was not royalty but my family were not porper's in other words..The labyrinth is located just south of the pyramid of Amenemhat III. The pyramid of Amenemhat III is 58 meters high and the sides are about 100 meters long.


    and there are many Egyptians in here all moving about,and huge status, beautiful ornate features, chairs and palm tree's in containers,music in rooms that vibrated through in echo's..I'm walking now through the corridors,holding things in my hands,one looks like a incense burner on chains,in the other hand or under my arms really I'm holding papyrus scrolls,and there are 3 priests with me,I'm walking like 4 steps to their one to keep up,while looking around in each doorway I pass,in one doorway I saw a group of tall men they are almost like giants for real,they each held a huge staff like stick with what looks like crystals glowing on top of them cos they sparkle and move,they had long robes on like toga's with lots of tassels across their chest region,white with coloured tassels bright reds,greens,yellows and they also have white head scarves but not just that as on top of the scarf they have huge hats,oooh and they have heaps of woman on their knees all bowing to them at their feet...chanting and waving palm branches.. Next room I see leopard skins draped on huge chairs and gold ornaments,huge statues,and fog mist from incense and bright lamps on the walls ..see this is royalty for sure,I hear them all talking to in Egyptian I can only make out a few things they are saying, as I'm pushed from behind by a priests hand on the small of my back pressing me onwards, like I'm not allowed to loiter and witness anything going on in the rooms I'm not allowed to as I havnt been initiated yet myself,one Giant man said what sounded like something similar this and its been said & written before by others today: "Mekut-El-Shab,El Hal-Sur-Ben-El-Zabrut Zin-Efrim-Quar" ...that's all I got,as I heard many footsteps running like everyone is in a hurry,the foot step sounds echo's off the stone walls...there is also light ray beams filtering out into the hallway from each room as I'm walking,and they are moving like they are alive,yet there is no windows so it cant be sunlight,weird,what is that...I also hear metal like chains rattling or metal implements on stone sounds..ok I'm getting chills as I'm seeing this,anxiety feelings inside also as if something scary is going on and I find I'm breathing heavy, but what's going to happen is of utmost importance its going to happen or is being done also,I just keep up with the priests I'm with,the colours in this place are just beautiful & vibrant though I must say gees...I have to back out I'm shaking..

    Below image,is what the pillars were like in the rooms but are huge much taller up to the ceiling than this one, but brightly coloured like it..the chair with the leopard skins was like that one though.


    the colours were amazing like this image below,but the whole pillars was coloured from top to bottom..


  • Thankyou for all information and vids attached with your recent comment,all is appreciated,and i will enjoy viewing them.The reason i asked you about the Pendants,and Talisman was because after receiving the Light Language Drawing from The Aura Soma Trance Medium back in the late 1990s,and also having a physical death experience whilst having a Major Operation,seemed to have triggered my Spiritual Eyes to be able to see more clearly while my Physical body slept,it also seem to have opened a channel to hear guidance to dictate the necessary information about MU,Lemuria,and other information that started flowing thru to add it to a manuscript that i was more or less had to write.would you know that the GIZA PYRAMID has exactly the same replica directly underneath the one on the surface.As time has passed since the late 1990s,i have come to accept what is to be done,The El;ders also wore a pendant that had 2 triangles on it,one facing up,the other facing down,with a small margin between the 2,as the representation of As Above,As Below,i was told to draw it to add to the manuscript,i have left out other objects that are on this comment,because it is not good for Cabal out there to know,i have had my fair share of that lot for a number of years since my trigger.i have had problems with my PC lately,but it is not a surprise to me,i saw a Reptillion behind me in the past 18months watching me while i was on my PC,the Elder Pendant is in some way like this image i will add,the design is similiar,but without the necessary objects that are on it.the image i am adding i hope you are able to view it,as i have had image problems downloading this week from my PC.8114170464?profile=original

  • Well you didn't say why you wished to know about pendent's sigils or talismans,as there were many sacred symbols on Mu,the ancient priests the Naacal & their writings, sometimes called Neferit,there is heaps more,these video may enlighten you :



    Lemuria (Full) Sacred Symbols of MU the Motherland of Man series Pt1..


    The original religion of the oldest civilization. Lemuria goes back to 70,000 - 800,000 BC. The pagans ascribed called Source "The seven headed serpent" the same which deceives the whole world and is cast down in Revelation. The origins of sun worship and the swastica are also found, and the worship of snakes spread across the world.

    The Serpent The Dragon and The Sun

    Lucifer is the King of Babylon:

    666 - the best calculations I have seen:

    Why We should not suffer a witch to live:

    The Codex of Ultimate Wisdom

    The Truth about our Birth Certificates


    Lemuria - The Origin of Religions (Sacred Symbols of MU) Pt2

    The oldest civilization, the one world religion, the true origins of Freemasonry go back to Lemuria. In ancient times many symbols were associated with God: such as the seven headed serpent, the swastica, and the sun, but why a seven headed headed serpent? In our modern age it should be evident that God is much greater then one tiny insignificant star, but to the purely pragmatic is the worship of the sun and the earth mother, and veneration of the planetary spirits. This video series comes from the free portions of James Churchwards Lost Continent of MU which are found here on sacred texts:

    The world has been created and destroyed several times. It seems the Lemurian culture reached high technology and died in a massive nuclear war, which is consistent with what the so called survivors at mount Shasta are saying. Whatever you believe, I hope you will find these articles interesting and wish you well in your search for the Truth.If links are no longer active I apologise I'm not going to check all of them I don't have time,so feel free to google alternatives..all these videos hold portions of info that will help answer questions please use your own discernment if things don't resonate remember it is written theory after all nothings laid in concrete..that's just my thoughts..written literature is knowledge and knowledge is then turned to wisdom.. 

    Sun worship and Freemasonry:

    The Serpent The Dragon and The Sun

    Lucifer King of Babylon:

    The Atlantean Origin of the Seven Sacraments:

    666 - the most potent calculations I have ever seen:

    The Truth about your Birth Certificate:



    Lemuria - Symbols of the Diety and his Attributes Pt3


    The oldest civilization, the one world religion, the true origins of Freemasonry go back to Lemuria. In ancient times many symbols were associated with Source: such as the seven headed serpent, the swastica, and the sun, but why a seven headed headed serpent? In our modern age it should be evident that Source is much greater then one tiny insignificant star, but to the purely pragmatic is the worship of the sun and the earth mother, and veneration of the planetary spirits. This video series comes from the free portions of James Churchwards Lost Continent of MU which are found here on sacred texts:

    The Sacred Symbols of Mu

    by James Churchward

    Lemuria - Creation (Genesis) Seven Headed Serpent Red Dragon Pt4



    Lemuria - Symbols Used in Religious Teachings (Sacred Symbols of MU) Pt5



    Lemuria - Symbols Relating To MU (The Sacred Lotus) Four Beasts Pt6

    I attach a PDF also :Sacred-Symbols-of-Mu-the.-James-Churchward.-Etext.pdf

  • Oh your not showing me anything new..Ayashana Dean  was on my path over 5yrs ago.. so old news to me..

  • I have a link for you,a friend from a friend,when you have time to view the book,your opinions would be appreciated. 

    Search Results

    [PDF]the sleeping abductees - ashayana deane (pdf) - OpenDriv…
  • it is the image that the entity wearing the purple garment.

  • once again,thankyou for your comment in regards to your reply regarding the Lemurian Pendants,i was urged to respond to one of the images you added with one of your past comments,the entities displayed in the graphic are the same in appearence as the ones who were in my bedroom one evening in the past 5 years,the only difference was there skin tone colour,it was the same shade Blue as the image Back-ground,i was unwell at the time,and the facial expressions they had on there faces were one of concern for me,i felt quite calm and at ease when i saw them as i lay in bed as we looked at each other,blessings starchildeve.



  • Well when I was there I wore a neck pendent that resembled a huge scarab type beetle with embedded jewels,yes this was way before Egyptian jewellery was around,but I recall seeing others wearing pendents that resembled the Lotus flowers and looked very much like ancient Chinese symbols also..but those are the only two I can recall I'm afraid..

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