For the majority of the world’s population, the fact that we are and have been engaged in a war for our very existence for several years still has not dawned on them because their lives have not been directly affected or negatively impacted in ways that disrupt them significantly or long-term. They can ignore all the signs.
That may soon be changing, from what we’re hearing. We may be inching closer to ending the “invisible war”.
Cellphone emergency alert will go off in Alberta today
“40 vehicles and 100 troops on exercise” Another “training exercise”?
Military convoys to roll through St. Albert Friday
Pascal Najadi has a very interesting 10 minute visual entitled “Mayday” which reveals a great deal; including his affiliation with the US Space Force. Below the video his remark says JFK Jr. is Q, he is safe, and a good friend of Pascal.
MayDay (May 1st) 2024: The covert U.S.🇺🇸 led Global Defence War 50 USC 1550 Alliance Covert Mil. Ops. surfaced – Mass Arrests and Executions (Layer 2) – EO 13818 now in Full Force Execution Ops. Mode #WWG1WGA-JFK ‘Q’
Another example of the forced awakening in chosen locations comes to us from Lithuania.
Parts of Vilnius, Kaunas to be put under curfew for military drill – what you need to know
Heavy weather is still very much top of mind in a few US locales and the Real Raw News article gets into the possible scenarios unfolding in some of these places. The enemy creates events they plan to capitalize on, and the good guys are doing damage control and removing the offending vermin as they go.
Here’s another layer to what may be unfolding. This post came up when I did a search on Twitter/X of the Kalamazoo, Michigan tornado.
Are you feelin’ it? That sun is getting very active.
What a big news week.
So much flooding…
Juan O’Savin tells us in the discussion below with James Grundvig that one of the anticipated black swan events is well underway in its setup already. His summary at the end is excellent if you are pressed for time. America’s “near-death experience” is en route and we will all be going through it together. WWG1WGA. As an insider, Juan always provides valuable perspective in the spiritual war for our greater understanding of just what is happening behind the scenes and why, as well as interpretations of what is visible in the “news” and alt news. 55 min.
Unrestricted Warfare Ep. 92 | “Black Swan Coming From Asia” with Juan O Savin
As deeper material surfaces to inform and create awareness in Humanity, it’s getting interesting again, and not just politics. Antarctica keeps coming up. The following longer piece from Ariel/Prolotario and embedded David Wilcock video excerpt might be the maiden voyage for a few new people into the spiritual truths and history behind how this tainted planet got to be the way it is currently. It’s definitely something to consider as we connect the dots.
This perspective shared by SG Anon… I hadn’t thought of it that way.
This is a rather enigmatic post from Telegram we might want to consider.
What do you make of this document signed by George Soros naming Gen. Michael Flynn as an agent acting on his behalf? This came from Derek Johnson. Is it possible there are two men named Michael Flynn? Both common names.
We have seen many doubles/clones/actors/masks so it’s challenging to say who is who, and we know that White Hats and Black Hats have infiltrated each others’ organizations and that double agents make it doubly difficult to figure things out.
Derek also posted the following on Telegram to clear up the misconceptions:
“NOBODY who’s NEVER been in the Military or Government is receiving information nor are they running any operations at this level.
Nobody who is currently in the Military or Government are incognito on social media delivering information.
Nobody at our level needs to be misleading people with words bigger than their vocabulary.
Nobody at our level need that. We have enough on our plate with Legislation.
The 60,000 undercover secret Army are still in service but they’re doing things internally that affects Military Branches and Operations.
They’re not 60,000 outside of service working for the Military.
It doesn’t work like that. I’m simply keeping my Oath as an Honorably retired Veteran because That’s what we’re supposed to do as Veterans.
Remember that.
I hope Moses didn’t have this much trouble in the wilderness. But good people are worth trying to save.
We have got to TRY to save all these people being misled.”
Of course we also know that disinformation is necessary. That was confirmed by Q.
It’s going to get really ugly out there when the masses finally get what happened over the past four years and how long Big Pharma has been trying to kill us and profit from our misery and suffering.
OBGYN Doctor Calls on Attorneys to Sue Institutions That Forced COVID Shots on Babies & Pregnant Women
Pfizer Agrees to Settle More than 10,000 Zantac Cancer Suits
The brutal treatment of those who told the truth can never be truly remedied, nor the lives lost, returned.
Dr. Charles Hoffe in Lytton, British Columbia Canada was one such hero who never backed down, even when they burned down his practice and most of his town. His story appeared in a UK media piece and we feel it’s important to remember Dr. Hoffe’s courage beyond the carnage. Link to Telegram.
“Canadian doctor, Dr Charles Hoffe was interviewed by an independent media in the UK and is being celebrated for his courageous stand during COVID. “Many others would have broken under the intense pressure, but Charles has refused to give up, and despite all odds he continues to fight for his patients and humanity. A man of great faith and a devout Christian, Charles has had very welcome support from his community and from others who share his faith and belief.” Good Samaritans like Dr Charles Hoffe are rare. We, the public, must support them as much as we can. As you watch his interview, please remember that he is still opening the door to his patients, he is still providing a vital service and his hand is always ready to hold yours, unconditionally.” As the person who set up Dr. Hoffe’s legal defence fund on Give Send Go, I can tell you that the response has been overwhelming. My inbox has been flooded with emails notifying me of donations. More than 360 donations have been received this week and over 1,100 since the fund was initiated with more than a $100,000 donated to the defence of Dr. Hoffe.”

Going forward, let’s try not to fall for the clickbait. We know the lies are going to be spewing like a geyser. If it’s true—then name your source.
They’re Still Messing With You By Using ‘Anonymous Sources’ To Drive Clickbait
Signing off for today, folks. Back soon. Be on the lookout for black swans in disguise. ~ BP