Sometimes we just “know” things. We know, for instance, if a certain type of person we just met will develop a relationship with us or not. We know when it’s the right time to change jobs even if it seems like everything in our current one is fine. We know that we have to suddenly change lanes when driving down a street, only to find out later we could have been in an accident. Or we just knew that what we thought would happen - happened.
Often, we don’t know why we know we should do these things; at times, it doesn’t even seem rational, but having a gut feeling or strong sense of something is usually all it takes to decide what to do. While many would pass these instances down to luck, some would attest that it’s our angels at work. And it’s not just intuitive nudges that are believed to be signs from our angels guiding us.
Seeing reoccurring numbers, feeling like someone is with us or finding coins or feathers in usual places, can all be physical signs that your angels are sending you a message. Whether we are aware of them or not, world-renowned angel expert and author Doreen Virtue says everyone has guardian angels who continuously send pure, unconditional love and warn us if our lives are endangered in some way.
But to have their continual help and guidance, she says, we need to ask for it. ‘It doesn’t matter how you ask,’ says Virtue. ‘What does matter is that you do ask for help because angels can’t violate your free will.’ After you have made the request, says Virtue, it’s just a matter of noticing the signs that will point you in the right direction or will be the answer to your question. But to know if these signs are really from the angels and not your imagination or wishful thinking, Virtue says true signs speak to you in the second person as if another person is talking to you.
‘So its sentences begin with the words that someone would use in conversation with you such as, “You should change lanes right now’’ or “Go check the air pressure in your tyres”,’ she says. One of the most common ways in which angels speak to us, says Virtue, is by showing repetitive number sequences.
These can be seen on telephone numbers, license plates, grocery receipts and clocks. And every number sequence, it’s believed, has a specific meaning. According to Virtue’s book, Angel Numbers 101, the number 7 signifies that you are on the right path, and that Divine magic is supporting you and opening doors of opportunity, while 496 says that all of your bills will be paid.
While looking for signs and their meanings to unfold around you is one way of communicating with the angels, many people believe they can get instant guidance from oracle cards. Oracle cards come in various packs including mermaids, dolphins, unicorns and goddesses, though the most popular are the angels. Similar to tarot cards, but without the negative messages, oracle cards operate on the laws of attraction-what you put out in the universe, you attract in return. Oracle cards are a main focus of Angel Intuitive - a course run by Virtue to help people awaken their intuitive abilities and connect with the angels.
As well as learning the different techniques used to receive messages and answers to questions with various cards, people become more conscious about their inner psychic abilities. In fact, Virtue says we all have natural psychic gifts but it’s up to us if we want to nurture and enhance them the way we would if we wanted to strengthen a muscle. According to Virtue, there are four types of psychic abilities we naturally possess; most of us are strong in one, but we partially perceive by the other three. Clairsentience is the ability to feel.
Feeling oriented people note how different people make them feel, and can even discern the type of energy an object or piece of clothing carries by a particular person. They are likely to complain they’re too sensitive or overwhelmed by other people’s emotions. Clairaudience is the ability to hear. These people can sharply hear voices, tones, sounds or noises not apparent to many others. The first thing they observe when they meet someone new is the sound of that person’s voice and might even claim to hear the voices or thoughts of the spirits of persons who are deceased.
Clairvoyance is the ability to see. Naturally visual, clairvoyants can see things beyond one’s mental sphere. For instance, they can see angels, angel lights or coloured mists around someone, and often have visions about a person or situation. Claricognizance is the ability to know.
These people have a strong knowing about things without any apparent reason why. Doreen says they can often find themselves saying, ‘I knew that was going to happen,’ or ‘I knew I shouldn’t have gone there.’ While many of us are aware that we are not alone in this world and are guided by the helping hand of an angel, it seems we can consciously connect with them in every moment of need rather than waiting for them to intervene at the eleventh hour. And if they do, as Virtue suggests, send us signs and messages through our touch, sight, thoughts and feelings, then we are divinely guided indeed.
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