I find it funny when people talk about the Jim Jones / David Koresh ´massacres´as if those massacres actually happened.
The actor who played the role of Jim Jones claimed nobody had committed suicide during the alleged Peoples´Temple ´Massacre´. So how could the Massacre there have been a real Massacre? Answer; not possible.
When I hear about a Massacre in the USA on news in my country , I tend to get naturally very skeptical.
The people of the United States are mostly an overwhelmingly large number of extremely rational individuals who will not go into school to learn how to shoot everyone.
They go to school to get education so they can get more jobs.
Some of them go to school to ged education so they can get more education or so they can think more for themselves and educate themselves more.
Some do it for entertainment , some for business.
But nobody in the USA has to my knowledge ever actually gone to lenghts killing large enough numbers at an educational facility because they felt like it , and here´s why.
If I was an American Serial Killer and I was planning a Massacre I´d a) avoid the use of a gun while doing so and b) do it in a spot where it´d take a very long time for the police to get there.
That is why I get skeptical when I see dummy footage declared to be that of actual persons who got shot in a Rampage.
And I won´t buy it that ´Jim Jones´got 1000 people to kill themselves by having them eat some stuff.
And I won´t buy it that there was a David kind of koresh somewhere who lead a Temple and who was ´more knowledgable about Scripture than anyone else´. Scriptural knowledge is a form of education that is available to anyone with the time and leizure required to conduct such research. How on Earth could that be more available to one man rather than anyone else?
If you want to create a good horror story , you´ve got to abide by the rules that lead to the creation of a good horror story if you follow them. One of those rules is - put yourself into the shoes of the monsters and the people. Be the persons and event you´re writing about. Otherwise , you´re not your story , your story is therefore not you , and what you get is a garbled up peace of Jelly , not a horror story.
That rule was not followed in the Jonewstown / Koresh stories. Instead the people behind those stories followed a set of rules where they ignore everyone else and so don´t put themselves into their shoes so what comes out of it is lack of enthusiasm for the overall story to proceed successfully , resulting in a garbled up peace of Jelly and no entertainment at all. That is why the Jonestown / Koresh stories look silly , because that is exactly what they are.
Cm´on folks.
Let´s get real and listen more to real news.
Yes silly ass stories can sometimes be fun but they don´t have to be taken literally.