Silly Marilyn Monroe stories

Apparently there seems to be a whole bunch of people who actually think there was a Marilyn kind of Monroe somewhere.

The actress who played Marilyn Monroe knew in my opinion perfectly well what she was doing.

I call the person who I think was playing her an actress because I think that is what those people do - they create make - believe musicians and other artists and then try to pass them on as actual people. They then spin all kinds of stories about those artists that make people further doubt in their existence.

Once people demand proof positive that the artist in question existed - i.e. ´Alice Cooper´, large numbers of people will be conditioned to laugh at them.

The story goes that Marilyn Monroe loved UFO´s and that ´that is why she was killed´.

Well I love UFO´s so if I love them why haven´t I been killed?

See the outright silliness going on here?

Ask yourselves - who benefits from you believing that there was some Marilyn Mornoe from Torrino flying around with a witches broom sohewhere?

I for one find it considerably difficult to believe in the historicity of the Marilyn Monroe character.

And I find it just as difficult to believe that Alice Cooper or Freddy Mercury or even Frank Zappa existed.

I do nonetheless believe that there have been and still are a lot of famous artists worldwide and I have known some of them since childhood - so yes , there are famous artists out there.

But no one , absolutely no one gets to be both famous and rich at the same time.

First you become famous , then you become rich , or first you become rich , then you become famous.

The story goes that Marilyn Monroe became rich and famous - in French that translates as meaning ´impossible´, or ´cést nes pas possible!´.

If Marilyn Monroe was alive and was for real and somebody wanted to kill her it´d certainly not be because of some UFO story.

Ask yourselves - just how much would somebody have gained from killing Marilyn Monroe?

I´d imagine absolutely nothing.

Remove Marilyn and remove John F. Kennedy , and what have you got?

Get it?

I don´t think Marilyn Monroe or ´JFK´existed , but I can understand how easy it is for people to use special make - up effects and declare themselves to be this or that person who later on turns out to be a character they created.

Remember the famous Al Pacino movie about a fashion model or actress or something and he played a guy who manufactured her , and then the mainstream media in the film was used to sell her story , create fake biographies and make people think she was for real? All the time these guys used holographic projections which constantly kept turning their faces to the Al Pacino character.

I think this film´s name was Simone.

So if it was as easy to create Simone using holographic projection techniques , why not create Marilyn Monroe using simply constantly repeated stories and one or a few more actresses?

Once Marilyn and Kennedy were declared to have been murdered it got declared that ´the Age of Innocence´had died in America.

Suddenly people felt the world to be much less safe a place to live in than before.

Exactly as planned.

The idea was to convince people that the world was less safe of a place to begin with so people´d demand that more of their civil liberties be taken away , such as with the use of armed security guards during musical concerts.

If Marilyn was such a nice person and such a ´truther´, why was she never there when really needed?

Why did she only show up during ´official interviews´and ´in public´?

Remember what happened after the FBI tried to frantically search for the supposed ´FBI Marilyn Monroe documents´? All they found was not a titter of a document.

They can find the FBI file on you and me but not Marilyn Monroe.


Because I think there ain´t no Marilyn Monroe.

I say this with respect to all the Marilyn Monroe believers.

I sure know nonetheless that Marilyn was of course not declared to be from Torrino as she was depicted as a citizen born and raised in the English speaking world. I nonetheless use the Torrino analogy because I´ve read over 100 pages from Stephen King´s From A Buick 8 and the place called Torrino was constantly being used there to depict things or characters that don´t exist in this world.

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  • And one thing I can´t get here - she´s supposed to have been a ´presidential model in secret terms´. The official story goes was that she was a presidential model , SO HOW CAN THAT BE SUCH A HUSH HUSH TOPIC????

  • Ok Super Dave. So all you appear to be doing here is repeating mainstream media nonsense and promoting the Marilyn Manson myth as if it were the literal truth. According to you ´Marilyn Monroe was the secret government - terms a ´presidential model´. She was a mind - control subject that was utilized in the public / media arena for certain purposes. How people cannot see that there is an extremely manipulated aura about her is beyond me. Part of our technocratic and highly developed society , I suppose. She was nothing at all like what she appeared to be. Same with all the low - level movie and music mutts of today , and people actually buy this crap. Maybe it´s the medication´.

    ´People actually buy this crap´- you´re right spot on!

    ´Marilyn Monroe was that secret government terms a ´presidential model´. I see , so a President who in all probability never existed can have a model? Wow? I didn´t know that. How many models did he have?

    ´She was a mind - control subject that was utilized in the public - media arena for certain purposes´. In other words Peter Pan and the Ugly Duckling were ´mind control subjects that were utilized in the public - media arena for certain purposes´. I see. HELLO FOLKS. Are you Marilyn Monroe cultist fucking kiddin´me?

    ´How people cannot see that there is an extremely manipulated aura about her is beyond me´ , well I say this to you with respect to your belief in the supposed historicity of mrs. Marilyn Monroe of Torrino that people keep noticing all this weirdness about Marilyn Monroe. Let´s just call it The Marilyn Monroe Weirdness. It´s better explained by the non - existence rather than presumed existence of Marilyn Monroe. And if she was a ´presidential model´and if she was so ´mind - controlled´why all the fuss and why does she have to have a weirdness about her that´s better explained in terms of her not having existed at all?

    ´She was nothing at all what she appeared to be´- absolutely , especially if the character Marilyn Monroe was being played by an actress. If Kennedy didn´t exist , it must mean that Marilyn Monroe didn´t exist either. If both were being played by actors it must mean that the actors were trying to present their roles as those of actual persons - the supposedly historical Kennedy , and the supposedly historical Marilyn Monroe.

    ´Same with all the low level movie and music mutts of today´- we´re talking about Marilyn Monroe here. People have been told there used to be this girl known as Marilyn Monroe who got killed because she loved flying saucers.

  • Marilyn Monroe was what the secret gov't terms a "presidential model".  She was a mind-control subject that was utilized in the public/media arena for certain purposes.  How people cannot see that there is an extremely manipulated aura about her is beyond me.  Part of our technocratic and highly-developed society, I suppose.  She was nothing at all like what she appeared to be.  Same with all the low-level movie and music mutts of today, and people actually buy this crap.  Maybe its the medication.

  • ´SF´ - San Fransisco , or Science Fiction?

  • Why does an imaginary girl have to be a saint and not you?

  • I see. So she´s a saint now. Why aren´t you a saint?

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