The word ''Sin'' denotes some error or Mistake that cannot be changed or will not be changed by the one making the error.It applies only to the 1% 0f society known as the ''Cabal'', who get pleasure from there Sins. The rest of us the other 99% do not ''Sin'' we just make mistakes that can and do require correction ASAP, so that we do not create Guilt and negative Karma and punish ourselves. The 1% do enjoy making mistakes and have no intention of correcting them, even causing great harm and pain and even death to those they want to control and have no remorse for there ''Sin''. They do this for money, power and pleasure.They then invade our religions and change the ''Sin'' concept from them to us in our every day mistakes, as the law of God, which is untrue of course.

What this concept of Sin does to us is to create Guilt, like Fear it is a powerful weapon used against us, for then we believe that we are separate form God because we made a mistake that we could not correct, which they call Sin, which they believe must require punishment. Some of us go to confession hoping there repentance will be enough, others pray to Jesus to save them from there Sins because they believe he died for there Sins . Of course none of this is true, its an untruth, so it will not work. We only make mistakes which can and do get corrected and we were not and can not be separated form God. God does not see our mistakes, he sees only our intent, he judges us not as he waits for us to remove the barriers we build in our mistakes, blocking him out but he is still there, through the .Holy Spirit, we realize this when we lose the concept of sin by forgiving ourselves and those who have hurt us. We then became a child of God once again. And in doing so we understand that this process is eternal, its never-ending until we become nearly perfect like Jesus or Perfect like our Father by changing our or rather there [ the Cabal] programing of us.

It may take many thousands of lifetimes, going from a infant God to a baby God to a child of God then Son of God. Jesus is the 1st evolutionary soul being, to do this, that is to become a God, not a Creator God but still a God. He came back to teach us how to do it . But 1st we must wake up and realize that we are being controlled and lied to. He calls this stage of us as the''Sleepers''. Let us Awake ! We are all One..

Having said all that in the above statement, I realize it may be hard to except for many people. It was very hard for me to except it myself, having been programed to believe in the concept of ''Sin'' and it took a long time for me and my lower self to come to terms with it. My higher self excepted it right away, so I had a question for him. If it took so long for me to except this and put it into my new programing of self, how long will it take for the mass to except it, and put it into there new programing. The answer I got was because it came form Jesus himself, who had thousands of life-times to learn this lesson, so he could become a God. Well then as students and future teachers we can learn this lesson quite quickly in comparison, if we apply it.

Another way to look at this concept is to see and feel the results of applying it to ourselves and our brothers. If we believe in ''Sin'' then every time we make a mistake and we make them every day. Well, we bury them in our garbage bin because we did not correct them, and when the bin gets full we have to take out the garbage. So we start pulling out the lighter ones at the top of the bin. And then bring it forward into our conscious mind. That's when we feel the pain of that mistake and it may cause some pain and suffering until we release it by Forgiveness of that person or persons and of Ourselves. We do this because we don't want it to become infected and create Guilt which is much harder to release. For Guilt asks for punishment and suffering, and we know that deep in the bottom of the bin, is more all those negative memories,big time.

We also know that to get into the Event of 5D Ascension, we cannot take all that garbage with us and we will be stuck in 4D or lower. So we realize that the only way and the quickest way is to empty out all the garbage at once. Go through the garbage taking out the small offenses 1st. because its the easiest as we learn to 1st forgive ourselves and then our brothers in those small negative memories.So we then take responsibility for our mistakes, Forgive them and then move on to bigger pieces of garbage or negative thoughts that we have buried in our minds that carry with them Guilt and the requirement of punishment, suffering and pain.But instead we believe in what Jesus teached and we let go of the old ''Cabal'' programing and delete that , so we can except the new up-dated Spiritual programing and ''presto'' we have finally learned to Forgive 1st. ourselves and those who have hurt us that was still hiding inside all those old negative memories, that we buried very deep because of the pain and suffering that they bring when we tried to think about them or deal with them under the old programing.

In this new system or Spirit Programing or Re-Programing,the pain is much less and when we have finally come out of denial and fully except this new age teaching by Jesus and your Holy Spirit inside of you and let go of the concept that we Sin and except the concept that we just make mistakes that we learn from and they can and are being corrected. Well the pain is gone, Forgiveness does work miracles and its not easy but we do have help from the higher realms '' As above so below'' With this in mind we can then move on to the next level in 4D so that we get closer and closer to 5D. So now we not only hear about it, see it in a few people but we can see it =

[ Peace ] and feel it inside of ourselves. This is empowerment of the highest order. And sense we cannot enter into the kingdom of God alone. We then start to share what we have learned..... Pt.1 Rev. Joshua Skirvin



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  • Yes, that is correct. We all have our karma and we must learn lessons in order to develop ourselves.
  • Your right Susanna, we tried many times to brake free of the Cabal but Lucifer was still in control sense he convinced Calagasti to hand over his power as the planetary prince to him. But this power exchange has no effect upon us for the last 100 yrs. because Lord Melchizedek is now in power and both Lucifer and Satan has been put to trail by the ancient of days. And they choose not to repent or be rehabilitated and so they were put to eternal death. Its as though they never have existed except for the evil rebellion that they left behind and many other fallen angels have moved in to take there place here on the last planet of the rebellion. The Cabal is now being led by a number of them. They are set to also go to trail soon. Now that we are learning to leave our past in the past, we can now move quickly through the 4D and some of us are already coming into 5D.Of course we have to let go of our old programing as well to do this. Much of society is still carrying this heavy burden of Guilt and Fear brought about by the belief in the False belief in the concept of sin, so they are punishing themselves. And will not be able to move into 4&5D until they do let go of the Past and Forgive themselves and others. Its simple but hard lesson to learn and will take some time before we bring them into the fold by our reaching out to them and sharing with them ,what we have learned........ We are won...
  • We tried to elevate ourselves several times through our history but never made it.....this time perhaps we will succeed.......
  • The final battle has two parts, its the duality that we live in. The 3D matrix that is the illusion of the outside world which is based on the false concept of Sin and where there is this false belief there is also the belief in Guilt and Fear and the punishment that goes with it. Most of society today are carrying this belief system given to them by the outside world which then allows the Cabal to control the world through the belief in Sin.
    This control not only allows them to control us in the 3D matrix but also goes into our psychic, so it becomes a Psychic war to control our minds through there negative programing. Our inner world of our true self becomes confused as we reach out to find the Truth. The outer world is made up of nearly total Lies and misconceptions.
    That's why we need to ask the ''Spirit of Truth'' into our inner world to help us to determine what the truth is from a spiritual point of view, ''As above so below''. Jesus left us this gift when he departed from this world on Pentecost. He did not create this energy, our Father Michael and the Mother Daughter Spirit created this Truth energy and Jesus is the one who dispensed it to all of mankind with the belief and hope that mankind will use it to also overcome the world such as J.C. did. This is the greatest tool we have in our arsenal of weapons against the Cabal- Deep State.
    They are doing there very best to keep us from Ascending, for they know that when we Ascend they will never again be able to control us and that's also why they tried to kill all of us off with there deadly Jabs.Those who died and will die from the Jabs believed in there Lies and great deception but hose who used spiritual awakening and the ''Spirit of Truth'' Will live on and someday soon move very quickly into the 4D and on to the 1st levels of 5D.
    So you see when we turn to the inner world called the great Kingdom within not only will we learn how to defeat them by learning the truth not only about there deception and lies but at the same time we can use this tool of the ''Spirit of truth'' to be able to ascend. Normally this process takes many many thousands of years.

    But sense we were almost there before and it was taken away from us by the invading aliens who joined up with the Dark Forces already here, created by Lucifer and Satan.

    Well they deprogrammed us and lowered our DNA and brought us back down to the 1st level of 3D. That's was one of the main reasons Jesus and Michael bestowed themselves down here on planet earth. I will explain more about this process of Dual origin beings that J.C. was.
    J.C. said before he left, ''I have come to over come the Earth''. And now today he comes back with the saying ''I have come back to over come Evil. But he is not going to do it for us by Himself for if he did we would not have learned our lesson and the Dark ones would come back and do it all over again. But by learning to use the ''Spirit of truth'' by asking it to come into our being, together we rise up and not only over come the Evil Cabal so that they cannot do it again but we also rise up at a tremendous speed through 4D into the 1sts level of 5D After 4.5D they are unable to touch us, in fact we are then more powerful than they.

    That's why they are so scared of us today. All we have to do is to awaken to our true selves as the Sons of God and take back what is rightfully ours as the gifts of God. For this War is not only for us to restore our Sovereignty but to restore our Father Michael's Sovereignty, from the rebellion of Lucifer and Satan.When we win this Final battle, which actually is already won, and is just being played out so that the rest of the world can see it and wake up. For we must take as many as possible with us into 5D and the new Earth. For we are all one,we are all one family coming from the same Creator Michael . Our real family is the ''Holy Trinity'' Father , Son, and the Holy Spirit which I will explain more about also in future posts. So for now stay strong and use this tool of ''Spirit of Truth''. ...................Rev,Joshua
  • Susanna, you got the message, Good for you girl. Go with it and be in peace and may God bless you.We are one
  • Everything goes from Teacher to pupil, from Master to apprentice. Everything goes from the Source to Its children. One Level grows other levels. And everyone is sovereign, independent and free in his will. The Creator simply gives us its seed, and then, we have to nourish it in ''selves.''

    **By Lev
  • Yes, I agree totally! Excellent; I take this with me in life......
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