Sirian~Pleiadian Update


Rainbow orb with ‘inner egg’ above the Pleiades & Hyades star clusters, January 30th 2019.

Dear All,

Coming into 2019, stellar and galactic vibrational alignments that had been focused and building through December last year (see previous posts) reached an optimal peak on the Lunar Eclipse of January 20th (eclipses act like a focusing lens for frequencies connecting with the Earth, through or in relation to the Solar portal in higher dimensions, while triggering releases of subconscious limitations personally and collectively). These alignments, from Sirius, Alcyone (Pleiades) and intergalactic centre, came with added input from a high light galaxy that connects to the Milky Way through Messier 27 (the Dumbbell Nebula) with the purpose of easing and softening the Earth’s Shift, expressing through rose-white light-streams.

Through the remainder of January 2019, the light flows and effects of these alignments continued to consolidate within and through the New Earth Grid and supporting light-grids of the higher dimensions, with another ‘follow-up’ input from Sirius and Alcyone on January 30th that anchored securely into the interlaced high light-grids we refer to as the Avalon Grid (Golden Age of Atlantis energies) and Mu Grid (Lemurian energies). Restoring the ‘Avalon divine goldenprint’ of life here with Gaia draws on and merges complimentary flows through Sirius and the Pleiades that originate from Avyon, the ‘first Earth’, planet of the star Vega in the Lyra constellation.

Lyran beings and energies spread far and wide, to Sirius and the Pleiades, and many more constellations. In the Alta Mira region of the Pleiades around Alcyone, a ‘second Earth’ blossomed, Avyon reborn in the Pleiades through the original Avyon ‘light template codes’, and this planet remains a beautiful, gentle paradise sanctuary, whose light template has specific anchor-points within Gaia’s energy-field that continue to activate in a precise sequence. At the current stage, many main flow-lines of the Avalon Grid are unblocked and flowing clear, and tributary light-streams are also reactivating, anchored through thousands of nodes around the Earth, forming the basis for areas of active mini-light-grids holding the New Earth frequencies in a stable format, from which it can blossom and expand further, eventually around the whole planet.

Two lightships which flashed simultaneously on January 30th (in the photo below) also show the supportive role of the Hyadeans, with one ship pulsing light just above the ‘V’ of the Hyades and the other pulsing just below the Pleiades in a complementary mirror formation.


Lightships flash beside the Pleiades & Hyades, mirroring each other across the two star clusters, following the rainbow orb appearance, January 30th 2019.

This greeting was immediately followed by the appearance of a very distinctive bright orb next to the Hyades, which shows a composite of supporting energies within a rose-white sphere (the quality of vibration flowing in through Messier 27, from a Rose Planet named Makarim). In the enlargements below, with the orb viewed ‘upright’, there’s a Hathorian/Pleiadian figure visible, in a green robe, with a golden wrap over her shoulder…and with the orb turned on its side, a green merged feline-doglike face can be seen above a golden bird, symbolizing a phoenix (both the lightship Phoenix and the ‘rebirthing’ heart energy of our galactic supercluster Laniakea).


Bright rose-white orb with green-gold interior appears near the Hyades (the larger orb at upper right is next to the star Bellatrix in Orion), January 30th 2019.



Earlier that same day, in the garden here, a newly activated node aligned the Triple Light flow, as part of a synchronizing network of connected nodes around the globe in the New Earth grid, grounding the Trinity energy deeper with Gaia, through a triquetra sacred geometry (with rose quartz, citrine and aquamarine crystals holding the Threefold Flame of the Heart vibration, pink, golden-yellow and blue). During this alignment, energy waves were flowing around the node, lighting up new points in an expanding light-grid, reflecting on a micro-scale the light-network areas being continuously stabilized and secured in various locations around the planet.




The green feline face in the rose-white orb above can be felt and attuned to through the pictures below too (with thanks to the unknown artists) that relate to very loving feline beings (deep, gentle energy transformers and evolutionary guardians) who flow through both Sirius and Alta Mira, through a Sirian mothership named Ba’Shiila(the Butterfly), and from planets of Mirzam, the second brightest star of Canis Major.



Closely vibrating with these beautiful beings, on and within the Earth, Labradorite crystals also connect with Canis Major (the ‘Big Dog’ constellation, with its alpha star, the Dog Star, Sirius). Star family speak of Labradorite ~ ‘labrador-eye-te’ ~ through imagery of labradors as ‘seeing eye dogs’ for the blind ~ and these crystals vibrate clarified inner seeing through the guidance of pure unconditional love. They give the image of Labradorite being ‘lit from within’, symbolizing the steady radiance of higher dimensional light shining and expanding from within or beneath the obscuring effect of dense vibrations, and the Labradorite soul collective as supporting steadfast soul attunement. The wonderful piece below arrived on January 22nd, still within the (36 hour) vibrational arc of the Lunar Eclipse…and I see within it the presence of a beautiful feline being bathed in blue and green light (and perhaps you can see her wearing a high-necked outfit flecked with golden shimmers).  



Here’s another related bright rose and green orb just above Sirius on January 30th, with a large orb cluster higher in the sky (within the Hu Shi asterism, part of Canis Major), and below this photo, there’s a glowing rose ‘Makarim’ orb, also above Sirius.


Bright rose-green orb appears close to Sirius, with large orb cluster within the Hu Shi asterism, January 30th 2019.


To attune further with the Sirian and feline soul energies, our dear star sister Melissa Peabody of has kindly allowed one of her recent films showing and connecting with Sirian beings to be posted here (with love and gratitude to Melissa and star family!).

The large blue-violet orb below, of feline and leonine soul energies, appeared on January 25th between Mirzam and Sirius, overlighting a ship which in this photo is directly beneath it, low down on a straight alignment to Betelgeuse and Bellatrix in Orion (there has been much ongoing steadying of the Orion vibrations by star family, with continuing transformations, which we’ll return to in another post).


Blue-violet orb sits between Sirius and Mirzam (second brightest star in the Canis Major constellation), while a ship flashes in straight alignment to Betelgeuse and Bellatrix in Orion, January 25th 2019.

Finally, coming into February, a most unusual two-toned orb appeared beside the Pleiades, and star family speak of it as a ‘sunrise orb’, a message of rebirth of the Light transmitting from the second Avyon of Alta Mira, showing rose-gold light rising from below (within stars and planets, within humanity and all life) and radiating through all shadows the crystalline light codes of regeneration, wholeness and joy.


‘Sunrise orb’ to the left of the Pleiades, February 2nd 2019.

As we’re coming into a new year in the Chinese calendar, we wish very happy festivities to our friends and readers celebrating Chinese New Year! The energies are auspicious coming into this February, and we can all consciously breathe in and radiate the all-embracing, softening effect of the Sunrise Rose Light, and hold the vision that ‘pigs can fly’ in this ‘Year of the Pig’.

Love, Joy and Peace to all,


dsc02623.jpg?w=369&h=352&profile=RESIZE_710xWhile anchoring the Makarim ‘Rose Planet’ energies, this ‘Mother’s Love’ rose bloomed on the Eclipse in a beautifully symbolic ‘trinity tower’ of three pink-white roses, January 20th 2019. 

*If you’re interested in exploring the vibrational qualities of colours, and meditating with them, you may like to visit this page: The Seven Sacred Flames Meditations

*For more information about attuning with crystals, see The Crystal Connection

*For an overview of the high vibrational light-grids around the Earth, see Light-grids & Gridwork

*You can find out more about Melissa and her work with star family in Love’s Lens: An Interview with Melissa Peabody, and at her website

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  • 'Nothing is coincidence'..indeed, Amparo..;)

    Thank you for sharing about your name, and the Spanish custom of keeping both maternal and paternal family names. Wow, it would be great for that to spread everywhere!

    Much Love, Joanna&Friends  <3

  • Hi Amparo, very interesting, thank you! Somehow this doesn't seem coincidental. :) 

    Alta Mira, as I feel/see it, is one of the highest vibrational areas in the Pleiades, extremely beautiful...and it has a number of anchorpoints on/in the Earth that hold its sacred maybe Altamira in the mountains of Spain is one of them. 'Alta Mira' in this context is a vibrational translation of  Universal sound-forms through the Pleiadian language(s), into Earth language form....and is a description...through the Latin language Latin 'alta' means 'high' and 'mira' means 'wonderful'...though just looking it up in Spanish now, I see 'mira' is to look or gaze upon, and can also mean 'of high value'.... :)

    MI RA in universal sound-forms, I hear as MI = Heart, or 'of the heart vibration;, and RA = Divine Light/Light of Source....and through an Arcturian expression, Mira is 'like a jewel shining of emerald green' isn't it interesting that we see the Heart Chakra as green light?

    There are always many levels and layers weaving through the vibrations of higher dimensional names and words...and node points around the Earth, newly created ones in the New Earth light-grid and those that are being/have been restored and realigned to pure Light in the old grids, anchor these vibrations very precisely....coordinating with Gaia's Heart-Light.  :)

    Thank you, Star Sister, love & blessings to you.... <3

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