Dear star wanderers, as promised, this time we will talk about the Sirian star seeds on Terran soil.
How can you tell if you carry Sirian DNA and what special character traits (usually) form?
You simply love water and it is important for your salvation to live near it; preferably by the sea. Probably as a child you stayed in the water until your lips turned blue and your parents had to literally force you to get out of the pleasant wet again. You are also fascinated by the underwater world and as a diver you don't want to go back to the surface. If you don't live near the water, you simply don't come into your power completely or only with difficulty.
As a Sirian Star Child, you are most comfortable in mindful and loving communities with like-minded people. You are very sensitive to disruptions based on carelessness and willful bossing around, or love based on conditions. Your love of freedom is huge. It is important for you to understand why something should be done this way or that way and not another way (and it must make sense to you!) before you bend to someone else's will. The freedom that you take for yourself and understand as a basic right, applies of course also to others. You have a high tolerance level - all life has a right to exist - and since your thinking is globally oriented, you can flexibly fit into teams and adapt to many things. Although you have leadership skills, you prefer to be part of the team and let others take the lead if it makes sense to you. You like to shy away from the additional responsibility because you know how big the task alone is to take full personal responsibility as well as the ethical imperative with all its consequences for your life and actions.
Your nature - whether consciously or unconsciously - always seeks the greatest possible closeness and security in the family and in a love relationship. You approach others very openly and trustfully and strive to become ONE. Since this was not possible on the three-dimensional earth so far (we do not mean the sexual union) although you carry the memory from higher worlds in you, you were inevitably disappointed again and again. This leads to the fact that Sirian children often feel alien and have a strong feeling of not belonging to the human family they were born into. Later love relationships end tragically. The not fully or un-awakened Sirian in a human body often searches in vain for the only true love, has forgotten the BEING context and believes to find it in the twin flame. And even though this connection is truly unique and wonderful and can pave the way back to unity and oneness (whether the twin soul is incarnated in the third dimension or not), it would be a naive fallacy to believe that it is the long awaited redemption or salvation.
They become lone wolves, which is completely opposite to their actual nature, but develop great inner strength and cognitive ability - which is one of the incarnation goals of the soul. Through the experience of loneliness they find their way back into the Aloneness & All-Oneness and begin to enjoy it. The consciously felt connection with the infinite source of all being is the actual end of the search and holds perfect bliss. It is the true goal that unconsciously drives us forward. There we also find the immanent connection with all life and loneliness has an end. Those who have found the connection within themselves also experience love relationships in a different and new way. This theme is central to Sirian starseeds. This inner search is so intensely and willingly pronounced in some souls that there is the danger of an addiction problem for the human incarnation - likely until the source connection is entirely re-established and it is fully internalized that no external "aids" (not even in the form of a partner) are needed to be complete.
Their outer appearance may seem rather cool and distant (some have a sad shadow around their eyes due to abandonment), but a look into their soulful eyes reveals the truth. They often appear tough and seem to know no fear, but their souls are kind, soft, always benevolent, sensitive and sensible. Since they had to shift their emotional needs more to the higher dimensional realms, a razor-sharp and very clear mind developed due to the stronger emphasis on the left hemisphere of the brain. They can name weaknesses, misconceptions and wounds with pinpoint accuracy and thus do not always necessarily make themselves popular.
The imbalance of the cerebral hemispheres needs balancing again in the course of their life, although their basic orientation was and is a holistic perception. They learn again to come from thinking into BEING and to act out of BEING, which does not require a thinking process. IN BEING YOU SIMPLY KNOW.
The trust, which they originally gave so lavishly and open-heartedly to other people and which was then withdrawn and buried due to the experiences, is now to be aligned to the higher will of the soul - since exactly this kind of trust is the gate opener into the boundless BEING, where one leaves behind the thinker's controlling desire - possible only by aligning the power of trust to intuition and inspiration (the language of the soul).
Your being gradually realigns itself more to the love of the whole cosmos (which corresponds to the Sirian original), less to the love of an individual.
Sirian starseeds are born disaster responders. The more violent the events, the calmer they are. They keep a clear, cool head, instinctively know what to do, and proceed step by step. Their thinking is fundamentally global, which means they have the whole picture in mind and are guided by what is best for everyone involved. People with Sirian DNA parts can often be found in humanitarian organizations and as healers - both for humans and animals, as well as for the plant world and nature in general.
Read more here.
With deep and endless love for you,
Your Sirian Star Family
via V. D. Shadar
Sirian Ambassador
Galactic Federation Ground Crew