SIX AVATARS WHO RESTORED OUR DNA Frequencies of Consciousness used in the COMPLETE PERFECT DNA INFUSION ALBUM Dr. Angela Barnett channeled from the Crystalai Council Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystal magic Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. The Complete Perfect DNA INFUSION album was created from the Consciousness or Frequency Signatures of the Six Avatar Children who were born for the Divine Purpose of removing the SEALS that were placed in the Morphogenetic Templates of the Human Angelic Race line. These births were arranged by the Elohim Ascension Team. I was given access directly to their Frequency Signatures of Consciousness from the Elohim of Hearing. Each of the Six Silent Avatars were born to remove one of the Seals that was created to block the ascension of the Human Angelic Race Line. The Seventh Level Avatar was born 7/26/1992 from the Soul Essence of LAU CHA-SAN. The Consciousness Field of this entity cleared and aligned DNA STRAND 2 imprint with the 12 strand pattern, corrected strand two so that it could begin transmitting through Earth's Grid. He was born from Harmonic Universe 3 with DNA STRAND 7 fully activated. He realigned strand 2 into the 12 strand DNA pattern so that could begin transmitting through Earth's grid and into the bio-energetic fields of the Earth's population. The Eighth Level Avatar was born 6/24/1996 from Soul Essence Brahamhan Maha-tia in Harmonic Universe 3 with 8 dimensional frequency bands activated in his genetic code.The Consciousness Field of this entity cleared and aligned DNA STRAND 3 into the 12 strand DNA pattern. THE NINTH LEVEL AVATAR was born 1998 from Soul Essence Jehovani-Ahmbra to align strand 4 into the 12 strand DNA pattern. THE TENTH LEVEL AVATAR was born by 2004 from Soul Essence Allurea-Don-Melchior to align strand 5 into the 12 strand DNA pattern. THE ELEVENTH LEVEL AVATAR was born November 2007 from Soul Essence Reion-Ben-Azartan to align DNA strand 6 into the 12 strand pattern. THE TWELVTH LEVEL AVATAR was born in 2008 from Soul Essence Sananda-Ben-Jevohi to realign strand seven into the 12 stand DNA pattern. This entity has the same Soul Essence as the original Twlevth Level Avatar Jeshuwa Melchizedek 12. This was also the purpose of the one we have named Jesus Christ. The twelvth level avatar Jeshuwa Melchizedek and the ninth level avatar Jeshuwa ben Joseph were born to clear the seals from the Hebrew race line and the Jehovian Seals. The mission of Jesus 9 failed because the Jehovian Seals were not removed until 2012. The seals that were removed included seals that were created over a very long period of time to continuously block every seeding of the human angelic race from ascending. The D-4 SEAL OF PALAIDOR was a gnetic mutation from 5.5 million years ago which created a blockage between the second and third chakras and a division between the second, third and fourth levels of the auric field and separation between emotional, mental and astral identity levels. This seal is release by fully assembling the fourth DNA strand. This would disolve the blockage between the D3 conscious perceptions and D2 subconsicous mind releases. This is the first step in D4 projection of consciousness and multi dimensional communication development. DEATH SEAL- the Seal of Amenti is a genetic mutation from 5.5 million years ago in DNA strand 1 which caused the blockage between the physical and etheric body. The sixth activation code (overtone) of the first DNA strand was removed, which caused mutation in the first, second and third DNA strands. This manifested as a block between the body's particles and anti-particles of the body double in the parallel universe. This is the cause of Death. This Seal ended humanity's ability to possess an Immortal Body and created the necessity for birth and death through incarnational cycles. THE ZETA SEAL-blcked D4 multidimensional perfection from the D3 perceptual awareness creating an artificial barrier between the D3 conscious self and the astral identity. The seal operated as an etheric implant within the nadial capsule between the third and fourth layers of the auric field. The Zetas used this seal to electrically impulse human bio-checmical response patterns and behavior, through subliminal manipulation of the bio-neurological structure. This seal releases during assembly of realigned fourth DNA strand. The Zeta Seal was used to program their puppets on Earth to start wars. They created the terrorists, the frequencies activating terrorists and they activated the war teams on both sides. All sides of every war were created through Electro magnetic impulses sent through the atmosphere. Birth of Avatar 4- the tenth level Avatar was to align the DNA strand 5 with the 12 strand pattern. Corrected strand 5 imprint began transmitting throug hEarth's grid. 2005- 2017 is the second wave of 5,500 D6 soul essence Root Race 7. Paradisian children who posses the imprint for DNA strand 6. They are the place holders that ground D6 frequency for the Bridge Zone or Auora Earth. The fact that the birth of the Avatars removed those Seals from the entire morphotenetic field of consciousness of the human raceline provides the opportunity to plug the individual's consciousness into those patterns of consciousness to begin rapid activation of seal clearing and DNA strand braiding. The normal plan for the Fifth Root Race was to just begin this clearing. The Sixth Root Race would no longer experience Death and the Seventh Root Race would be the perfect Christic Being who ascends to Gaia. However, this has not been a normal ascension process. We have been given great gifts that we can tune into in order to activate our Future Selves as Sixth and Seventh Root Race Beings if we chose to partner with our Ascension Teams, Mentors, Guides, Plasma Light Beings of the Inner Cores and our own Relatives from the Median Earth, Tara and Gaia. The DNA is the literaL VESSEL THROUGH WHICH THE ILLUSIONARY EXPERIENCE OF THE PHYSICAL EXTERNAL REALITY IS MANUFACTURES. Knowing that this reality is only an illusion, we can now use the imagination to program desire thought forms into the past, presetn or future to reprogram the frequency patterns of the cellular content and operational holographic program that will manifest into physical reality through the DNA. DNA serves as the literal conduit through which that holographic program will project data from cellular memory into physical manifestation. Before we can learn to manifest anything new through our DNA, we must first learn to de-manifest all of the old beliefs and programs that are in the cellular memory.
I highly recommend reading VOYAGERS 2 by Ashayana Deane for the complete detailed story.
Namaste, Crystalai
i have translated into chinese,this is web: