The human terran body was created entirely to provide sensory organs for Source to exist within a third density world. Many different physical bodies exist based on the differing planetary environments that have birthed and shaped their creation. All of which house differing aspects of Source to gain differing ranges of experience. All are people in different physical clothing. In fact, each planetary being takes on the specific role to use their creative power to evolve self aware physicality into different forms. Not all have the privilege and responsibility to evolve a body that can exist in ‘human’ form. Gaia has proved to be an extremely efficient and specialised environment to populate such a diverse range of species. Being human is not about being separate beings from the rest of the Universe - to be human on Earth is to be the latest fashion show with everyone else watching.
Knowledge within the lower dimensions is extremely restrictive based on external experiences fed to a physical body and mind through five senses. The evolution of carbon based eyes allow a limited range of physical light frequencies in order to be able to ‘see’ the effects of a creative and collective thought form mind around the body. However, eyes and ears are only of use within a particular specialised physical environment. Even in fifth dimension, much of the created realm is based on visualising a familiar world that individuals feel comfortable and safe within their own understanding. In the higher dimensions, there is no requirement for physically ‘seeing’ or ‘hearing’, as higher conscious awareness exists as vibrational patterns of ‘knowing’. There is no requirement for the differing parts of a physical body because they serve no purpose. There is no requirement to take our body with us other than through comfort and familiarity in retaining our perception of an identity. The signature vibration of the soul serves that purpose in the higher realms.
For those familiar with the workings of knowledge transfer through the dimensions, know that the process of arrival of patterned vibrational information (encoded Language of Light) occurs at a high level which is then converted into a form of which the lower mind can understand and recognize. To describe this process in words is almost impossible other than to say that once familiar, it just feels natural to do so. The highest form that this can arrive is in the form of pure knowing or ‘gnosis’. This does not require a conversion process into one of the lower physical senses in order to be understood but requires a degree of ‘faith’ as much of the information has no form of reference to validate or compare with known sources. This could be described as 'inspired' thought (inspiritos - the breath of Source) For those who reality is determined by ‘seeing with their own eyes’ before understanding and acceptance, much energy is used in trying to conceptually convert what ‘arrives’ into a picture in order to release its meaning to the lower mind. However many of the higher concepts and ideas do not have prior existence in picture or sound form. In order to create a picture that is known and recognised to the lower senses, the information must firstly already have existed in physical density and secondly be recognisable by the recipient in order to be understood. The higher mind will often use imagery to create a pictorial journey of what it is trying to convey. A differing conversion process exists in audio form in which the higher concepts are presented as sound. Although this might be heard as inner thoughts or voices, sound alone can trigger certain thoughts and feelings which can be understood by the lower mind. Think of certain songs or even smells that trigger distant memories.
A technique to take advantage of this conversion process for those who may find difficulty with meditation techniques is to use the internet. Start off by entering today’s date in something like Wiki. Look for a name or event that ‘appeals’ to you, a word or picture that stands out from others, that appears ‘brighter’ than the rest of the information presented, then just start following the links that this creates. Do not use judgement or try and follow patterns. Just click on whatever seems the most appropriate to follow. We already know this as surfing – but it provides a method to know where your current focus lies and what your higher self is always trying to pass through to you.
It is by being non-judgement that allows this method to work effectively. You are not necessarily looking for a fixed answer to a fixed question, you are exploring the inner workings of your Higher Self guiding you to what you need to know at that point. You may wish to start the session by raising a loose question or name something that you wish to address. This process is no different to hearing a certain song on the radio or seeing a particular advert on the street – synchronicity is the key to opening the inner mind. Trust in the fact that this will always take you to an area which needs your focus and attention.
My sister collects tarot cards, we both agree that the higher mind communicates in any way it is "listened to"... always lovely to see your words :) Beautifully stated.