who is light?
who is the darkness?
who is the forgotten word. . .
who. . .
who. . . ?
you. . .
you. . . .
never, couldn't be
. . . I know who you are, I just forgot. . .
and I am just slow to be born : )
I know what you are. . .
(small note: about video --- I think I felt similar to the person who authored this great video for the song being played in it, which triggered some thoughts of my own being written from it. I wanted to let this video be apart of a universal meaning of reflection. . . as well. This may or may not seem as a small intrusion? if this may seem so, than please forgive me)
like um. . . recognizing recognition to see
(or is it just a light switch that turns on and off), as we think, hehe
hehe, yes yes, thankyou. . . yet I like to slightly extract things further beyond sensible meanings every so often, (wordy games you say?) Nah, hehe
like when poetry tells paradigm to be itself somewhere else, (for a moment)
("no no, not the same". separate, "singular", one)
Meh. . . words. . . phewht