So you want to have free energy?
Getting rid of tha banksta's and all other dark "illuminated" gangmembers, just give them the bird?
By placing the schematics here, getting a patent on it is NOT possible because this idea is publiced on the internet
before anyone has patented it.
The whole idea is new in the free energy scene, as i am Dutch i used compressed air and moving water through an ejector to generate an underpressure which are connected to fanblades to powe camshafts in an halfopen system.
The overpressure is just needed to push the water as quick as possible trough an pipe, the quicker the water streams through a pipe the higher the force on the fanblades.
In an closed system one has to deal with the 4 laws of thermodynamics, in a halfopen system you can shuffle them overboard because these thermodynamical laws aren't applicable anymore. (I'm just glad i left university when i concluded that those professors did not have a clue of what they really knew.)
The basics of this idea are simple and lies in the behaviour of water inside the interconnected vessels. If one sets two connected vessels uneven high the height in both vessels will be the same. This is nice, one does not need to build dams and so on for a water powered electricity plant.
This is the industrial use of generating electric energy in a housechamber format.
It is also the endproduct of a 30 year search for free energy, it is a jigsaw puzzle with 8 ziljon hexadiagonal pieces, it fits but how does it fit?
P.s, this drawing is copyrighted because i just wanted to share it on this site.
I had a little weird expierence about 10 minutes ago as i did some thought experiments on this idea of generating free energy.
As it is fogged here out of the blue a blueish-white dot in the sky appeared.
At first i thought i saw the Blue Kachina, but the Blue Kachina only appears in the southern hemisphere.
Could it be a star? No, the stars aren't positioned this low @ this time of year and through the fog you couldn''t see them.
Meteorites? No, the big ones are to far away.
Planes? Nope, the main flyroutes lay about a 60 miles from here, the military exercises next month.
The dot had not a tail either, it had a geostatic position. (it's position was equal to the rotation of earth)
After realizing this i got a real terrible headache for about three minutes, in this three minutes i could see all the mathematic and physical equations i needed to make this idea of mine work.
I do realise that All that is gave me the go ahead, it is time to catch this idea in a concept of proof.
What ever happens from this point on = like que sera, sera.................
It is time for a revision, after a test some things didn't quiet worked as expected, things in the design are changed so it is time for revision1.