| Source

There are profound and intense energies happening at this time. Do not ask for any upgrades or downloads to your dimensional field of light or you may find yourself in a time axis shift (one minute it is now the next minute you are into the future). The energies that come forth are moving at millions of miles per second coming forth from deep space and supernovas that turn into white holes. The stellar white hole pours itself forward into the center of our Suns Heart. These energies have no consciousness, they only have a mission to move throughout the cosmos and deposit their truths into living beings via the solar and stellar photons.

Man is hybrid being composed of earth and stardust that came forth from deep space.  These energies that come forth pouring into the human heart do so at the request of the universe, remember Divinity always reaches its Destination. Earth moves forward into more whitecaps of light penetrating the cell membranes of all livingness, moving our DNA towards a biological revival.

The dispersion of these energies as living photons of light come forth as interstellar rays with no physical barricades of any kind, dispersing their molecular intent into all areas of life from our secret moods to the ‘mean-girl weather patterns’ we have been experiencing. These energies are demanding and make you look at what you do not want to see. Like a Personal trainer they demand more of you than you think you’re capable of giving.

Each human being has an Achilles heal of sorts. These living photons of supercharged-light penetrate our inner Achilles heel deep like an Immaculate Cosmic Conception. These incoming Cosmic bursts ( in the form of CME, Solar Flares, etc.) will take you out of your comfort zone making you look at genres that you never thought you would engage; bringing forth deep cellular memories of what needs to be completed in your earth journey. Humans waste so much time being afraid and mad at everything and everyone around them. Pointing fingers at parents, presidents and past lives; not taking the fullness of responsibility for their creational choices. This emotional back-tracking, creates a double jeopardy clause; to avoid this technical difficulty, stop making excuses!

Dimensional Junctions

By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan | Source

As we move forward in energy, light and future we come to many junctions and active choices that confuse the senses and mind. We are stretched dimensionally and biologically into many directions of development. Places with many doorways open where light consciousness has many long memories. Small places in-between time that we can easily slip in and out of, in a blink of an ‘I Am” Presence.  This summer’s dimensional flux re-directs you onto places of cellular memory that needs healed before you can move forward into a higher light quotient.  The body holds all memories thru time and incarnation, each physical pain is associated with a memory, a place, a time or situation that needs to be cleansed and released.

What is known as Ascension starts cell by cell; the cell is like a room that is to be renovated awaiting new paint /new bamboo flooring/ new larger windows, etc/ First however the cell has to be emptied of all old furniture. Completely emptied before the new can be become a reality.  Will we willingly let go of the old furniture or hang on to that which no longer serves us? Think of winning the Lottery, having enough money to buy your dream house anywhere in the world, and yet you chose to stay put, enduring what you have always endured. Not receiving the good that awaits you!

All memories are held within the body, past present and future; some are sweet, some are nightmares, others have blended with the horizon not to be seen fully. As we increase our light quotient we push light into the cells that are not yet ready for renovation, as they are still holding onto the discomfort/comfort of the past and are afraid to fully release into more. When you ask for more light, more truth more love, expect the human body to rebel and react and have a tantrum.  Speak to the pain as a small unloved child, with love and understanding in your heart. The parts of us that feel unloved live within the pain. Like a Master of light gently speak them into ‘unconditional healing.’

Daily Message for 5/16/2024


Do not allow your past to have a negative impact on your present and future. Observe the past situations and events from a higher perspective. This way you have a deeper understanding and see the purpose in what unfolded, and heal and transmute the lower vibrational energies experienced in those moments, while remembering the lessons learned. Send love to those timelines and to all involved, and move forward in peace. ~Kejraj

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  • Actually, my dear ground crew Lieutenant Movella, has, through her own evolutionary challenges, created a DIRECT logoic pathway, expediting the healing flow of galactic level photons, from the aktaiwa stargate itself, via the NINE.....Thus phase-shifted and boosted more directly, from Lord Surea, himself...This will enhance evolution on Earth and assist the creation of the Solarian Star Nation...which is our destiny....
    So, adding to the solar storms, central core, photon belt and constellation impulses..

    We live in INTERESTING TIMES.....So joyful.....We can observe the dark, know their evil and CHOOSE LIGHT....That is raising consciousness...KNOWING ALL TO KNOW, dark and light....And still choosing LIGHT.....
    Galactic impulses from the Logos are profound, in making these changes complete....
    Solaris will heal this galaxy....our destiny......The green candle and flame, is the signature symbolism, for this program...

This reply was deleted.

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