Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!

There is a monumental shift taking place, humanity is entering a new era, and the old way of doing things can no longer be. In this shift humanity and Earth are to transcend the current Third Dimensional matrix, and awaken to the reality of the Soul.

As we have mentioned previously, the Sun is also going through this change, an upgrade if you will. In turn this affects the planetary bodies, and everything upon and within the planet.

The Sun will continue to release coronal mass ejections and solar flares, offering photonic light codes and energies which trigger the activation of dormant DNA in the human being, returning of the original human blueprint, as intended by the Divine.

The vibration of the atoms is increasing, to cell regeneration(upgraded physical bodies), assisting in the transformation of the body from carbon based to crystalline, with the expansion of consciousness.

The Earth’s magnetosphere, that is the shield which protects the planet from solar rays, has faded by over 10% in the last century. This is by design, so that humanity receives more of the energies radiating from the Sun in order to prepare for the shift in consciousness.

With this higher light entering the planet, every part of your being is being affected. Physically, mentally, spiritually. Some of the symptoms people may experience are exhaustion, heart palpitations, inability to sleep, intense dreams, joint pains, and confusion. One can be an emotional roller coaster as the old resurfaces for clearing. A reset of your reality, where the Soul seeks to balance your energies, and this can affect relationships, careers, and readjusting your focus towards the path of ascension.

What can you do to better prepare for these changes? Remain in a state of love and joy. Do not give into fear. Do not let anything bring you down, observe the world without emotional reaction. Eat light and healthy, stay away from toxic foods and medications. Drink plenty of purified water. Meditate, spend time in nature, and rest.

There are to be two major waves of light from the Sun, one in this year of 2024, and one in 2025. With many more in between the larger ones from now to the end of 2025. This is nothing to fear. This is the Divine in action.

You are being offered Living Light so that you may awaken to your divinity. You are awakening to your Soul-ar reality and truth. Be ready and willing to let go of things that no longer serve humanity. Be open to understanding that what is unfolding on Earth at this time is beyond politics. It is Divine. It is spiritual evolution.

All the light to You!

Source Frequencies

Greetings friends! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.

Source Creator sends its frequencies to the Central Sun of each Galaxy, and from the center, the light is radiated to the stars of each solar system. From the local suns, the new energies are sent to the planetary bodies and their inhabitants, which trigger the awakening of a Collective.

The more open one remains, the more of this light one receives. Clearing of old thought forms, traumas, and physical toxins in the body is very important, in order to better integrate the new light. Meditation does wonders, as one lets go of the external world, allowing the self to be as the Soul that it is, while deep breathing charges the chakras and the cells, realigning one’s consciousness to the rhythm of the heart center.

The Ascension of Earth into the higher realms is by Divine Decree, as other Galactic cycles are in the process of completion, with new ones beginning. Then, with the observation and guidance of the Cosmic Councils the Galactic Federation does its part in managing the process of ascension as worlds prepare for upliftment in consciousness.

The ones who are reading these words, many of you take part in the meetings of the Higher Councils in your dream state, and of course with the Galactic Federation. So although in your waking state you have grown tired and impatient, you were part of the meetings where it was agreed upon for this process to be gradual, in order to give the opportunity to as many as possible to ascend.

You who are reading these words, you are now the Ascended Masters, you are the Elders. And with the completion of Earth’s ascension, you can choose to stay on Earth for a while, or you have the freedom to go be and continue your spiritual expansion in any star system or galaxy you desire, whether it be in the fifth, sixth, or seventh dimension is up to you. The next step and experience of your journey is entirely up to you. As it has been always.

You are loved and honored beyond your wildest dreams!

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