Article in Cosmic Dolphin Magic
Many think we need to wait until later in 2011 or 2012 to be prepared to watch space ships land on earth. The fact is the space ships already landed on Earth. A space ship is actually a crystal light body in the form of a Merkaba. That is the transportation vehicle of all higher entities. Sometimes the entities unite their merkabas into a larger space ship as in the Ashtar Command. Most of the angelic humans have been on the Ashtar space ship at night or the Arcturian Space Ships at night when we sleep. They have been here for thousands of years. They can change their forms into any level of density that they choose to. They can take the form of crystal light energy in the dust form or the gel form or the light form or the density that our eyes can see. That is their choice. All we have to do to see them is to change the frequency of our perception. This is what will really happen by late 2009. `Our frequencies will rise to the level of the entities that many can not yet see. The pathway to raising frequencies to that point of hearing, feeling and understanding is found through music. The music available on this website is for the purpose of raising frequencies to the level where we can feel, we can perceive of the frequencies of each entity, each dimension, each cosmic merkaba that is standing right in front of us. When we reach the level of perception, we also reach the level of teleportation and telecommunication. It is all done through frequencies. I see space ships every day. They usually hide in the forms of clouds; but recently I can see them very clearly.
The Ashtar Command has sent streams of frequencies to deactivate mine fields that would lower our frequencies into complete retardation over and over again on this earth. They have sent streams of frequencies that showered us with temporary protection from the miasms planted in our minds and bodies. They have only been able to give us a temporary fix because we have not given them permission to activate this light stream that will raise our frequencies. The Crystal Magic Orchestra does give them permission through our music to raise the frequencies of everyone who listens to the music. The Ashtar Command is actually part of the Crystal Magic Orchestra along with the Arcturian Command, several Cosmic Councils and many of the greatest Healing Entities of all Universes.
There are also great entities who live in Inner Earth who actually make the technology and the space ships that are in the density that we presently perceive. The fifth dimensional entities in inner earth take on the same form as we do on the top of the earth except their etheric make up is completely silica based while ours is becoming more and more silica based every day. Now that our carbon based structure is pretty much gone, we can begin to learn how to connect our new chemical make up and how to create great technology of the ethers as the inner earth entities have done.
Crystalai (c)2011
@Rev.Joshua skirvin I completely never knew that the galactic federation of light was us in the future but now i know and it completely makes sense of why cant they intervene with our free-will.
I understand now! Thanks Rev.Much peace and light always! Namaste
Yeah!, you said it..
As Earths energies goes up, we will se more and more often this ships !
Amazing times to live on Planet Earth.