Wolves have always been of interest to me, since I was very young.

I remember when my mother first started painting, she painted a lot of Native American art. There was a time, when I was 8 or 9, when I requested her to paint a wolf for me. So she did. To this day, I still wish I had that painting. The memory if it far exceeds its value, but I love knowing that the wolf was painted for me.

√ Tattoo of a grey wolf when I was 18.

√ Retouching of Grey wolf tattoo to Black wolf.

√ Always wanting to grow my hair out, noticing it sort of resembles a wolf's mane sometimes.

√ Very wide grin, and big smile that I'm known for.

√ Keen sense of hearing, smell.

√ Passionate, (make love 'like' a wolf... hard to explain)

√ Family oriented, intelligent, compassionate, loyal, etc.

√ Always longing for a 'mate', very committed in every relationship

√ One time I looked in the mirror in a darkened room, I saw myself transform into a wolf

√ etc. etc. etc.

8108769099?profile=originalThe Wolf is an incredible communicator. By using touch, body movements, eye-contact as well as many complex vocal expressions – the wolf makes his point understood. Those with totem wolf symbols are of the same inclination – they are expressive both vocally and physically. Those who have the wolf as their totem animal are naturally eloquent in speech, and also have knack for creative writing.

A quick-list of totem wolf symbolic attributes include:

  • Intelligence
  • Cunning
  • Communication
  • Friendliness
  • Loyalty
  • Generosity
  • Compassionate

Totem wolf symbols belong to those who truly understand the depth of passion that belong to this noble creature. The Wolf is a representative of deep faith, and profound understanding.

Further, the Wolf possess a high intellect, and have been observed using strategies about hunting, habitat and migration.

Source: http://www.whats-your-sign.com/totem-wolf-symbols.html

All of this is very true... and I can concur with it all.

Does anyone else have any other good 'spirit animal' or 'totem animal' sources they'd like to share? I would love to learn more about this.

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  • I have a few but they are very much a part of my entire being and are priceless in my heart. They show us so much about ourselves and our strengths. *high five* It's good you can recognize the greatness within you. As for my wolf, lol my profile pic says it all. *full canine grin* Bless you.

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