~The Spiritual Doctors are In~
As a Result of these Removals we have Achieved the Necessary Light Quotient for Humanity's Awakening, Get Yours Removed and Assist Humanity and Yourself! Exciting Moments On Planet Earth=Heart
Implant Archon Removals with Chakra DNA Restructure and Repair~ The Moment to Be Happy and Free~ Come Experience the Magic and The Miracles~ Daily Beginning at 5pm Mountain time~ till Midnight Mountain Live at this Link: http://tinychat.com/connectwith5d
Testimonial Wolfwith "Greetings to all you Good Souls reading this!I received "Spiritual Surgery"; or implant removal last Thursday, Oct. 2 2014...
I am a Lightworker/Healer with Degenerative Disc Disease, severe arthritis, as well as P.T.S.D., Anxiety Disorder, Bi-Polar and had also been battling extreme Agoraphobia for 10+ years...
No, I am not going to say I'm cured... (!)
...Although subtle, yet *PROFOUND* changes began occurring within a day of my healing session!
For the first time in years, I have been enjoying taking walks in public every day (sometimes more than one)!!! Gone are the apprehensions & nervousness I'd felt of having to be out in public!
With the assistance of Archangel Michael, I was able to cut the cords of negativity (extreme loneliness & anti-social behavior, etc.)...
When my session got very intense, personal and emotional-
Not once did I feel that "fight-or-flight" tendency to stop, or give up.
I felt a strong Angelic presence with me the entire time, aside from the beautiful Souls that make up The First Contact
With MotherGod, OrionLove and the whole beautiful team, I immediately felt completely safe & LOVED. 
I'm not having as many internal conflicts or uncertainty, either...
...with anything. I feel an incredibly *RIGHT* sense of well-being overall!
My back & neck pain have lessened noticeably, and I've also lost 3 inches off my waist! I really don't think that 1 week of walking is the entire cause of this...(lol!),
even the dynamics in interacting w other people are increasing daily...
I am not avoiding engaging, which is a huge step I was not having any success with previously.
Endless thanks go out to First Contact Ground Crew!

Sending Golden Love Light to whoever may be in need...
Quoted from Eric
I used to call myself a person you could come to receive implant removals, but after I received a removal from MotherGodLove and OrionLionLove, I now realize how much I was missing. I would extract 5-10 sentient implants, the whole time not knowing that there are dozens, sometimes hundreds more "programming chips" left over that I wasnt getting.
I work for an Applied Kinesiologist, and I watch him track down implants inside of the specific meridian/organ, not knowing what he is doing, thinking it is strictly dysfunction in the body or meridians. He is adept at neutralizing the effects of the implant, but they are still there, and can spring back into full power at a moments notice (personal attitude has alot to do with how quickly they recover...happier people last longer). I have known about them for a while now, thinking I was on top of the game. Boy was I wrong.
After the removal, I could feel the holes in my energy body where the chips were removed, filled with bright loving vitality. I already was in an amazing place mentally, physically, and spiritually, but it was still a night and day transformation for me. Now I dont have to focus on defense....constantly removing new implants as they infect. Now it is 100% toward my passions and the highest good for all, and I am going full bore with nothing in this universe that can stop this transformation. It is good to have All That Is behind you :)"
All Our Love The First Contact Ground Crew Team