Spiritual Sun Behind the Sun Channeler: LISA RENEE


Spiritual Sun Behind the Sun

Dear Ascending Family,

The consciousness within our Solar System is undergoing its own level of solar initiation through the massive amount of solar flare plasma emissions.

A solar flare is a burst of light, radiation and intelligent energy which erupts from the sun’s magnetic atmosphere. Solar flares affect all layers of the solar atmosphere, when the plasma is heated into millions of kelvins, the flares produce radiation across the electromagnetic spectrum at all wavelengths.

These light frequencies range from radio waves to gamma rays, although most of the energy is spread over frequencies outside the visible spectrum to the naked eye.

Currently, the sun is consistently firing off the strongest solar flares we have experienced in which science measures as an X class flare, falling into the category of the most intense levels of solar explosions.

In less than two weeks the sun has released over 28 solar flares, with some of the most powerful coronal mass ejections that have reached the earth.

Coronal Mass Ejections (CME’s) are a mass of charged particles and magnetic field energy that bursts from the sun like a volcanic eruption. Coronal mass ejections interact with Earth’s ionosphere which change the shape and direction of the magnetic field, as well as generate geomagnetic storms, auroras and increase the range of the earth’s plasma fountain.

It is clear evidence we are undergoing an intense Solar Initiation of radiating plasmic light which is rapidly progressing humanities evolution (or digression) on our chosen spiritual journey upon this earth.

In addition to the extreme pressure of this Solar Initiation, we are being influenced by the current Uranus-Pluto-Jupiter T-square which may produce spontaneous, erratic, destructive behavior in the spiritually unaware and emotionally reactive type of person.

For those more spiritually developed, this configuration will motivate us to adapt quickly to radical change and to find creative solutions to rise above destructive scenarios and emotional havoc.

With the frequency changes configuring around the planet Uranus, this will stimulate the creation of new technologies and innovations from societal organizations that simply no longer work. This is the next trigger event in a series which precede the breakdown of the systems of control and the cessation of promoting purely materialistic values.

There is a breakdown of individualistic ego structures required in order to have a group humanitarian breakthrough for positive change in the future.

To the spiritually uninitiated, this may appear to be a mental, physical or nervous breakdown for those individuals who are being forced to change their lifestyle now.

The cost is taken at the individual ego level as it is the overall group consciousness, the health of the collective, which is at a much higher energetic priority now. We are leaving the rule of selfish ego and moving into the awareness of the larger group of planetary consciousness.

This timeline marks the early initiation that ends the rule of the False King of Tyranny archetype and its continual abuse of power through technological mind control upon the earth.

The awakening Holy Father is illuminating his return as the Spiritual Sun behind the Sun returning benevolence merged with true power.

However, the end of the rule of the Tyrant must be internally and spiritually chosen by the individual. For many on the earth the tyrant archetype has become a bad addiction of victim/victimizer polarity that may be hard to break free of.

The ending of tyrannical control requires the spiritual responsibility to end all victim related patterns.

Humanity must wake up from its bad dream and find the courage to imagine new consciousness possibilities, as we free ourselves from the past grips of tyranny.

The Seven Suns in the One

The main Solar Body (our visible Sun) is undergoing an evolution in that its magnetic pole is reversing which is further altering its Solar Ray transmissions to Earth and to other planets.

This change also alters the function of the constellation Ursa Major in which its seven main stars are sequentially merging forces with their counterpart, the Seven Sister stars in the Pleiades.

The resulting alchemical merge of these constellations of stars is manifesting a new expression of creation in the higher cosmic planes. This is referred to as the Seven Sacred Suns in the One.

This is vastly significant as it marks the astrological resolution of levels of the miasmatic blueprint of many karmic imprinted histories in stellar and cellular memory record.

This is similar to saying that there is a clearing of the akashic record related to some karmic events in time that were committed with humanities cooperation.

This is a cosmic convergence between the spiritual source, the stellar bodies and the matter worlds at new levels. Some of what may be called “cosmic evil” and “cosmic rage” stemming from multiple planetary histories is coming into final dissolution within the past timelines.

This allows for the Seven Sacred Suns to unite as one connected solar body to transmit the Cosmic Spiritual Sun plasma waves, which is the source field of building the Christos Diamond Sun body.

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Additionally, a cosmic triad of energy has formed with our Sun, Pleiades and the planet Uranus to ignite the new unity consciousness blueprint for the Planetary Logos.

Uranus, as per its recent alignment to its astrological influence, is the major planetary body which transmits the qualities of the 7D Violet Ray to the earth.

When astrological alignments occur through major conjunctions between planetary and stellar bodies, forces of alchemy occur which alter frequency current and manifest new creations. This new cosmic alignment changes the stellar architecture of how the Sun transmits the Violet Ray frequency throughout our Solar System.

The Violet Ray is the 7D current which creates the ultraviolet magnetosphere and holds the magnetic instruction set for the planetary brain, otherwise called the planetary logos.

Clearly this is significant to the changes directly related to our personal spiritual centers, our crown chakra, our third eye (pineal), our heart, our physical brain and our vibrational thought forms.

The Sun hides an etheric planet (orb) which is an entrance leading to the Cosmic Spiritual Sun, which holds within itself the first principle of the emanation of the Father’s Eternal Light, The Solar King. The Holy Father principle within the Cosmic Spiritual Sun is what gives light to all things in the Universe. The awakening Holy Father is heralding the reappearance of the Cosmic Christos principle in our Solar System.

They were beyond our reach in previous timelines because of a “ring–pass–not” around our Solar System from the earth coordinate.

Now is the time they return to activity with the earth plane and humanity. The release of the Solar Cross (the ring pass not) is tantamount to the related initiation of the planetary logos and the positive future evolution of collective humanity.

This new solar activity is changing the masculine principle archetypes through the alteration of the Seven Ray particle structure primarily through the reconstitution of the 7th Violet Ray.

This modification also directly impacts the elemental particles of matter.

This shift is dismantling the masculine archetype of the False King of Tyranny architecture in the planetary logos to be replaced with the Christos mind as directed by the Solar King.

Seven Sacred Planets

There are Seven Sacred Planets which have acted similarly as consciousness prototypes as well as supply the raw materials for the builders and architects of our 3D planet earth.

These Seven Sacred Planets are also comprised of spiritual light which circulates throughout and beyond our Solar System, while the other five planets have historically remained spiritually stagnant.

These Seven planets are spiritually initiating in order to circulate the plasma waves of the Spiritual Sun throughout the Solar System.

These inhabited planets have human and other life forms which exist in other times and dimensions, also undergoing ascension.

One such sacred planet closely related to earth as an ascending race prototype in its higher dimension is Venus.

All of these twelve planetoids in our Solar System represent the total energetic body of what remains from our 5D earth in the next harmonic universe. (This future earth has been called Terra or Tara and it is also related to the female phantom body of Tiamat.)

It is some of these planets remnants and unhealed egoic bodies that are the source of miasma and karmic superimposition upon the 3D earth plane. One such architecture is the imposed Solar Cross in the heart centers of the 4D astral body and the 8D body. (The 8th portal of the Orion gateway)

The spiritual stagnation of multiple planets and their mind logos combines the strength of the enforcement of the Solar Cross, which limits any beings access beyond the consciousness of the Solar System.

The explosion of planetary bodies and the destruction it creates upon the races involved is why the Solar Cross “quarantine” was in place on earth.

This is one source of what formed a quarantine fence around the earth; another fence was enforced by the N.A.A. technological nets. This repeated explosion of planets is the reason why there have been multiple invasion histories on earth from many lines of the Fallen Angelic races.

There is a tremendous amount of karmic imbalances to play out between several planetary logos.

Each of these planets, its astrological blueprint and their race lines are undergoing spiritual evolution through the reabsorption of their egoic ray, (the collective psychic impression and personality influence), which occurs through the Solar System Initiation of plasma radiating through the Cosmic Spiritual Sun.

At this time we have begun a Solar System Initiation which impacts the interchain of spiritual evolution between multiple planetoid bodies and the related history of egoic bodies attached.

These planets and their creations are which collectively have stemmed forth their egoic and grotesque astral manifestations, many of which have influenced humanity in the lower earth plane.

The egoic remnants, the psychic debris of these planetoids and the Fallen Angelic entities associated with them, have created vast amounts of mind parasites in the phantom realms. These mind parasites have come to be understood as the Archon entities which are both manifested from these phantom bodies and are also technologically replicated to control humanity by the reptilians.

These archons feed on chaos and fear, den in the phantom spaces, and have largely attached themselves to the invading warring races.

Being parasitic they siphon energy to exist from the solar bodies (sun). One such race is the Leviathan which was recently evicted from the wormhole created from the Tiamat explosion, which resulted in a phantom black hole eons ago.

This field damage in the higher timeline was used by the N.A.A. to abuse the earth energies through a network they control from the Middle East called the Phoenix Grid.

A showdown for the control over the Phoenix network and the agenda to incite military invasion in the Middle East around chemical warfare in Syria was recently intercepted by the Guardians.

The Banished Leviathan

Through the histories of the fallen there have been many stellar races that have sought to seed their consciousness, their DNA and to impact the earth and humanity with their influence.

Some of this was to attempt to resolve karmic burdens by playing them out in physical matter based upon the hidden galactic histories on other planets, such as Tiamat. Obviously some extradimensional races took advantage of these memories and vastly abused their power as becoming the invisible Tyrants over humanity to pay for these transgressions.

Many planetary schemes impact the currently earthly dynamics, based upon histories with other races in different timelines and playing out in multidimensional planes of consciousness.

The Annunaki seeded hybrid, the Leviathan race, is one such result from the disastrous implication of exploding a planet in another timeline, and further destroying with intended malice other races ability to evolve.The Leviathan is the demon seed of karmic miasma of extreme hatred and envy of the human race.

They represent the accumulation of pre-existent forces of chaos unleashed upon the earth which resulted from the past destructive histories, one primarily between Marduk and Tiamat.

These Leviathan races came into power during the Atlantian cycle through the use of black magicians and promotion of the False King of Tyranny archetype, seething with jealousy at the capacity to be an incarnated human being. They are a part of the history which manifested the black magic grids that were installed on the earth during the Atlantian cataclysm cycle.

These entities hold ancient hatred towards earth as they believe their “homeless” state (the exploding planet remains in the Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter) and being forced to work in the phantom realms was at the unjustified cost to their race.

They wanted revenge and to rule.

They ripped through the wall of time and constructed a wormhole that connected to the exploded Tiamat through a phantom black hole.

This interfered with the original stargate function with the primary stronghold in the last Atlantian colony remnant of Bermuda, the Sarasota stargate and within the inorganic structure burrowed underground in Egypt which is called the Phoenix grid.

The stellar vibration which emanated from within the Great Bear constellation as a part of the collective mind of this Leviathan race thoughtform, came to exist as the karmic energy retribution of this event in the galactic history cycle.

This race thoughtform was circulating in the planetary mind as a part of the human unconscious. The unhealed memory in a human energy field could be used to attach and even possess a human’s spiritual body by Leviathan.

This piece of the constellation influence was inherently a part of the Annunaki’s Leviathan architecture and its transmissions were being sent to the planetary brain which reflected this painful history since the time of the Atlantian cataclysm.

Specifically this thoughtform was the seed of the Annunaki races anti-Christ sentiment, to kill, conquer and crucify the Christos humans on the earth plane.

Groups of humans with this memory record are undergoing spiritual exorcism and energetic clearing from the impacts of the Leviathan on the earth.

Through the Sarasota area the Guardian host has taken control of this wormhole and evicted the Leviathan races from its burrow located within the phantom body of Tiamat.

This has removed the mental vibration transmission of the Leviathan race thought form out of our planetary logos which further potentially clears it from the human auric body.

This collective clearing has implication to the 5D timelines. In a sense these races were brought into the custody of the Guardian Host.

These races can be resurrected through the ashes of the Phoenix if they return home to the Solar Temple of the true Spiritual Sun. The choice remains with them to forgive.

Clearly this is an example of the planetary mind which needed to be healed in order to be resolved from this painful history.

As the masculine principle heals and reunites with its female counterpart, the solar, galactic, and karmic histories are being purged through the reappearance of the Cosmic Spiritual Sun.

This is what is meant as the Spiritual Sun behind the Sun, as the spiritual sun reclaims the mind of those thoughtforms which have been tainted from the many destructive histories of which humanity is apart, but is just awakening to remember.

It is this new solar initiation activity that is shifting the masculine principle and releasing the False King of Tyranny archetype through the many alterations occurring within the planetary brain.

The Solar Cross

The Solar Cross is a fusion of four major astrological influences and related stellar energies pouring into our entire solar system, on to our planet and throughout humanity.

It is the Fixed Cross whose four energies blend with and transmit the energies of the solar rays throughout the solar system itself.

So in this last evolution cycle, the Seven Solar Rays were holding the instruction set of the Solar Cross upon the earth body, therefore all human bodies. To be released from this fixed cross one had to spiritually develop themselves, in other words, ascend their consciousness.

This blueprint also allowed the Solar Cross to be used by the unscrupulous Annunaki to manifest upon the earth the DNA mutation for the 7D crucifixion implants in the human body.

However, as the new violet flame is reconstituted through the emanation of the plasma from the Cosmic Spiritual Sun, this is being re-encrypted with new Aurora elementals.

When we devote ourselves to our spiritual development, this mutation will now self-correct through one’s ascending consciousness.
The access to the Cosmic Spiritual Sun holds its secret through the release of the internal “ring pass not”, the inner Solar Cross which is located at base four (4D) and eight (8D) levels.

Which when cleared leads into achieving imprinted perfection in the aura at the base twelve levels. Base Twelve is the definition of the reassembled twelve strand DNA diamond body of the Christos principle, a silicate matrix template.

When the carbon elemental body is merged with its Spiritual Sun, the body elemental transforms from the 666 carbon based atomic form to add 8 more electrons, 8 more protons and 8 more neutrons to build the silicate based form.

This is why in certain gnostic texts the Christos was considered the highest in the hierarchy of the Ogdoad, or represented through the number eight (888).

This is the gematria value to build the silicate form as well as represent the infinity symbol of the eternal life current of Christos.

Silicon crystallizes in a diamond cubic crystal structure and has an atomic number of fourteen (14).

The Aeonic Pair

The Universal Founders are involved with altering Ursa Major in which its seven stars are merging with its counterpart, the seven sister stars in the Pleiades creating a cosmic blueprint of the Aeonic Pairing.

Together, they represent the active principle of the heavenly masculine and the receptive principle of the heavenly feminine uniting through their shared constellation which allows connection directly into the Cosmic Spiritual Sun.

As this Cosmic Triad completes, the Heavenly Father, the Heavenly Mother unites with their Cosmic Spiritual Sun. To which this heavenly marriage heralds the birth of an entirely new creation of Suns and Sacred planets while nurturing the Christos child on the earth. This Aeonic Pair represents perfect balance.

This cosmic shift in the Solar System is being synchronized into a new Aeon. This new Aeon is equal to a new measurement in cosmic time as well as the creation of a new cosmic entity.

The new Aeon describes the horizontal measurement of time as having been adjusted by the cosmic clock, by the hand of God.

The Aeons are always born in male-female pairs, each of which is in itself a divine principle, yet, at the same time represent one aspect of the Godhead.

These Aeonic pairs comprise the totality of the Godhead as the two divine principles which merge and unite as the third principle, becoming the Three in One.

This heavenly prototype must be embodied, as above, so below, and will come to be the spiritual embodiment process of the ascending human experience.

The spiritual completion which unites the Aeonic pair is the resulting state of Krystal “hierogamic union” or sacred marriage between the male and female principle with the Godhead.

The stairway to heaven through the Krystal Star is embodied through inner and outer sacred marriage, in alignment to these heavenly prototypes, which will continually advance upon the earth.

Rebuilding Prana Tube

With the many recent configurations changing in the ley line structures of the earth, this has redirected certain qualities of energy and changed the pattern of the flow of “life force” through the different meridians and auric energy centers.

This may have impact to the pineal, brain, nostrils, heart and lungs which are adapting to a new pranic tube and breathing pattern.

This recent astrological alignment has had a direct impact to the healing of the planetary brain (logos), the collective mental body of the earth, thus it reconfigures the crown center of the human race.

For those of us on the ascension pathway we are undergoing shifts in the architecture of our violet flame, crown chakra and our pranic tube. The prana tube runs the movement of our breath in the same direction with the central vertical channel of which our chakra cones attach at their center.

Our chakras are very much designed like circular flower petals with seed crystals in its center. The crystal seed of our chakra flower is attached to the central vertical channel and the “prana”, the breath of life, runs in circular patterns throughout our vertical channel and our chakras when we are healthy and in energetic balance.

When we focus on our breath through meditation we can redirect the life force in the prana tube to circulate in the central channel and vitalize these energy centers.

One of the most effective ways to balance the breath through both the right and left channels of the brain center, sinus, and nasal passages is through “pranayama”alternate nostril breathing.

As the planet undergoes the current Solar Initiation there is a tremendous influx of “prana” life force being generated through the new quality of plasma being received from the Spiritual Suns.

As our breathing pranic tube expands and lengthens, there are parts of our light body that activate that have been dormant or blocked.

The plasma is vitalizing certain areas that impact the bodies at the protoplasm level in the cell, the protein synthesis level and molecular levels. This process acts as a detoxifying agent to physical cells as well as purifies cellular memory record held in the body from other timelines.

As the breathing tube and the body is adapting to the plasmic breath, the body will feel as if is hitting resistance in the form of blockage or energetic parasites.

With this lightbody upgrade; sinus congestion, mucous, sensing toxicity needing to be purified, lung or chest pressure, headache, vertigo, sensing not getting enough oxygen, concern with breathing “normally”, changes in metabolism (sleep, heat, hunger), hormonal flashes.

When the body is showing energetic blockage in areas, it is supportive to treat your body as if on a purifying cleanse. Energetic parasites are a result of energy blockages in areas of the etheric double or “ka battery body”.

Eventually if energetic blockages are not cleared, the result is energetic parasites which manifest into physical representation of infection and infestation.

All outward disease patterns in the physical body are at the core causation level a malfunction of energy flow in its blueprint or an injurious blockage to the areas of impact.

This can happen physically, energetically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.

When we can first address disease as related to energetic blockages or spiritual injury, we are empowered to remove the fear and confusion that can amplify the negative impact of disease in the body.

Undergoing ascension transfiguration we will experience a variety of symptoms, and the recent lightbody upgrades have been very intense.

Stay calm and matter of fact when addressing disease patterns and ask your body what it requires to rebalance. In this rapid plasma acceleration, be proactive in treating your body with the care it requires as if one is in a detoxification cleanse regime.

Common Energetic Blockages

From the tyrannical history of oppression upon humanities spiritual identity and our true extraterrestrial origin being hidden, humanity has manifested similar types of common spiritual blockages.

These occurrences are in relationship to energetic imbalances between the masculine and feminine principles as well as spiritual-energetic injury.

All blockages can be healed with self-knowledge and spiritual dedication through learning how to breathe and be present in stillness.

Spiritual Healing is nonverbal and nonlinear and may happen at any now moment.

Emotional Pain and Addiction

When one’s emotional body and loving heart is left unhealed, the higher energy centers shut down blocking life force circulation and we become a slave to our lower instinctual bodies.

Operating the body from lower instincts means that we are governed by the external world and our false archetypal ego perceptions. From this state of being, the main controlling center governing the body is the 2nd chakra which over time becomes infested with energetic parasites that lead to addiction habits.

If the emotional body and heart (soul) is left unhealed, further imbalances of distortions will result, such as phobias, OCD, psychopathy, sexual perversions, and addiction to the material world, objects and other people.

This is because of the energetic vampirism required to soothe the inner anxiety and the energy required to continually manifest the person’s “reality bubble”.

People addicted to the external will go to great lengths to enforce their version of reality through controlling behaviors. Without the healed heart and sensitive emotional body, people become cruel and disconnected which leads to spiritual possessions.

Generally, this state overwhelms the psyche with powerlessness which attracts even more types of parasites. These parasites are sourced from a cornucopia of etheric, energetic, alien and physical phenomena.

When the female principle is blocked, which is when the heart, emotions and spiritual qualities are ignored, the body’s energies atrophy and decay.

The eyes will appear lifeless (soulless).This decay manifests as yeast, candida, fungus, mold and related microorganism imbalances.

Once yeast is rooted in the digestive systems, parasites and worms take hold through the digestive organs and may pass through into the blood stream. Once an infection has infiltrated the blood and gone systemic, serious disease patterns will generally be “diagnosed” and given clinical names.

If one has identified systemic candida-yeast problems, healing of the female principle, female ancestors and one’s emotional relationship to all female related belief systems is highly suggested.

(Mother, Sister, Aunt, Daughter, Wife, Friend, Self) If one has identified parasites, healing of the spiritual light body (shielding) and developing core strength and acceptance of the inner spirit mission through the loving heart is highly suggested.

Mental Pain and Negative Thoughts

When one’s mental body is not disciplined from incessant negative thoughts and visions, either excessive personal will is displayed or the person withdraws from life in depression.

Negative thoughts in the earlier stages will directly trigger the emotional body and create traumas and hurts. If this is not corrected, the negative thoughts act as a tyrant abuser and the heart and emotional body shuts off completely.

Many times the mind retrieves painful memories and replays them over and over. The person is then living in a state of “shock” and numbness.

Most times a person emotionally hurt shuts down their female energies (stunting their emotional intelligence and spiritual growth) and polarizes themselves in their masculine energies. This person will appear to be overtly masculine and mental, a “macho man” or “criticizer” and this can manifest in women equally.

In either case the mental body becomes a tyrant of control over the mental body which is generally applied to degrade oneself or degrade others.

The 3rd chakra solar plexus becomes the governing center of will and control over the body. In the old energy workplace the polarization of the masculine and mental energy in the 3rd chakra is the means of corporate survival to climb the ranks of status.

This bad behavior has been financially rewarded and socially reinforced for most people that have to survive in a job they do not want to be working. We have to discipline our negative ego for all the reasons it is reinforced socially through the Tyrant controller archetype.

When a body is severely imbalanced with its relationship to the mental body and masculine principle, bacterial related microorganisms are prevalent.

Bacterial forms create intense pain in the body and lodges in organs, joints and ligaments, where the body will lose flexibility of motion. The more dogmatic, controlling and mentally rigid a person is exposed to in the self or another self, the more physical pain the body will manifest.

Bacterial infection from mental rigidity in the skeletal areas is common, such as fusing the spine and locking joints to reduce fluidity in structural movement.

Bacteria will also create imbalance in the digestive organs, leak into the blood stream and go systemic creating bacterial infection.

If one has identified systemic bacterial related problems, healing of the male principle (also the negative ego), male ancestors and ones relationship to all male related belief systems is highly suggested. (Father, Brother, Uncle, Son, Husband, Friend, Self)

Mental and Emotional Abuse of the Earth Body

The microcosm impacts the macrocosm and the more humanity abuses the earth body and her natural kingdoms, the more microorganism imbalances and parasites are created.

Energetic imbalances with nature create energetic parasites which manifest as disease, physical microorganisms, virus, pathogens and other mutations.

Natural disasters such as volcanic eruption, earthquakes, weather cataclysm, when they are not being technologically manipulated by human military or alien sources, are also causal related to the state of energetic balance.

There are unnatural disasters such as famine, poverty, tyranny, prostitution and rape of natural resources, careless misuse of fatal substances (Fukushima disaster),which are directly man-made and also intensely impact the overall collective balance.

All of these factors can eventually annihilate a species if they are not corrected.

As we leave the time cycle of the oppressive rule of the Tyrant, this is a beneficial time to identify any areas in ourselves where we have been hurt or harmed through the False King of Tyranny archetypes in one’s life.

This can manifest in our own mind as the self-enforced tyrant that promotes the negative dialogue that informs us we are unworthy of love and acceptance.

Or having others around us act like tyrants where we allow them to have power over our own self determination and self-worth. It is time to kick the Tyrant to the curb, whether it is internal or external tyranny and develop the nurturing qualities of self-love and self-acceptance in all parts of our being.

May we extend our circle of compassionate loving to extend to all of the earth and humanity during this difficult process of death and rebirth.

The impostor spirit has enjoyed using the False King of Tyranny to wield its N.A.A. control agenda over humanity since the time of the Atlantian fall.

Read it its rights and tell it where it can go, while taking in your own right to reclaim your true divine nature as a God-Sovereign-Free Krystic being!

Until next stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christ heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa


This ES Monthly News Article reflects the Guardian Perspective of the Ascension Timeline (2012 Timeline and beyond) as support, both energetically and educationally, for the Galactic Families of Starseeds and the Indigo Races. This Spiritual Family has accepted the Guardianship role to support the foundation of Cosmic Citizenship as an evolutionary model for this planet and humanity, and this is a level of earth based advocacy designed for this specific group.

There is absolutely no value difference given on the role each being has chosen for its expression. The Guardian Groups mission directive is rehabilitation of the hologram, repairing its energetic architecture (dna), embodying the Ascended Human Protoform, supplying informational context on Ascension dynamics and Exopolitic (ET) Agendas and reeducating both human and non-human's to be congruently aligned to the Universal Law of One.

Freedom, Fraternity, and the Sovereign Right of All Beings to be a Knower of God Source is protected by the Collective Unity Vow shared among our Universal Guardian Groups.

The Group Unity Vow Decree

Defender Warriors of Truth, Sovereignty, Liberation. All Guardian races Serving the One. From Across All the Multiverses We Call Upon You to Join US Now. Our Unification Principle deemed as demonstrated in the waves of Omni Love - We Sound our Group Note to You Now.

Our Group Template Updated, Individually and Collectively, Renewed and Forever Perpetuated in the Eternally Sustained Light. Our Alchemical Container is consecrated and dedicated to the Purposes of One, and we endeavor to be the Knower of God to then be the Way Shower of God. Sustain Us in the Eternal Power of our Consecration.

We have called for your Gatekeeping in order to hold our community, our missions, our mutual highest purposes in Service to the One Light, Our Source, The Living Light Code. Our Intention is Unification - The Christ Principle - as an Energetic Reality, Here and Now.

We request the handshake of our community to fortify our spiritual links through the Universal Cosmic Triad, and into The Core of One, the Zero Point God Matrix, that which is the source of our Genesis. With deep reverence for all of Life, Dear God, Breathe your Life Codes into all created form. We set our intention now to be Remembered to That Which We Are, fully completely and totally.

To State our Mutual Purpose as One, Resurrect All inorganic patterns to the Organic Living Light Now. And to that we Say, Thank God We Are The Cosmic Christ!

And so It is. Lovingly Decreed.
© 2012, Lisa Renee

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