Message from St. Germain
Jan. 03, 2014
Dear friends,
The last two weeks the energy of St. Germain has been coming IN again strong and he also connected to me again. We spoke of many things and stuff. Projects to be, changes to come, how to BE.
He first wanted me to give you this message, as 2014 begins…
I invite you to read it.
I love you All <3
Dear Ones,
I AM St.Germain, greetings!
Focus on the Light, focus on the colors of Light, focus on the Rainbow it brings. Each color its own frequency of harmony, each flower it gives to you.
The current Flow anointed to Love, streams a variety of new possibilities and changes coming. These new changes will come up and about, once you focus upon them and create them. The head-strong focus is needed, but the Heart Love guidance should lead primarily. The combination is resumed from now on. One Flow. One goal.
The present energies are suitable for the INclination of many things to blossom in your realm now, good things, good energies to tap INto. We ask you to relax, breath IN and think and feel IN, as to where this Love energy you want you to lead. Take lead, take Love control, Be Love in engagement! The actions from the Heart lead, the focus will follow embedded in harmonious energies. Trust Source creator, the Divine Orchestrator of the Rays, truth will flow IN, once you collect. The symmetry withIN Love Divine, Love Universal, Love Twinned and Soul Love Core will bring new INsights of whom you ARE to BE. Create Love withIN, create flow from that, into your dimensional space, BE it now mostly or primarily 3D still. This space needs Love Unbound and Divine.
We are working, together with this Channeler, on projects with No bounds, No limits and virtually Unending. Trust we are IN-bound. Trust we ARE coming. Trust we ARE NEAR, KNOW Love is Universal!
The Grand Orchestra Plays the Tunes of Life, the musicians ARE US, YOU And the instrument of Love. Let us MAKE Love, Let’s Play it Loud, Let’s harmonize our tones IN resonance of Divine Source Love. The quicker we Play together, the faster we grow together, the more harmonious we play, the more the veils drop, the more will BE seen IN the Stage (Space) called Life.
I Am your Director of Sound and Light,
St. Germain.
(Channeler: B.Nijboer)
Jan. 8, 2014
Supplemental message concerning ISON and the Vessel Sphere
Dear Ones,
Many know that the Ascended Masters work together according to the Plan, work in Unison towards One goal and vibrate at that flow. The cloaked Vessel under the Procyon guidance is spraying its spread accordingly in January. Each meteor call is of this spread, be it smaller, if bigger, know it is controlled and steered. The Work of the Ascended Ones is coordinated with the Galactians, the Light Ones of and IN your skies. You will SEE them work with this and not against you! Again, there will BE rumors of this not BEing so. The grand design will BE occurring through places of upheavals and lessened energy.With changes being made IN its Path!
The Vesseling Sphere entering now is to remain in a cloaked energy field until All is IN a go. We adhere to you ALL to adjust your energy fields into Love, for transmutations are here to INspire you. We collect, regenerate and mulch love into Flowing Streams.
The Rainbow it will bring will BE SEEN, as Pillars of Light will Rain down in Bows. Prepare to BE surprised. The Sphere called Xantarex or X-antarex, is accompanied by two Procyon Battle Ships, guarding, steering and guiding. Also the Ashtar Command has provided cloaked guiding ships for this endeavor. The Procyon ships are called Gobritsjaia and Natsjoerits.
BN: The names, they sound Russian?
St. G: Procyon look Caucasian my friend, or also, Nordic looking, as you know. Two captains of these ships are Moratch and captain Kadush. Their mission is: Bringing Home!
The clash of energy of transformation will BE for you to crystallize your BEings, in energy ashined with Love Golden...remain aware.
We give this information with Love and Care for All.
As Nietzsche once said: ... "The world is a dark offspring of colors! "
Now it is time to Enlighten in Golden shine.
I AM St. Germain.
BN: TY St. Germain for this new message and information. I do not know Nietzsche, but will try to look for that one, or of the similar wordings, if I can find it...
(channeler: B.Nijboer)
Dear joshua, although I am not interesting on the religious viewpoin such as rapture (maybe boarding of Mother Ship, LOL), this man claims strongly his theory. He claims rapture then 3 years tribulation starting. The 7 years tribulation was actually started on Oct. 9, 2009. He views Obama as....I don't know the truth, but once in a time readable theory.
After watching the vids below again, I now see where he went wrong or misinterpreted the info. He clearly states that the whole purpose of Ison is for 1st Contact and Disclosure. In the film vid on Ison the Sirians say the the sole purpose is for the great Event, Ascension time and that Disclosure and Contact wont be happening for a long time til we clean up the mess down here and raise our Ascension Vibes to there level, which will be some yrs into the future after the 3 yrs of conflict is over and that starts after the Event of which there is no set time. What do you think? Oh es, I am keeping notes for my Review on the Ison vid, which is coming here soon,indeed. Adonai
Dear rev.joshua, the "date" is the most riddle issue we are encountered when dealing with so many channeling messages so far! LOL. Please refer to the following message. Seban.
"The miracles, which were announced to you for the visible level, are based on the fact, that they must first be realized in the subtle realms. This happens through all subtle levels before it can arrive in your world, on the surface of the earth. This can lead to great time differences in the perception of individual human Beings and therefore expectations and the wait for the ascension becomes a true nerve racket."
Read more:
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OK Seban, so you posted these org. back in Sept. Same time I was posting mine. I was comparing them with the more resent events such as the vid. on Ison. One thing they do have in common is the part of Ison now parked near Earth cloaked and waiting for the right time to begin the Event, i.e. sending down of the energy from the central sun and the 20 other stars connected to it. What I am trying to find is the date when this will happen. I have seen the vid 2-1/2 times and read the entire report but they don't say when this will be. They do talk about the 3 yrs after of hard times amongst the people. I also think there is going to be great Earth Changes ,in fact we are in the midst of it now. Like all the snow and rain. Its been raining here for over 8 mo.s now with no end in sight. Adonai
게시 시간: 2013. 09. 29.
This Andromeda Council - Preliminary - Visitation Report is based on recent information provided by my Andromeda Council contacts within the last couple of days regarding
the incoming biosphere Xanterexx, a trailing asteroid behind it... as a result, the possibility of "potential" severe earth changes;
and what to expect when the visitation of the "good will & liaison team"... and immediately following them the people of the four (4), highly diverse, aligned Andromeda Council member planets... begin their visitation with the people of Earth, and how long it will last.
** IMPORTANT NOTE: The "Andromeda Council" biosphere Xanterexx - IS NOT - "dragging behind it"... pulling or towing... an asteroid.
Xanerexx is purposefully monitoring this asteroid. And it will do as much it can to 'bump'/move/nudge/shift it... so as to diminish & mitigate as much as possible the cause & effects of any close, possible 'fly-by'... of this asteroid... with planet Earth. These actions - are consistent - with the actions of the people of the Andromeda Council to mitigate & reduce the possible cause & effects... of ANY celestial events... on planet Earth.
게시 시간: 2013. 10. 23.
This Andromeda Council report is based on a critical review of recent information confirmed by my Andromeda Council contacts regarding - "L" shaped ships allegedly docked on the back side of Earth's Moon as reported in an October 20, 2013 - "secureteam10" YouTube video by an alleged outside NASA consultant.
** added notes: for the record, the people from the Alpheratz star system - they are from the planet: Ja'korta {JAH-korrta}
One of the other reasons they are here is that they are planning to... they are prepared & are looking forward to... the dimensional up-shift that will happen throughout this whole solar system.
As far more emotionally & spiritually advanced humans - they already have extensive knowledge as to HOW this higher dimensional transformation will take place for planet Earth; they know what to expect, changes large & small. Which is why, as 3D organic humans, they will be able to provide whatever assistance is necessary.
Andromeda Council
Compare this message and the previous Tolec vid.