ST. MICHAEL'S TOOLS FOR DEFENDING THE REALM! plus the New Updated Ashtar Command Force-Field & Virus Shield Picture this…the great and mighty Archangel St. Michael descending from the heavens with his legion of defenders as they suddenly burst through a cloud and see a dark spiraling portal that has opened up on Earth. As Michael raises his hand, mighty golden swords of light appear in all of their hands as they race to close the portal and capture all of the dark beings and creatures emerging from it. Manifesting from several members of his team is a large golden net of light that is used to quickly capture and gather up the beings and send them back to heaven. A golden Christ seal is then sent through the mind and heart of Michael over the dark portal and it is sealed forever! Similarly, a large nuclear missile speeds out of control on a planet at war seven galaxies away. The misdirected missile then shoots out into space threatening a nearby planet. An Ashtar Command spaceship flies in quickly and shoots a blue beam of light at the speeding missile instantly surrounding it and immobilizing it with a blue bubble of light. Inside the bubble the nuclear missile explodes then the bubble disappears! There is an art to using energy and a million things you can use it on. This special and unique Lightwave training will focus on St. Michael & the Ashtar Command’s benevolent offensive arsenal of energy weaponry and containment force-fields. These can be used in certain situations to combat dark interdimensional beings, negative extra-terrestrial invasion and humans doing harm to others…all without harm or loss of life…as these benevolent tools quickly deal with the problem and remove the beings or whatever is causing the danger/threat to a safe place where they/it can do no harm. Join us for this incredible session where you will learn how to design, create and use etheric tools with the instruction of Archangel Michael and the Ashtar Command. LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY ENERGY TRAINING TRANSFORM YOURSELF INTO A MASTER HEALER WITH THIS EASY-TO-LEARN TECHNIQUE! Welcome! Come join us for this new expanded Lightwave Training session and learn one of the newest and most powerful energy healing processes on the planet! The technique was designed by the Pleiadians and enhanced through the energy of the Ashtar Command & beautiful accelerator technology of Bryan de Flores. The Lightwave procedure is easy-to-learn and produces immediate positive effects for both the beginner and advanced individuals. Lightwave works to restore optimum health and youthen the physical body while increasing your psychic gifts, healing gifts & manifestation powers. The Lightwave technique can be used on yourself and others as well as pets, plants and other living things. This process is the perfect addition to any other transformational modality and will blend with any technique you are currently utilizing. The Lightwave method is energetic in nature and utilizes your hands as receivers and transmitters of the energy, in conjunction with your own intuition & instincts. Also, this new healing technology is very practical as it utilizes simple terminology and can be performed in any location or situation. There are a few different session options from which you can choose. These training sessions will teach you how to transmit a multitude of high-frequency energy infusions to clear and balance your 9-point chakratic system, activate your 12-strand DNA and electron bodies for multidimensional ascension. The sessions include the new Akashic Blueprinting Technique, Bi-Location/Long Distance Healing Techniques and the new ‘channeled’ Lightwave processes for personality cloning and body re-shaping. These techniques will allow you to etherically ‘clone’ personality traits and energetically re-structure, enhance and renew desired/problem areas of your body. LIGHTWAVE TRAINING DATES SATURDAY & SUNDAY. November 12 & 13 INCLUDES SPECIAL FOLLOW-ALONG WEB-PAGES WITH IMAGES AND VIDEOS! The Lightwave Training class consists of 3 LIVE! international tele-sessions that you must attend to get the initial energy activation + several web-pages. The tele-sessions can be easily accessed through your phone, cell phone or Skype! LIGHTWAVE TRAINING - LEVEL 1 - SATURDAY - NOV 12 Saturday, Session 1: Lightwave Basic Energy Training - 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM - Las Vegas (Pacific Time) Includes: Basic Lightwave Training Instruction, Full Color Lightwave Manual, Follow-Along Web Pages & Videos and Lightwave Practitioners Certificate. This Live! international tele-session with Bryan will teach you the Lightwave energy technique & process. This session also gives you a full explanation and experience of the Lightwave process and the beautiful full-color Lightwave manual, which contains all the processes & accelerators and a full list of the frequencies that you will be accessing and transmitting. In addition, this class includes the easy, follow-along web page/tutorial videos and your Lightwave certification. Saturday, Session 2: St Michael's Tools for Defending the Realm & Advanced Integrated LW Class + Re-Attunement Activation - 11.30 AM to 1:30 PM - Las Vegas (Pacific Time) Saturday All Access: Lightwave Master Class - Etheric Temple Building - Galactic DNA Infusions These 3 training sessions will be available to you 24-Hours a day at-your-convenience from 6:00 PM Saturday, November 12 to 6:00 PM Friday, November 18. You may take these training sessions whenever you like (and as many times as you like) during those 6 days. The unlimited access sessions (which includes a beautiful follow-along web page) will allow you to assimilate the information at your own pace and time. The Lightwave Master Class will reveal the latest techniques and methods for transforming the energy matrix within our home, templating your dream state, strengthening your love relationships & friendships, magnifying your financial wealth, 'magifying' your neighborhood & surrounding area, supercharging your food and beverages & enhancing your pet’s health and happiness etc. Etheric Temple Building is a process that will allow you to create invisible power structures with Lightwave energy. The structures which can vary in shape and size help to anchor the higher cities of light from the etheric realms and to create healing, peace and energy movement in locations that need assistance. Galactic DNA Infusions will recode your genetic strands to create the new Galactic Superhuman Blueprint! This series of Lightwave frequency codes will speed up the DNA reassembling process, increasing your Avatar abilities, advancing your consciousness more rapidly and allowing your body to youthen and heal much more quickly. These infusions will also enhance your long term memory and increase your mental capacity to hold complex levels of information and data coming in from the galactic realms. LIGHTWAVE TRAINING - LEVEL 2 - SUNDAY - NOV 13 Sunday, Session 1: "Live" Session with Bryan + Special Lightwave Classes All Access Discussion! - 10:00 am - 11:30 AM - Las Vegas (Pacific Time) In this session, Bryan will talk about all the amazing and unique advanced Lightwave processes listed below, answer all of your training questions and give some of his unique Lightwave accelerator combinations that will give you a boost of energy and a BIG upgrade! Sunday All Access: Gold Star Lightwave - Color Spectrum Therapy - Lightwave Teleportation These advanced training sessions will be available to you 24-Hours a day at-your-convenience from 11:00 AM Sunday, May 29 to 6:00 PM Friday, June 3. You may take these training sessions whenever you like (and as many times as you like) during those 6 days. The unlimited access sessions (which includes a beautiful follow-along web page) will allow you to assimilate the information at your own pace and time. Gold Star Lightwave is a faster form of Lightwave that that accelerates the Lightwave that you are running through your hands. The Gold Star contains superluminal light and energy that will supercharge your ability to transmit energy and light wherever it is needed. Color Spectrum Therapy The new Lightwave 'Color Spectrum' Therapy process combines very specific hues of color within our expanded spectrum of light to create positive and powerful changes to the human body, mind and energy field. This technique has been developed by the Pleiadians, who have recently identified very specific hues of color for healing the various human organs and body systems. Lightwave Teleportation will enable you to create an etheric transportation pod with Lightwave energy. The purpose of this technique is to expand your multidimensional perception, enhance your energy skills and psychic abilities. Additionally, it creates great meditation focus and is an exercise that upgrades your consciousness exponentially. In short, this will allow you to travel freely wherever you want in the universe without leaving home! Enjoy! For more information please visit.... |