Staph seen in nearly half of U.S. meat
April 15th, 2011
10:00 AM ET / CNN

Almost half of the meat and poultry sold at U.S. supermarkets and grocery stores contains a type of bacteria that is potentially harmful to humans, a new study estimates.

Researchers tested 136 packages of chicken, turkey, pork, and ground beef purchased at 26 grocery stores in five cities around the country, and found that 47 percent contained Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), a common cause of infection in people.
What's more, roughly half of the contaminated samples contained strains of the bacteria that were resistant to at least three antibiotics, such as penicillin and tetracycline. Some strains were resistant to a half dozen or more.


see link:


Sorry man....  this "ain't" no accident......MOFO'S!!......



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  • This is why I don't eat meat.. no offense....
  • Woah! hold the phone....when did 136 packages out of millions become a representative sample?  I quote.. "Researchers tested 136 packages of chicken, turkey, pork, and ground beef purchased at 26 grocery stores in five cities around the country, and found that 47 percent contained Staphylococcus aureus."  I don't profess to be a master statistician, but I do know that statistics don't mean anything unless they are based on a data set that is representative of the whole.  This meat statistic is analogous to saying that the world is evil because 47 out of the last 100 people I have met were noticeably conniving, self-serving, and showed no apparent concern for the well-being of others.  Shame on you for blindly accepting these delusional numbers as FACT!!!!
  • this certainly isn't  an accident, thank you for sharing karma. meatless diet is the way to go
  • Its true - if ya wanna Ascend - quit eating meat - think about it.. clean the system.. detox.. purify.. get clear - and Ascend. Your body dosent need meat. There are so many light foods to fill your belly - cleanse your entire being... meditation.. get clear.
  • It has long been predicted that most of the inhabitants of this Planet will die from eating meat.

    Meat is badly contaminated and is the first thing to give up if you want to prepare for Ascension

    Do not be a fool....EVOLVE



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