Beginning on March 13, 2016, Mother Earth will begin enhancing your Creative abilities with Energy Surges from her evolving Fifth Dimension Harmony Field – Energy Surges producing “Star Burst-like” activity through her evolving Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field’s alignment with the Zodiac’s Constellation Stars. These internal “Star Bursts” have been a rarity on Earth over the ages, but will become quite common in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension!
The first of these “Star Bursts” will occur on March 13, 2016, followed by one on April 9, and once again on April 11, 2016. The intent of these “Star Bursts,” dear Ones, is to initiate your Soul’s abilities for what it was designed to do – to Create anything it would ever need and want, whenever, and wherever it may be physically located on Earth! These “Star Bursts” will initially occur only one day at a time, and it will not be until April 30, 2016, when Mother Earth will be fully aligned into the Universal Grid of the Fifth Dimension, that she will be producing an internal “Star Burst” for 40 consecutive days from April 30 to June 8, 2016!
Though you will not initially see any miraculous changes manifesting within your immediate physical environment during these particular days, the internal call of your Soul’s idle and latent gifts and talents designed for the Fifth Dimension will be beckoning to emerge from within you! You may still experience some bouts of self-doubt, insecurity, and uncertainty, even after June 8, 2016, but that is to be expected – for you are transforming into the essence of your body of Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe and have chosen to Reveal and Manifest yourself for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! Your Heart’s Expression through your Heart’s Chakra will lead to the solution of every concern, issue, or question that may arise within you, for you are also in a process of developing your Heart’s Expression for the New Horizon!
Mother Earth and all Souls upon her will still experience another adjustment period once Mother Earth has completely merged within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. This adjustment period will occur from May 22, 2016 to March 27, 2017. It is not expected that every Soul within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will automatically perform every necessary adjustment to fully manifest as a body of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe all at once, and especially in the manifestation of the Soul’s Heart’s Expression – for learning to adjust from the parameters of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field to her Fifth Dimension Harmony Field will be the first matter of concern! This too will take Time for all Souls, especially in the evolving Man of Light Soul!
The Heart’s Expression for the New Horizon may take some time for every Soul in adjusting to the new parameters of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, for Change does not occur when new ideas and concepts arise, Change occurs with the implementation of those new ideas and concepts. Every Soul’s transition to manifest his or her Heart’s Expression for the New Horizon will greatly benefit by Mother Earth’s Energy from March 15 through April 13, 2016 – Mother Earth will Activate her Fifth Dimension and inaugurate the momentum for every Soul choosing to begin in a New Reality, and a New Horizon of experience for his or her Soul’s truest responsibility – to Create anything it would ever need and want, whenever, and wherever it may be physically located on Earth!