Star Flower on a Sirian Mothership-Part One

Star Flower on a Sirian Mothership-Part One

(I will write up Part Two a.s.a.p.)

When I awoke on January 20, 2012 I’d been asleep for over ten hours. I felt rested and wide awake. I made my usual cup of tea and sat in my favorite chair to drink it and plan my day. Before finishing my tea, I felt a wave of drowsiness so strong that I gave into it and fell asleep. I slept for six more hours  during which I had a very vivid and lucid dream.

It began as an oft-recalled recurring dream wherein I’m walking down an extremely wide centre of a shopping mall, except there are no shops. Where shops would be, there are dwellings instead. The center of this mall is beautiful in that the plants and trees are all real, even the grass. It’s just like being in a park with small pathways hither and yon and masses of flowers. The paths appear to be made from compressed sand and sandstone rock, nothing is artificial. Every once in a while I pass a children’s area made of loose sand, or a roly-poly grassy hill, or water and fountains to splash in or sail boats on, or a more extensive area of rocks for older children to climb on. All the water is clean and sparkling, and there is man-made play equipment also, including swings hanging from the real trees and the expected slides, teeter-totters, climbing walls, monkey bars etc.

I am often caught between wanting to watch the children play and wanting to investigate the dwellings. The latter are like townhomes in that there is no space between them, but each is distinctively original. Always in this recurring dream I am curious to see inside these dwellings, and over the years I have done so, by peering past the open courtyards of some, or looking straight over a half wall which is the only thing separating some of the more open living rooms from the ‘park-way’. I’ve learned they each have different configurations, and assorted ways of decorating that give the ambience of many cultures  available to choose from. (I still believed I was in a mall wherein something was sold; this time it was house plans in 3D to help the customer select which home to purchase. I would usually waken to conclude that I had seen a future wherein people actually did choose their homes this way.)

Really cool. Absolutely loved this recurring dream!

But on the DAY of Jan 20, 2012, between 9 am and 3 pm, my recurring dream is on a whole new level. It begins as usual with me walking down the park-way centre of a ‘mall’. I become lucid immediately and choose to pay close attention to every detail. I look as far as I can in both directions, but cannot see either end to this mall. I look up and realize a dome has been constructed to look like the sky, sort of like in a Las Vegas mall I’ve visited, only this sky looks truly real, daylight blue with slightly puffy white clouds drifting by and a shaft of sunlight streaming down—the kind of shaft that reveals dust particles, but no dust can I see.  

The next thing I do is look down to see my own feet because I was taught to do this more than twenty years ago by a ‘dream teacher’ in Utah. I’m wearing my favorite, most comfortable black shoes which I walk in most days in waking life. I’m also wearing comfy, slightly-faded blue jeans and a pink cotton button-up blouse that I purchased recently (in waking life). And I feel very happy. Then I notice how others are dressed. About a quarter to a third are wearing ‘western dress’ like me, but the others wear assorted dress. Extremely assorted, lol. I had never been aware of this before, and it grabs my attention more than the dwellings do. Two African women are walking towards me wearing colorful kaftans and headdresses. I’m instantly attracted to the colors and patterns in the fabrics. One is wearing mostly purple and the other is wearing mostly blue. They smile big smiles as they pass by. Then I notice four men standing in a group, throwing their heads back in uproarious laughter. They are wearing traditional Arabic clothing but with colorful edgings, including green paisley! They do not notice me. I look ahead and see a young couple sitting on a bench dressed in their most colorful Peruvian or Bolivian traditional  ‘Sunday best’. We smile at one another; I feel no sense of shyness. I also see people wearing clothing that is not like anything I’ve seen before, not even in pictures, and I decide I’m in heaven because I’ve always imagined heaven to be a very colourful place, nothing like the dreariness of a big city on Earth where virtually every man is wearing black, grey or dark blue, and even the women are reluctant to express themselves with much colour, their attire thereby intensifying the look and feel of dreariness. Instead, I feel tremendously happy. Thrilled. Close to euphoric. Everyone is so pleasant, greeting one another etc. Of course, there are also some dressed in subdued tones of black , grey, navy, dark green and maroon. I think of them as newcomers from Earth’s westernized cities, lol.

Then a thought occurs that maybe I’m not in ‘Heaven’ but rather I am on a Plieadean mothership. I’ve been reading about Pleaideans recently and in my lucid state I ask myself if this dream is the result of what I’ve been focused on while awake. I’m not sure but either way I’m excited to investigate the dwellings further, and I’m really paying attention.

Here and there among the assorted peoples, I notice younger people (older teenagers?) wearing something akin to Star Trek costumes. It passes through my mind that this fad among teenagers has spread widely across the universe, but the next thought tells me these are not costumes; I am indeed on a mothership and these young people are wearing their working uniforms. Every uniform is the same—dark grey tops with electric blue neck and cuffs, and these young people carry themselves very erect. Every one of them has a neat haircut, as if he or she had just stepped from the hair salon. They  wear an insignia on the left breast which I know I need to view closer.

Now one is walking towards me with the intent of making conversation. I can sense this. We shake hands and he introduces himself as Arak. He tells me telepathically that I am on a Sirian mothership. Sirian? Wow! Arak asks me if I would like “the tour”. You know the answer, lol, and suddenly we are on what he calls the lowest level “where the scout ships dock”. On my right I can see hundreds, maybe thousands of these ships parked along the longest dock imaginable. They are mostly spherical. On my left I can see larger ships, some are tubular, and Arak explains they are the large ships that can fly close enough to a planet’s surface to beam things up, including beings should that be necessary. There is no fear in me as I listen to Arak’s thoughts, only happiness and curiosity. I estimate this young man to be about 15 years old and he absolutely exudes love and intelligence and youthful vigour. He responds that he was born on the ship and has never seen his parent’s home planet in the Canis Major constellation, but hopes to do so “after this mission”.

He points towards what looks like an arched elevator door and it opens immediately. We step in and the door closes immediately.  AS SOON AS it closes (less than a second) it opens immediately and we are on another floor. I’m impressed that no time is wasted standing on an elevator and that even someone with claustrophobia could handle being in this one.  Arak explains this is the second level up, where there are mostly warehouses, housing all the needs for the beings on the ship, and the ship itself. These warehouses are wide open and I decide they are probably protected by some kind of magnetic shield but Arak responds there is no need for any sort of security onboard a mothership; that no-one ever comes aboard who would steal, or borrow without “signing out”. We walk past rows and rows of what I can only describe as technical equipment. And the next part is difficult to explain. I can see what is stored toward the front of the shelves obviosuly, but I can also see what is stored behind them, and behind those, and on and on to the back of the brightly lit warehouse. It’s as if I have x-ray vision. I am truly AWED by the size and contents of this warehouse and I intuit there are many more. When I place a thought on a box toward the very back of the warehouse, the box immediately shows up at the front for my examination. Really cool, but I cannot glance around too much or all the objects I’ve glanced over pop to the fore and overlap one another. :)

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  • Thanks, guys. I really feel that I was 'there'. Must hurry with second half before I lose details.

    Star Flower

  • WOW. I love that, what a wonderful experience you had!:)

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