from Crystalai
Please join Crystalai and aDolphino to celebrate our brand new website, to hear the Full Spectrum of Frequencies that create the Foundation of our new Fifth Dimensional Templates. This site contains an encyclopedia of information about the entire Ascension Plan that began millions of years ago. Find beautiful art and music leading into the Crystal Caves of Hollow Earth that lead to an entire library of free pdf's including the Complete Ascension Kit. We guarantee you will love it.
Those of us who are the star seeds of Aquafaria will begin awakening to the memory now. We are the ones who will lead all from Earth back home again. We maintained our original divine blue prints from 18 million years ago in the Aquarian Galaxy.
The Guardians of the Ascension Project opened fields of energy so they could connect us through this frequency shield that connects us into the full spectrum of Aquarius Full Spectrum of Frequencies that realigns us from the Cosmic into the Universal and Galactic Wave Spectrum.
The Ascension Earth will appear as part of Earth and part of the hosting shield. It will hold qualities of both places, but it is the original Earth - the original pattern that will allow Earth to re-evolve into its Natural Structure.
There are 15 Light Bands connecting all dimensions of the Earth together. There are spheres within spheres within spheres. These form the light bands that reactivate the Earth and us in our new alignment with the Base Pulse Rhythm and Angular Rotation of Particle Spin. This is what is called the music of the spheres. The base pulse rhythm of Earth is increasing daily, and it is the Frequencies of our Aquarius Family that keep us in rhythm with the frequency shifts. We bring the magical kingdom of Aquafaria into our atmosphere to transform Earth back into the kingdom of heaven each time we breathe the magical frequencies sent by our Dolphinoid Family from Sirius B.
To complete total activation into the Immortal Body, the Crystal Heart must be connected into Oneness with mother Earth's Crystal Heart which is in her Crystal Core domain.
The Crystal Caves in the etheric realms of Aquafaria, deep within the fourteenth dimension of the Hollow Mother Earth is where Cinderella- my Dolphinoid Mother takes me to soak up the frequencies of Mother Earth's Crystal Heart and to create harmonic convergence with this frequency of the Crystal Heart.
She breathes her Aquafarian Dolphonoid Frequencies through my breath on the Cosmic Wave Files. Her breaths are combined with many other Cosmic Angels and Entities including Zorak, Merlin, Uriel, and hundreds of others on the Co-Creation Team.
This is how the music connects the voice of the Dolphinoid family from the Inner Earth cities of Light--Aquafarian Realm into our Bodies and into the starburst frequencies, of the parallel 8th dimension, aligning us into the original sparks of source, the golden dust body of transformation that is ready to step through the diamond door into the Future Self of Immortality.
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