Starseeds from Sirius


Shelly Sutton said:
“Drekx, Thank you so much for your guidance. I truly believe in the GFL. There is so much deception going on it is hard for me to feel centered. I feel like I don’t have enough time to sort this all out let alone read all the Phoenix Journals or Uranita books! I know the information is within. I am new to meditating and am searching for my inner “knowing”. I appreciate having someone to communicate with. Most friends and family think that I’m nuts!
What’s with George Kavassalis? Btw,I know that I am a starseed from Sirius. In love and light, Shelly”




Drekx response:
Hi Shelly, You are most welcome and you’re a starseed, as you correctly intuit…

I’ve brought several out recently and they all have several common characteristics…you already knew of your status I understand.

And as I said to Kelly, being an “oddball” and assumed “nuts” goes with the starseed territory…

I have also got confused terrestrial family who think I’m strange…But we all must get used to it, and still complete our work, in spite of social conformity pressures, etc…

The Federation needs all starseeds on the level, at this time, because we will have to help the majority of earth souls through the transformations and they are confused as it is…

We are a team and must stick together............especially we Sirian starseeds…


If you need to learn more about your cosmic roots and connections, please visit my blog at link below, if you have not already done so….

As for George Kavassalis, you will have to take some of his material with a pinch of salt, as it is mixed with government disinfo…not all of it, but some…

In contrast, keep informed of Sheldan Nidle’s updates, as I can vouch that he is 100 percent Sirian contactee…

Again, discernment will aid you to pick the gems from the dross….


In Light, Drekx Omega

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  • Sirian starseeds are worldwide and we are detecting them and joining our efforts...Some are telepaths and there is one in Russia, who is a telepath and Sirian Shiratar.....Some may be surprised that she was introduced to me by the Count, as a 7th ray member of his other ashram.....

    I call her the "Soul of Mother Russia," as she shares her own energies with her nation's attributes...
    🇬🇧-🇷🇺 🤝......The Count is keen on superficially disparate and competing nations, building bridges, as I am...
  • Hi Ivy,

    Yes, maybe you could add that starseeds tend to be nature lovers....We all are, in one way or another....And I've heard comments from non-starseeds to the effect that (to paraphrase) "nature is boring, as there is nothing to buy or sell in a woodland..!" LOL

    So we starseeds tend to avoid greater society's obsession with commerce and prefer to be in nature, where it's all free and beautiful...  ;-)

    Both Kelly L and myself have been grounding a lot in natural settings, especially during the recent solar storms...

  • Thanks for your comprehensive list on starseed traits, Ivy....

    I would suggest though, that many starseeds lack full telepathy and still have to re-learn the methods in this lifetime....Others were taught from a young age by their celestial families....and many others are somewhere between these two stages, and become aware of the need to learn telepathic skills, later in life, having experienced brief spontaneous moments of connectivity, up to that point...

    Many GFL Ground Crew require to practically  master the techniques and then become better at their roles of co-ordinated service, alongside the GFL Flight Crews of their own unique star nations.

  • A confirmation that there is no pecking order to the 6 Sirian Clans....One is not number one, then number two, etc...

    The role definitions of the clan names are key, not the sequence they are presented in....

  • Oh yes, but within my command sector we have a close knit team of GFL Ground Crew starseeds who are of the Atar Clan from Sirius...

    We have a special resonance with fellow Atars around the world too....aka Kelly S in Canada, who posts here on ACC...


    Also, Shelly Sutton is a Sirian starseed, so has a special energy rapport, that dovetails with the Sirian flight crew's mission....


    But ALL starseeds are working together within the GFL too....But our unity is through inner strength....the strengths of our clans, podlets and star nation....


  • Drekx why do :

    "We are a team and must stick together/

    especially we Sirian starseeds…?"

    I thought ALL star seeds are supposed to be UNITED regardless their race/origin,

    -its spreading of light that matters surely? or am i missing a point?

    please do explain i love learning :)

  • Yes indeed we say, much glamour has replaced true esoteric study....which is a short cut for some, but means that they will always be prone to diluted spiritual disinfo, as they have not made the foundation steps of learning...

    Thus we have a cornucopia of "Hatonn" and "Sananda" chanellings...which are full of emotional sentiments, and sparse on esoteric truths...


    Back in the 1920s, western "New age" material was exclusive to small sections of society...usually the educated and wealthy...It was not a big business then, as it is the writings were less motivated by personal profit and charlatan chicanery....

    Later we had the Phoenix Journals, et al...and the slide to a dumbed-down esotericism...

    What you suggest is accurate, though unpopular with many here....

  • Soulz83, you are always welcome on my blogs....
  • Loving this thread! Just thought I would let you know that!
  • This blog is really attracting very clever people, who think deeply and intuit accurately....Ivy I like your approach to all this and enjoy your company here...Keep up the good work...To get the mind and heart balanced is so important and often overlooked.....You are making steady strides on your path, I know it...

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