Well, Cobra did say there were some plans underway and that the ETs were part of the stunning light show over California on Nov. 7 and to expect more.
There has been more, and it’s roughly weekly now from what I’ve seen, although I haven’t posted them all.
Is it possible this is a joint effort between the positive military and the benevolent ETs toward disclosure? When these events are witnessed in multiple states, it’s hard to believe it’s an accident.
The cabal has been so careful to prevent us knowing about the ETs and the secret space program, yet now it’s pretty much in our face.
Do the “good guys” have a plan for disclosure that has the cabal chasing their tails trying to cover up these increasing celestial conundrums? What a hoot that would be.
This one: “The Official story is a Japanese rocket carrying a communications satellite.” Uh-huh. Whatever. Nobody believes this crap any more.
Check out this phenomenon and more from Mission Galactic Freedomand a rather amusing video from ThorNews. ~ BP