Starting Our Day

The following is from one of Mr. LePar's lectures presented many years ago. We are currently compiling a book of these and I thought that this segment would be of interest.

This is the part where I think you can help me, you can help the world, and you can help yourself.

I want to tell you a very simple way of starting the activity of the God Consciousness in you. The first thing you do when you get up in the morning before you put your little toes out on that cold floor is just lie there a split second longer and start your day with a little prayer. I’d like to share a little prayer with you that you are welcome to use. It goes this way: "Infinite Father, source of all love and light. Accept my endeavors and accomplishments this day as a sincere effort and desire to accept my own true godly state which you have ordained for me. Let my efforts and my accomplishments be songs of praise and glory and look upon me as your loving child." Now that’s a two sentence prayer. You don’t have to verbalize. You just have to think of a prayer and you don’t even need anything that fancy. All you have to say is: "Accept me as I am and guide me through this day".

What does this particular prayer say? First of all, you recognize that there is an Essence above you. You acknowledge the fact that you are part of that Essence. You acknowledge the fact that you have an ordained place in that Essence. You acknowledge the fact that you may not be perfect and you may not be able to do the godly things that you are capable of doing but because you realize the great love of this Creator you are placing your faith that He will accept what you can do with what you have to work with. You do not keep your accomplishments just for yourself, but you look upon these accomplishments as songs and praises to your Divine Source. What are you doing? Are you saying there’s an old man up there and by His good graces, by doing good, that’s going to be the song and praise? No, what you are saying is all the good you do you are sending out to others through this Divine Source, so you are uniting yourself with yourself. You are uniting yourself with your spiritual brothers and sisters and you are uniting yourself with the Divine Creator. It’s the first thing you want to do in the morning.

As soon as you finish your morning prayer, and it only takes a minute or less, try to set in your mind to accomplish one little good thing that day. That’s all. Just one simple little good thing, a smile or a hello to someone is an example but I am sure that you can discover many other little things to accomplish.

For more on William LePar see

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