That's okay, Bones, we have our magician. President Trump has the magic wand and he knows how to use it.
President Trump has spoken about "Operation: Warp Speed" with respect to expediting an effective COVID vaccine and there is talk about what his terminology really means. It could be about ending the quarantines and unconstitutional lock-downs at lightning speed, but we know POTUS gives us clues to ongoing activities unfolding in the background in his addresses and "warp speed" is a direct reference to the Star Trek series.
QAnon recently provided a video to the launch of the rocket, and Elon Musk seems to have joined the White Hats,? it's probably safe to say we might be looking at a "space force"-related operation ?. It could be about arresting some sort of threat from the cabal in low earth orbit or something related to communications, or even new technology but whatever it is, we know the military are on it. They've got this.
We see a lot of intriguing footage from our skies and our solar system and it's getting more interesting as time goes on. In this video we see stunning activity via the LASCO cam near the sun and it doesn't seem like the title "Star Wars" is an exaggeration. If you don't like techno-pop music you could turn off the sound, but Adam1414 intersperses the NASA images with some star wars-style clips that have sound, FYI.
{It should be noted here that ''the B2T show'' on u-tube, has told us that the chem-trails now have removed the poisons and inserted HCQ instead to heal us. Also even the MSM has proclaaimed that the subway trains in NY are now being installed with ultraviolet light to heal virus's as the people travel.Even Trump admits he has been taking HCQ. Adonai rev.Joshua}
STARWARS Around The SUN - LASCO C2 - May 1-17 2020
I believe this vid is showing the actual war that is going on inside of our solor system between the Draco's who are trying to escape as was mentioned in the blog that I posted from Cobra, 2012 Portal yesterday. Now we only have to worry about the ones who are cloaked in the ships around earth.That will be the final battle of the evil Draco's, then we will be free and will only have to worry about the hybrids left here on earth and what to do with them. We are Won, Love is One. Adonai