Use the Following Statements of Intention To Bless Your Life!
~The following used regularly will help realign your Essence to the divine flow.
This will help boost your good cells, keep you rejuvenated, younger, fresher, increase happiness, good feeling and wellbeing (thanks to the divine energy) ~
“I KNOW beautiful things are always on the way to me! This is because the Divine has gifted me with this life to experience all and celebrate the Divine love!.”
“ I believe I have more than enough to get by and the most loving energy in the entire universe supports my existence. The Angels surround me, I am so grateful for this support.”
“I love myself because when I focus on myself, the angels focus back at me with their love… and the divine loves me eternally!”
“Everything I done in my life, I have done for a reason…. So that I have the opportunity to call upon the divine help to experience the goodness, abundance and happiness. My goals and successes are fulfilled.”
“My life is a gift and effects everything around me…in a beautiful way…. ! this wonderful planet loves and supports my wellbeing and existence. This planet is beautiful and never ages and keeps transforming … just like I do. "
You can use these mantra's/intentions whenever you need to!
With love!
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<3 your welcome:)<3
Thank you for this lovely message!
Thank you for sharing
thank you Stick:)
Love, Light & Respect dear Sitara
~wonderful, compassion is VERY high vibrational
For anyone who finds their spiritual path isn't progressing as quickly as they'd like, take a moment to ask yourself if you've given pure intent.
It is the first, and most important step in the ascension process.
It is you sending a message to whatever it is you deem to be God that you are serious.
and the universe responds by putting the synchronicities in place that will facilitate your evolution.
there is power in giving intent far beyond the words that are spoken.
Pure intent is compassionate.
And the universe responds to compassion.