As we stay the course, and continue to anchor higher vibrations of consciousness by loving our own hearts in response to anything adversely experienced in the world, we assist in moving limiting beliefs, self-defeating patterns, and unconscious behavior, out of the magnified collective expression.
When you are triggered or pulled into the planetary density, simply send "I love you's" to your own heart until your body relaxes back into the recognition of safety. It is important to remember that every blessing of love sent to your heart is simultaneously delivered into every heart in existence, so there is no need to believe that focusing on your heart excludes anything, or deprives anyone of your attention.
Instead of looking to the outside world for proof of awakening conscious, take the time to notice how much you've grown over the past few years. No matter the depth of change occurring within you, it is essential to take the time to celebrate how far you've come, as you prepare to enter the next exciting phase of your soul's journey.
During this process of shift into crystalline DNA, it is normal to experience fatigue, sadness, even depression-like symptoms, as well as lowered immune systems and a feeling of being overwhelmed by toxicity. This has led many light workers and starseeds into rigorous rounds of internal cleansing, both by nourishing their bodies with alkaline foods, and emptying out the toxic build-up gathered from the past. While this is an important step to take, it is equally important to understand the physical symptoms as having a more spiritual origin.
In 5D consciousness, we don't blame ourselves for physical symptoms or look to the past to discover resolve. Instead, we open our minds to the highest possibilities in existence and discover these symptoms as a sign of your transition into full crystalline DNA activation. During this process, your physical form dissolves into the brightness of your fully anchored 5th dimensional light body.
The most harmonious and efficient way of assisting yourself, is by offering love to your heart every time a physical symptom is felt. It is also important to learn how to go about your daily activities at a much slower, harmonious, and mindful rate of speed.
This means the emotional heaviness and physical fatigue you may have been feeling is the releasing of attachments to ego-consciousness. This is a crucial stage of transformation where you are forgetting what it means to be a solid person, while simultaneously getting to know how different life can be as a fully activated light body or a conscious expression of Spirit in action.
As this process is completed, the importance of self-care and loving yourself in response to life is essential. May each day contain many instances of self-love just as you would take the time to nourish your body with every meal.
An easy way to use the best reasons to determine your course of action and elevate your vibration during this light body activation phase is by asking yourself a simply rhyming question: "If I had nothing to fear and nothing to lose, how would I act and what would I choose?"
Remember, making fear-based choices anchors a belief that you are not supported by the Universe. It also assists you in overlooking the fact that you are the most powerful force in existence manifesting your highest potential and absolute power - one courageous choice at a time. Making courageous, joyful, and heart-centered decisions swiftly guides you into the unknown and helps you transition into the 5th dimensional Earth plane as a fully activated light body.
Matt Kahn